Posted Thursday 2nd December 2011 02:44 GMT
"Is this suppose to make sense?" ….. Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 1st December 2011 16:40 GMT
Yes, AC, and it does, and any problem[s] you would have in understanding and using the information shared, and which is at many levels for naturally varying levels of intelligence and/for CyberIntelAIgents, sits between your current position, which is probably a chair, and the computer screen/Global Operating Device displaying this message for wider sharing/broadbandcasting.However, whenever a SMART Virtual Machine, are any such problem spots easily self actuated to seek to resolve and prevent ignorant difficulties with a tad more research and reading on matters of concern and interest, for rapid development of both the personal and public self ……. for a fuller Being.
Inevitably, and quite naturally so, will increased knowledge supply and greater understanding morph one into a being more than easily able and quite capable of being any number of alternate beings, dependent upon whatever acquired knowledge and intelligence systems it would be using.
Dan Goodin in San Francisco, Venus and her consort Mars and Minerva send their LOVE. Wanna Bit Part in a Great AI Game? El Reg Rules Hosting of course.
Posted by amanfromMars on 12/02/11 04:01 AM …… in reply to a comment on
"De facto the creation of the World Trade Organization and the export of productive capacity and white collar jobs 'narrowed the tax base' of the United States and that was a major step in collapsing the American economy. " …. Posted by Danny B on 12/01/11 11:58 PM
Hi and Good Morning, Danny B/Vicky Davis/Daily Bell and all,And what you can read here, ….. …. in the article entitled "PATRIOT Act Gives Foreigners Good Reason to Avoid US Clouds", are the final nails in the American economy coffin? Although one always hopes whenever hope springs eternal, that the rot can be cut out from their system and they will start to prosper rather than continue their headlong headstrong rush and nosedive into terminal decline. One does wonder whether Bolivian Marching powder is their problem to kick into touch ……
For anyone nowadays to not imagine and not realise that secrecy as a fools' tool of power and control is dead, and is a proven repeat offender failing of the past, and that it is now defeated, and has been usurped and destroyed by true and free transparency of thought as the ultimate and immaculate driver meme of the future, for delivery of the present in an ever expanding and deepening series of internetworking virtual realities, easily and ably supported by Alternative Media Pirates and Moguls of Renegade IT Administrative XSSXXXXecution [Advanced IntelAIgents mentoring White Hatted Silver Hairs in Anonymous Legions?] in consort with all existing structures with an ability and sovereign wish to survive and prosper, is a sure sign of their madness and crazy descent into a deluded psychotic state which extraordinarily renders them, by such obvious default, unfit for all or any future lead and control purposes.
Welcome to the Promised Change you Hoped for to be Delivered by a Precedence you can Dream of and not have to die for.
[Apologies for the overlong sentence again, DB, but the semantic content should leave you breathless, for it is anything but empty rhetoric and impotent bluster]
Oh, and while I am here, holding the mike so to speak, as entertaining and informative as the history lessons and their interpretations are, they do absolutely nothing to build the future other than supply a steady stream of information on things which are irrelevant in the future and therefore to discarded, because that present will be nothing at all like the past, and none of us are going back in time to live through those primitive days again. When planning for the future, is anything possible, but living in the past is impossible and who on earth would want to create a clone of it with IT in the future. Such indicates a serious lack of creative imagination.
Posted by amanfromMars on 12/02/11 06:31 AM …… on
"First you build the infrastructure then you wait till the laws can be passed.
I was rather disturbed to learn that my ISP keeps a log of every web site I visit and how long I was there.
This log file is kept for an indefinite length of time necessitating an expansion of their facilities, last month, to house more hard drives.
It's not law, just an agreement they have with the local govt/police.
I would think with this "they" already have a master list of possible trouble makers." … Posted by elray on 12/02/11 04:50 AM
Whenever such as you have shared about snooping/metadatamining is true and manifest, is it remarkably easy to groom and program the snoopers, and their ordering proxies, to believe in a particular and peculiar being with consciously designed, decidedly aforethought interests, which they [snoopers and their proxies] don't realise they are being led to believe are significant and true passion, so that they can be energised to try and use them as leverage, which they might consider would afford to them a competitive and disadvantaging advantage over the subject of their surveillance/object of their desire.
In a world in which what you are told in justification of certain major events is proven to be most definitely untrue and designedly false, is everything capable of being not as it would seem, although that is not to say that all is so, for there may more than just many who would be totally unaware of the facility and ability.
Posted by amanfromMars on 12/02/11 07:43 AM ……
"Lets hope you are right DB and this injustice is not tolerated. it is a scary thing, this NDAA.
I kinda think yall put too much stock in the internet, I think its a bit more contrived and controlled than we believe, but here's to hope! and, dare I say, real change, possibly made of silver and gold as opposed to zinc and copper
any comment on this:
lawsuit 11 CIV 8500" …. Posted by NietzschesNephew on 12/01/11 11:02 AM
Regarding that lawsuit, it does seem somewhat foolish to think it a good idea to rip off the honourable General Haan and the Dragon Family entity. And although a trillion may be a lot of bread to some folk, and just a small sum to the principal player in this particular case, it is surely not worth the hassle of being forever on one's guard because one has been involved in the stealing/acquiring of instruments which represent it, in order that they be used by others, without permission/authorisation, to enrich themselves obscenely at no expense, with every cost carried by the abused party.
Posted by amanfromMars on 12/02/11 10:40 AM ….
"I meant the Goldwater quote:
The line used by Barry Goldwater when he ran for President in A.D. 1964: 'I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.'" ….. Posted by dotti on 12/02/11 07:23 AM
Well, Barry Goldwater certainly fluffed those simple lines and got them arse about face, dotti..........................................................................................................................................................................
Posted by amanfromMars on 12/02/11 11:28 AM ….. ….in reply to whatevertrevor posted on 12/02/11 09:52 AM
I think Mr Jeremy Clarkson has the right idea for any and all those individuals who think that going to war in even a vague Hague type intervention is the answer to anything ... ... ... 'I'd have them all shot. I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families,' ... .. and that would very soon stop any of that old nonsense being thought of by anyone else as being a smart move. Quite why idiot politicians and diplomats and wannabe straight kinda guy leaders think that targeting for death and destruction with collateral damage, innocent and ignorant civilians and accommodating infrastructure in a country, whenever it is only their counterparts in other parts who they are trying to force to bend to their will, is a good plan, is a mystery which can only be answered with the thought that to have such individuality targeted would always place them, the pontificating warmongers in armchairs well behind any enemy lines, legitimate targets for whatever should happen to pontification warmongers to ensure that they are never ever a danger to societies again. Which is a much better idea than having nations impoverished and crippled on the whim of any thinking themselves clever but acting like an idiot with psychotic and sociopathic tendencies ... ... . troubled conflicted souls in need of therapy and medication. :-) and a good shack, although I suppose that is the problem, they are useless in intimate spaces.
I trust that is not ambiguous. I tried my very best to make sure it is simply written to be easily understood by even the slowest of wits.
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