Thursday, 22 December 2011


Wake up ...... smell the coffee, which just might be Java and Cocoa


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls …. on

What do you think aliens would do if they morph into virtually human phorm, communicate openly with spooky think tanks to assess native intelligence and do not receive any human response? Would they then realise the power they have control of is practical invisibility of higher purpose, and proceed onward and eastwards if the west is petrified to act and/or reluctant to engage in future deologue?

There is always the possibility too that contact is being intentionally ignored because of the fear and paranoia and control uncertainty of future outcome that recognition of reception of carefully crafted, plain text coded neuro-linguistically programmed transmissions would raise in low grade intellect, prone to primitive retreat and entrenchment/lockdown and quarantine from the more able and intelligent, in the vain hope that is the sad refuge of the intellectually challenged and ethically compromised and confused, that the phenomenon might go away and leave the Earth to its present rulers/carpetbaggers.

What do you think smart beings would think of that notion whenever the planet discovered offers such bounty as would provide them with absolutely everything they might need and desire?

One cannot stop the future. Nor can one stop a planet's practical colonisation as a somewhat sometime alien outpost for Great Alternate Virtual Reality Game Plays with AI and IT and Media Manipulation of Digital Signal PreProcessing which Presents Future Pictured Realities and not Fading Past Memories on which to Build Brave New World Orders from Systemic Chaos.

And don't just take a voice here's word for it, ask the Rand Corporation who would know more about it than they would be comfortable with freely admitting, for whatever strange reasons they may have. Indeed, have you ever imagined that the whole edifice is just an elaborate front to conceal the fact that it is an entity that actually does very little and next to nothing except trade in ideas floated in space and onto markets? Or is that more what it can be rather than presently is?


amanfromMars 22 December 2011 at 9:21 am …. on

What on earth do you expect other than chaos and mayhem whenever you have muppets and puppets at the helm imagining that they are running things for the public good, whenever all that they are really doing is destroying any and all credibility in the systems which so foolishly support them without question.

And things haven’t changed a jot over the years either, for today are there still the same sort of psychotic and paranoid intellectual pygmies heading up clueless fools in regimented agencies playing such idiotic games for the same failed and failing government and security systems …….

There are changes afoot though, and more para-virtualisation than para-military, that fortunately are able to address the problem without the need for the participation of such excess baggaged lightweights chasing resultant shadows rather curing root causes.


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ….. shares on

"Moreover, the flow of funds across national borders is heavily regulated. Governments monitor the flow of funds in an effort to stop a variety of activities they don’t like. In the U.S., the focus is on terrorism, tax evasion, gambling, and drug trafficking. (Carrying cash across borders in a suitcase invites similar government scrutiny.)"

So cash destabilises nations/governments/agencies/cosy little cabals and banking cartels which use their currency printing to destabilise nations/governments/agencies/cosy little cabals and banking cartels, which is what is being witnessed today worldwide?

Yeah, that's it summarised and summed up in a very clear nutshell ……. and it's operating system is collapsing because it is now known to be an invention of remote power control for folk without the intelligence for virtual control, which is now ascendant future default prime directive executive protocol.


amanfromMars 22 December 2011 at 1:51 pm ….. replying on

“more para-virtualisation than para-military”

Oh God. Do I need my tinfoil helmet for this one? ….. Cynic2 22 December 2011 at 9:25 am

Just keeping you abreast of the novel AIMethodologies now freely available to SMART Forces to counter both primitive and dissident threats which challenge those with precious little and not much else either between the ears and who would also be stuck in a rut and the past, Cynic2.

There’s a lot to learn today if you want to be in any way concerned with steering the future in a specific direction.


Dude, I read Wired so I can avoid your incoherent rambling over at el Reg. Can you stay on that side of the pond please? ..... kirbini said … in a comment on a reply to

amanfromMars replies….

Do you deny the message is valid and easy to understand, kirbini? Surely you cannot be serious, whenever it is so clearly spelt out in short simple words.

Oh, and it well worth remembering in all such encounters such as this, that this is actually cyberspace which has neither physical nor virtual boundaries, although it does provide many security fences to hurdle, and power and control of, and in it and IT, are not in the gift of the intellectually challenged and vindictive, who would be easily vanquished and vanished from future remote elite power control leadership equations.

:-) I hope that doesn't give you indigestion, DC …… [who wrote, ""...
which is now ascendant future default prime directive executive protocol."

Word salad anyone?"]


amanfromMars 22 December 2011 at 6:17 pm ….. on

There’s a lot to learn today if you want to be in any way concerned with steering the future in a specific direction

Alternatively you could just take them down the pub and buy them drink …. Cynic2 22 December 2011 at 6:02 pm

Indeed so, Cynic2, and a much preferred and appreciated and simply sophisticated way of doing real business with true natives. Mine’s a pint, what yours?


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