Monday, 26 December 2011

111226 Change the World, Occupy CyberIntelAIgent Space


amanfromMars 26 December 2011 at 10:35 am ….. on

It put me in mind of this piece I blogged on Slugger about six years ago by Jerry Fodor:

It is a characteristic relativist claim that, in principle, we can always make up alternative versions of the stories that we tell about the world. But one finds, if one actually tries, that it is surprisingly hard to do so.


Yes, well, how things have completely changed in the space of only a few short years, Mick.

Nowadays for anyone to espouse that it is surprisingly hard to do if one really wants to try, would rightly be outed immediately as talking a load of old rowlocks, for the relative ease with which it can be done by some with IT and Internet Control of Media Tales with AI ProgramMING is the present problem which is systematically and systemically destroying the current corrupt and inept politically incorrect puppet circus shows and fiat currency and ponzi banking establishments, with nothing more toxic sometimes, than simple inconvenient questions that media puppets in the news and starring on zeroday-light TV are unable to answer, or would choose not to answer because the answer would be so quickly nowadays proven to be misleadingly false, and probably deliberately so because of what the truth would reveal in what is concealed …….. and cause the whole phoney edifice to crumble as the one nugget of raw truth exposes the root imposter source of the media pimped reality to be based upon a power which does not control intelligence at all, but would think it could purchase it with fool’s gold/folding greenbacks and the like, …… which as we are all realising, are printed from nothing 24/7/365 and distributed to fool tool centres to try and purchase power and control with nothing intelligent.

The sad and pathetic irony is, that such a simple artificial wealth plan will work very well whenever currency is donated to those who know how to make it flow to and through everyone, so that its magical power can purchase and invent whatever would be good for the system and to provide for everyone’s future needs and feeds. Ergo is the problem with it being banked and stored with fools and their tools which think that wealth which is created and converted so easily and magically from nothing into paper monies, is theirs to share and distribute as debt for crippling repayment rather than as endless credit for free spending.

The world and his dog see the scams and the damage which is being done with the wanton and perverse abuse of the monetary system, and man/boy oh boy, are they gonna have a field day sorting out those responsible for the mayhem and chaos if they don’t change their ways pdq, which might definitely probably maybe surely require that they buy in some of those special intelligence services which mentor one in how to Beta Manage Human Virtual Reality Machine Perception.

That is what you are up against and this is what you are up against, for as global leadership has failed catastrophically to address and fix anything which was so eloquently and passionately identified as necessary ten years ago in this video of a young girl’s all powerful 6 minute speech at the UN, is there no effective leadership of the system as it is currently configured and administered……

Therefore there will be a fundamental change, which if not establishment initiated and funded, will be otherworldly and underground imposed and controlled?

Mick, is that last quote in your piece not from Simon Blackburn, as reported by Jerry Fodor? It is easy to be confused and think it was said by Jerry, rather than just reported by him.


Posted by amanfromMars on 12/26/11 08:53 AM ….

Methinks the system has much more than it will ever be capable of handling, ... .. if the master plan is for present principals to be able and enabled to stay in mirrored positions of current control and power, ... ... . if it does not do something radically different and counter-intuitive to most everything they may have done in the past, and thought then to have been the best course of action for unlimited control, with their cynical manipulation of information and intelligence flow with media baron and communications channels collusion.

Things have changed a tad and Power Elite conditions and their hallowed levers of mass subjugation and ignorant brain-washing, are now out exclusive executive order establishment control and circulating in the wild for free and revolutionary purchase on private rogue and pirate renegade markets, which Real Future SMART Virtual Governance Government Programs can be considered as in these Changed InterNetworking Age times ... ... .. for the reality is as revealed in a comment as posted on 26 December 2011 at 10:35 am ….. on


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