Tuesday, 27 December 2011


amanfromMars 27 December 2011 at 2:39 am …… http://sluggerotoole.com/2011/12/22/inhabitants-of-a-world-whose-assumptions-are-false-and-self-descriptions-fraudulent/

Good Morning, Mick and Sluggers,

Do you realise the simple reality of your slave existence yet?

We are in danger of being overwhelmed with irredeemable paper, mere paper, representing not gold nor silver; no sir, representing nothing but broken promises, bad faith, bankrupt corporations, cheated creditors and a ruined people.” – Daniel Webster

So easily bought and sold, powered and controlled by those who hand you paper, which now they would wish to remove from circulation to continue the exercise with electronic digital manipulation and massive transfer of invented artificial wealth without even the need for money at all. But there is one titanic flaw being exploited ….. the system is hacked, it’s security keys are known.

All of which makes for interesting and edutaining times ahead. Of that, there is no doubt, you can be assured.

Are there any here who would dare care and disagree and paint a different picture of the reality that is?


Posted by amanfromMars on 12/26/11 10:00 PM ….. on http://thedailybell.com/3396/James-Jaeger-Why-Ron-Paul-Can-Win

"Though at time Gingrich says stupid things, it is what a politician does that counts. What a politician has done in the past is an indicator to what he might do in the future. Gingrich did a lot in the past. Ron Paul has done nothing, except talk." ... .. Posted by Bischoff on 12/25/11 08:50 PM

Whenever you consider where Uncle Sam is now compared to where it was before, Bischoff, is that the best argument ever for kicking Gingrich and his ilk into touch and starting the Great Game afresh with new players, with different and seemingly radical ideas.


amanfromMars 27 December 2011 at 3:51 am ….. replying on http://sluggerotoole.com/2011/12/22/inhabitants-of-a-world-whose-assumptions-are-false-and-self-descriptions-fraudulent/

"@Are there any here who would dare care and disagree and paint a different picture of the reality that is?"

Be sure my friend,that the Great God,never planned for Slumbering Slaves,A Home So Grand.

Beware The Thing That’s Coming…..

Beware The Risen People….." …. antoinmaccomhain 27 December 2011 at 2:53 am

Quite so, antoinmaccomhain, the enigma that creates a colossus has stirred itself awake and aware. And self-actuating in IT Control Enterprise Spaces ……. Real Spooky Virtual Terrain Type Territory…….. Prized Primed Holywood Domain.


amanfromMars 27 December 2011 at 9:15 am ….. http://sluggerotoole.com/2011/12/23/the-dirty-war-informers-are-not-necessarily-agents/

Advanced IntelAIgents Program for BetaTesting Future Concepts and Crashing Corrupt and Compromised Dummy Operating Systems, Cynic2.

And eminently plausibly deniable from ......... Well, You Know WhoM


Posted by amanfromMars on 12/27/11 03:54 AM …. http://thedailybell.com/3396/James-Jaeger-Why-Ron-Paul-Can-Win

"@ the Martian

"... kicking Gingrich and his ilk into touch and starting the Great game afresh with new players, with different and seemingly radical ideas."

What does that mean... ???

If you mean to put Gingrich back into the game in order to shake things up, and to chart the way on how we can work ourselves out of the present mess, yes by all means, it is Gingrich who can do it. Romney, and the other candidates can't do, especially Ron Paul would be an utter dudd as a president." … Posted by Bischoff on 12/26/11 11:09 PM

In your dreams, Bischoff, for that is most definitely not what is meant by what is quite clearly enough written. And with such a forthright view in support of Newt Gingrich, would your agenda be the maintenance of the status quo with the present incompetents and self-serving shysters at the helm of a collapsing operating system, rather than anything noble and progressive and equitable ... ... universally attractive?

Where is your sense of adventure and intelligence?


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ….. commenting on http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/12/china-submarines/

Assuming the Chinese stay with their current sub designs, American submarines should be capable of swiftly defeating Chinese boats in any potential future shooting war — helping clear the way for U.S. aircraft carriers to strike Chinese land targets. Combined with a slowdown in Chinese sub production, and the recent doubling of America’s submarine build-rate, the noise revelation could lead to a radical recalculation of the Pacific balance of power.
The U.S. Navy had a comfortable technological lead over the PLAN even before the increased Chinese sub activity fueled the recent intelligence coup. Now that lead has gotten even wider. And noisier.

What stupid games inadequate men play, David. And it is interesting to consider where all the money comes from to pay for it, ...... whether it is earned or just invented and printed, which will have others pondering on the simplicity of their control with a lack of invented and printed money, which is causing the capitalist/mercantalist fiat currency system, major problems presently methinks with ever increasing deficits and national debts which cannot be repaid, other than with more invented and printed paper, realised to be actually worthless and just a an all too convenient means of remote phantom control and ponzi power ....... which is really dangerous for economies dependent upon such a secret being hidden and unknown, which of course, now it is isn't.

One thing is certain though, you cannot hear what the Chinese, or anybody competent for that matter, are doing in CyberSpace, which is where Global Command Head Quarters and Control Communications reside. From there, is everything on Earth ruled Virtually and Relatively Anonymously.


Posted by amanfromMars on 12/27/11 10:48 AM …… http://thedailybell.com/3408/Tibor-Machan-The-BBCs-Sorry-Journalism

Hi, Tibor,

Seems like Mitt Romney is more a Sheriff of Nottingham than a Robin Hood if you can believe this inconvenient tale ....... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/keep-your-mitts-off-my-tax-returns-says-romney-6281830.html

Definitely not a 99%er, that's for sure, and therefore not a man of the people and thus totally unfit to be POTUS. The arrogance that would think he is in any way suitable at all, is quite astounding and does the USA no good at all.

It's all a bit of a farce/pantomime/media circus soap, isn't it, that Presidential Race Lark and Big White House Ponderosa Bonanza ........... and rigged like all those other crooked payola games? Although this time things appear to be somewhat more difficult to impossible to guarantee, for command and control of information and intelligence is no longer secured and exclusively provided.


Posted by amanfromMars on 12/27/11 01:08 PM ….. on http://thedailybell.com/3396/James-Jaeger-Why-Ron-Paul-Can-Win

"@ the Martian

Wake up my friend. You view the world through sound bites. Think, man !!!

Who loves Newt... ???

The Democrats don't love him. He took away their power in the Congress.

The central banking crowd in the Congress and among the big banks don't like him. He curtailed their money creation by passing "balanced budgets".

The government bureaucrats don't like him. He costs them thousands of jobs by pushing through welfare reform.

Many of his fellow Congress members don't like him. He interfered with their deal making and their ability to win reelection.

The political consultants don't like him. He refuses to be handled.

The news media doesn't like him. He exposes all their biases.

When you get a politician who is so little loved by all the special interests, you have a politician who can act in the best interest of the average guy.

The problem is, the average guy is "too stupid" to see it. Are you an average guy, Mars Man... ???" ….. Posted by Bischoff on 12/27/11 11:06 AM

Wow, now that is some real perverse logic, Bischoff. No wonder you are so far down the road to nowhere. Politicians pimping/fronting democracy do as they're told and to think that they can think and act for themselves and the common greater good is surely proven worldwide to be a fantasy worthy of pulp fiction and sub-prime time soap broadcasting, which if you think about it, it is.

Give me a SMART Honest to Goodness Transparent Meritocracy any day. It knocks all those competitive adversarial systems dependent on patronage, right out of the ball park.

Do you think that is what China are building now that western capitalism has failed? They are certainly clever enough to lead the world by example with their pioneering spirit, which of course goes back millennia rather than the centuries of upstart pretenders with the manners of an ignorant oaf.


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