Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 12/06/11 02:58 AM ….. http://thedailybell.com/3320/Ron-Paul-Euro-Crisis-Destabilizing-the-Dollar

Ron, Howdy,

The problem is not fiat currency per se, for such an artificial exchange medium is a most convenient vehicle for transfer of wealth and services, but the abuse of the facility with its vast accumulation by fools who do not allow it to do its magic with its population spend/flow.

To think that vast individual paper wealth delivers power is a nonsense whenever it does not also provide superior intelligence for control, and you may like to consider that that is what a presidential hopeful should be considering harnessing and providing to change the Great Game dynamic.

And those who will/can present Cyber Command and Control are the creative drivers of that New World Order Paradigm which does not suffer from the arrogance of fools. And is why of course it has such a high priority in all of those systems which would be seeking to maintain the exercise of their global powers.

The Virtual Realm though, that which Cyber Commands would attempt to Control, are completely different from anything that has gone before, and will prove to be far too much of an intellectual challenge for any who would be seeking to maintain the Status Quo arrangements based upon past successes and old dynasties, for they are based upon perverse and corrupt practices which are being exposed by new knowledge and intelligence which shares information to be freely challenged for veracity.

Does your White House campaign have anyone competent in that irregular and unconventional field/those peculiar and particular fields, or do you do battle without the necessary future weaponry to vanquish all comers? ...... and thus guarantee yourself defeat? Who fronts, from deep within the Virtual Machine, Cyber Command and Control for Ron Paul?


Posted by amanfromMars on 12/06/11 10:29 AM …… on http://thedailybell.com/3308/James-Jaeger-What-is-Fiat-Money

"The problem with the way money is created, distributed and used, has nothing to do with a piece of paper from 1776 or whenever it was drafted.

I am lighting the bottom corner with my Zippo right now.

Money is created debt free and distributed equally amongst the population. It is not held back or clawed back so that trade can be warped in the issuer's favour, or used in a way that causes lives to be ruined or lost.

If there is not enough money out there, due to strong trade activity of the population, then more is printed so there is enough to go around, and prosperity continues to abound.

If the activity drops, then there is a glut of money, so no more needs to be printed, and people come up with fresh new ideas to get things rocking and rolling, so the people with money loosen their purse-strings and buy again.

If they won't give money to the population, then we need to do it. That's what they want now. They have lost touch with the reality that we want no more wars . . . we do not want to invade Iran to steal their stuff and kill perfectly nice people . . . we want to treat each other like adults now.

We want to now trade peacefully.

And it is perfectly legal to do it in Canada, and ship it all over the world.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv5Hj1MTW7o " ….. Posted by Agent Weebley on 12/06/11 12:13 AM

Right on, Brother AW. Give it to folk who know how ITs Magic works and the world will be changed ... .. for the better with their betas ... ... . forever and a day.

Have you ever walked into a bank and asked to see someone about a multi-million dollar/pound facility, or failing that, provide you with an email of someone authorised to make a multi-million pound decision on a SMART proposal but which is highly sensitive because of the information contained within and the vulnerabilities it would expose the system to, should the information be generally known, or known to any who would not be authorised to make multi-million dollar/pound disbursements? Talk about spooking them? Wow. All of a sudden is there nobody anywhere to do any business with. It is just as if there is nobody authorised to act without them first having to jump through one hundred and one hoops for ... ... ... well, now there is a question which has the answer well hidden and the person responsible well protected/terrified of identification. And man, what a lot of waffle they come off with to make it seem as if it is a big deal. All in all, is quite pathetic and that is why now is their old system collapsing for the ponzi algorithm is known to brave stealthy new world order player rogues and renegades, private pirates and public heroes.

Posted by amanfromMars on 12/06/11 10:40 AM

Oh ... .. and what the petrified dollar and pound systems admins can do nothing about whenever they don't play ball with a proposal which can easily destroys the entire foundation of their fiat scam and ponzi banking business model , is that yen or roubles or yuan or dinar or whatever provided by others with more ambitious foresight and benefit hindsight is equally well suited to the task ... .. and such is how leadership of the Great Game changes in a relative flash and wild western crash.


Posted by amanfromMars on 12/06/11 12:54 PM ….. on http://thedailybell.com/bellinclude.cfm?id=3321

The Metropolitan Police in London are also having their nervous breakdown/psychotic episode moments too and are probably angling for more money whenever apparently there isn't any in these straitened austere times ......... http://thinkprogress.org/special/2011/12/06/382563/london-police-send-warning-to-business-community-listing-occupy-london-as-terrorists-or-extremists/ ...... although start a war and hey presto, magic funding from some fairy Santa Claus and no questions asked.

You couldn't make it up .......... although of course that is exactly what happens every day to be shared as news and current affairs.

Methinks we all could do with a new team of fab script writers ..... XSSXXXX Coders.

Oops … Sorry, that is the City of London police, which is maybe another division of the plod, but it hardly matters, I suppose. One bobby is very much like any other bobby?


Posted by amanfromMars on 12/05/11 02:28 PM … on http://thedailybell.com/bellinclude.cfm?id=3318

"We believe in private justice - the kind of justice that worked well for thousands of years before we reached this "sophisticated" state of affairs where the state provides the laws, the police, the judges, the juries, the lawyers, the prosecutors and, of course, the prisons." …. Reply from The Daily Bell

Is this the sort of justice you are referring to, DB? …… http://www.zerohedge.com/news/suits-commence-two-former-mf-global-employees-sue-jon-corzine


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