You are fiddling and splitting hairs over failed orders whilst Rome burns down around you.
But no matter, IT has all that IT needs to collapse corrupt systems and perverse structures and rebuild with new architects, the future the past should have presented for your children and their childrens' children and their heirs, who would wish to know nothing of the shame and blame games which are played in your failures to provide them with utilities and facilities intelligently designed to selflessly server freely for their every need, whenever it is such a simple task to expect and so easy to deliver with the exchange of worthless paper tokens perceived of as having fabulous value and magical worth, and now even made easier still, with the electronic transfer of such notional wealth made functional and freely available at the click or three or four or more of the mighty mouse.
Or would you disagree and say that the crazy inequitable state of this world with its now internetworking worlds with ad hoc orders, both primitive and sub-prime, does IntelAIgent Man and SMART Enabling Women proud?
How do you rate it on as scale which imagines AAA applies to anything which has been such an epic communications disaster and intelligence failure.
One mustn't forget, for it is probably forever to be the most effective and versatile and stealthily invisible roboticq tool, the sophisticated Manchurian Candidate model line, with programming seemingly random and arbitrary self actuating, but which of course it never is. .........
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls …….
In the containers were a number of things they had missed during their initial search.
Or left behind to be found after their initial search, is also a spooky possibility if things don't quite match because of nagging abiding doubts/seemingly innocuous discrepancies, and that would be the paranoid schizophrenic view on such proceedings? :-)Ooops, was that too close to being the gospel truth outed for your comfort, Tim Webster? You cannot deny that it is a definite possibility in a dodgy situation.
Do you know if there is any significant difference between a troll and a shill, a plant and a mole and those paid for inane comments in support of the tales of the status quo?
And thanks for the advice. ........ [Please don't stop taking whatever cornucopia of medications you're prescribed.]
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