amanfromMars on May 3, 2012 at 1:24 am said …..
One of the good guys to do really bad business a crazy virtual favour ? 
Is the FBI into Cosmic Flying …… aka DOD Virtual Terrain Team Environment? Have they Discovered and Mastered the Key for Vault Access to All Earthly Treasures and Pleasures?
That would be welcome titanic news, and a colossal executive disruption too, and easily used to deliver virtual grandstanding whenever promises are too big for words that don’t/won’t deliver. Can’t is not an option whenever there are always available proxies to host SMARTR Great Game Plays with ARG MetaPhoria Players Guide to the Immaculate Secret in Master Pass Key Vaults Supplying IntelAIgent Source Information to that and those which are Servering IntelAIgent Drivers in Live Operational Virtual Environments .
And as for Alex’s short reply, well, a spell of deep thought in an alternate frame of mind, easily delivers a whole new perspective and acceptance of the virtual existence of other parallel realities, which would be introducing themselves to the natives and their Intelligence Chiefs and pondering on the Fun and Games at an ICJirga/Pow Wow IC. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
amanfromMars 1 ….. on
A Critical Failure is Boring Unimaginative Management. A Safe Pairs of Hands for Nothing Precious
Virtual Reality SOAPrograms which take one into the Future being Thereby Presented as ProgramMING Constructions to Follow for Remote Virtual Control of Reality, would be a BBC TV Game Changer.
The Corporation has singularly failed to inspire and aspire to greater things ….. and must then be control for lesser things, as deemed by greater things and other more especialised forces in SMARTR IntelAIgent Networks.
And yes, in those bawdy networks is the answer to all of the questions you never asked yourself but do need to know, in order to seed and grow …… Propagate Species and Mutant Power and Control Strains for Overwhelming Defence against All Known and Unknown Predatorship Culling Species with Austerity Drives to Early Grave Roads.
Show Man how the Future is made and they will build it, with IT and Media in Full and Transparent Support, with Future ProgramMING displaying Live Leading Progress being made to all, by virtue of the true strength of novel edutaining content in active script performances, rendered in leading story lines/absolutely fabulous fabless tales.
Change the Script Change the Picture ……. Show us Something that Challenges One to Choose Positive Self Defining Action rather than Accept Lethargy and Embrace Sloth. We know you can do IT, BBC.
Indeed, one would even be caused to consider that it is duty bound an action by writ of Royal Charter and Agreement. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
amanfromMars 1 …… on
Live Feed Magic Seed ….
Spooks have sort of lost the plot, haven’t they. Is Intelligence not supposed to Lead and Secure and Protect the Future so that the Present is Stress Free with SMARTR Delivery of All that is Required from Future Inexhaustible Reserves. Everything Paid for with Nothing at Present, Reign Tomorrow 
amanfromMars ……. responds on
And while it may be a low bar to clear, releasing bin Laden’s own words of discomfort with the movement he created might be the most sophisticated U.S. information operation launched to date.
That would be excellent news in Virtual IntelAIgents Circles and Right Charade Royal Realm Round Tables/Quantum Networks Drivering the Virtual Machine Operating System.
Man reduced to a Cog in a Machine that its Men are Tempted to Build with SMARTR Drivers?
Yes, that might probably definitely be the present state of advanced human civilisation.
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