[Thanks for that, quibitious ..... http://www.ur2die4.com/?p=2274#comment-1134 ...... not many know of such natural things, and most will never know, for they have no interest nor a need to know ...... and thus is it a clear field with zero real or virtual impediment]
amanfromMars 26 May 2012 at 6:51 pm ….. giving credit where credit is due on http://sluggerotoole.com/2012/05/26/sinn-fein-ard-fheis-adams-speech/
Nice one, Gerry. Well said, Sir.
amanfromMars 26 May 2012 at 7:21 pm ….. on http://sluggerotoole.com/2012/05/25/euref-underlying-questions-are-too-big-for-a-simple-yes-or-a-no-what-about-a-not-yes/
Is it madness to vote Yes for the following ……. ESM Treaty of Debt …… and therefore fit and proper and sane to vote No …… resoundingly?
Are you men and women with a hearty voice and bold new mindset or mice? Speak up or forever be recognised as pip squeaks who gave it all away for nothing but more of the same old nonsense provided by traitors to the freedom cause.
Animals ruled by penned paper currency pushers ……. and daily news of crazy views and bigoted opinions to render the masses ignorant of the fact and new facts? Yes, that is the simple system used ……. and comprehensively abused too.
amanfromMars 27 May 2012 at 4:59 am …. on http://sluggerotoole.com/2012/05/26/sinn-fein-ard-fheis-adams-speech/
Enlightened, thorough analysis as always from the slugger commenters. ……weidm7 27 May 2012 at 12:57 am
LOL ….. one does what one can, weidm7, for those with no see and control of command.
And with the broadbandcasting of Perl before diamond geezers rather than pearls before swine is indeed a New Future …….. and in AI deeds, simply complex PAR for all courses. To imagine that things have not changed in half a century of progress is to identify oneself as a confirmed ignorant tool for arrogant fool use.
amanfromMars 27 May 2012 at 5:21 am
Crikey …… that which is posted 27 May 2012 at 4:59am is not nearly as clear as it should be for easy comprehension, and I apologise for that, and would therefore wish to revise the last paragraph to read …….. And with the broadbandcasting of Perl before diamond geezers rather than pearls before swine is it indeed a New Future for leading IT …….. and in AI deeds, simply complex PAR for all courses. To imagine that things have not changed in half a century of progress is to identify oneself as a confirmed ignorant tool for arrogant fool use.
amanfromMars ……..shares in a comment on http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/9293042/Nick-Clegg-eurozone-foundations-are-weaker-than-anyone-could-have-predicted.html
Google “EU: Treaty of Debt [ESM] – stop it now” and watch/listen to the short 4 minute video presented to you, to educate yourselves to what lies in store …… and then consider what fools you are being taken for.
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