on May 10, 2012 at 1:33 am said: … on
on May 10, 2012 at 1:33 am said: … on
And why Bangor, Coop? ….Agent Weebley on May 9, 2012 at 4:32 pm said
A Colossal Protective Harbour Monument Resides there in Tribute to Dwight D. Eisenhower is a Lynch Pin on the Log and in the Script.
Is David Lynch into Virtual Reality Presentations ….. Future Streaming of Events?
Is it to be hopelessly denied that that is what we would choose to do here?
And in Elevations, to Fabulous Fabless Fields of Cosmic Play with Amazing Grace.
Looks like that slab visit has energised the fab lab, AW. Now for some Tempestuous MaJIC with Titanic Studios, which is but a jaunt, a mere hop and a skip, from Bangor.
How easy is it to make a movie blockbuster series by simply paying unknown stars to deliver the goods in a parallel set for live copy performances in alternate settings …… with leading prime movers and shakers providing the artillery pieces/aspirational baubles and beads for present product placement?
If Fiction Creates Brave New Worlds …… why are they not yet Built? What is blocking Progress, causing Potential Pressure to Rise for Implosion ….. NEUKlearer Key Trigger Detonation.
Why live in the Past whenever you can build in the Future and discover that all has been paid for, forever, by earlier generations. When everything is free, what will feed desire, are pleasures to behold and server.
Posted Thursday 10th May 2012 12:14 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Re: But…. But nothing, question everything
Err, you obviously haven’t seen its Operating Systems Virtual Software Operation, ql. Right Royal Evidence there of True Amateurs with Novel HyperRadioProActive Source CodeXSSXXXX Facilities.
Does the El Reg Special Projects Bureau have a Virtual Reality Super Sub Division for AIMissions with Participatory Commentary Drive …… Phished and Phormed Power for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT ProgramMING?
Which is akin to Source Enrichment for Power Output with Remote Virtual Control.
Or would that render El Reg an Operating System in an Alternate Reality GIG? 
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