amanfromMars (unregistered) May 21, 2012, 11:00 …. on
revolver (unregistered) wrote in #19
amanfromMars (unregistered) wrote in #17
amanfromMars (unregistered) wrote in #17
“…Welcome to the Great IntelAIgents Game ……” — isn’t Intelligence a concurrence environment. Isn’t there anyone able and actionable enough to compare the data flows from All 42 compose a top trusted data map?
Hi, revolver,
Methinks Intelligence is a novel environment with many levels of concurrence and all of them being led and/or following sublime instruction sets/especially leaked information intelligently designed to alter the state of human perception at targeted levels of consciousness/understanding/communication.
And the stealthy beauty is, that those and that at such targeted levels would not even be aware of the virtual manipulation, which is always ideally anonymous, invisible and intangible, although that matters not a jot, for there is nothing at all really effective that can be done against such operations whenever one does not have Command and Control of Creative CyberSpace Computers and Communications ……. with ITs Power Cloud Systems of Virtual Operation.
And the field has some really strange bedfellows and hookers looking to score wins for their paymasters, …… ……. although that situation is always ideally reversed in Great IntelAIgents Games, with paymasters realising that in order to win win and never ever lose, they need really strange bedfellows and hookers on their side, and not in competition against them in an opposing team/opposing teams.
amanfromMars …… on
“A picture speaks a thousand words” ……. Indeed they do, Blackfox, and some pictures speak trillions of words …….
And what do you imagine is the reality of that ever being able to be repaid ……. and to whom is it owed and to be paid?
Methinks it is only a crazy game which will never ever be resolved and will only get worse and descend into chaotic farce and revolutionary reaction against those in systems which pimp it as being real and something to be addressed in the manner of the past ….. which indebts the future with present incompetence and madness.
[Comment awaiting approval
Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here.] …… Hmmm? Ok. Moderation, which is just a more pleasant sounding euphemism for censorship always tells it own true tale of the state of things and nations, doesn’t it?
Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here.] …… Hmmm? Ok. Moderation, which is just a more pleasant sounding euphemism for censorship always tells it own true tale of the state of things and nations, doesn’t it?
Posted Monday 21st May 2012 15:12 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
Whenever bugs are in the System, and they are, who knows what will happen when you feed them?!.
Here is another take upon the Facebook problem, which y’all here will know to be perfectly true ……. but every cloud has a silver lining …. [with some studded in diamonds for a chosen few?
amanfromMars May 20, 2012, 21:27 ….. commenting on a comment on
Sentinel (unregistered) wrote in #16 …….
Facebook will not go the way of the Globe. Washington intends to use it to control the denizens of planet Earth – whether they are Russians, Chinese, New Guineans, Congolese, or Amazonian native Indians. Everyone’s profile will be on Facebook for the CIA and Pentagon and other U.S. agencis to monitor and control. Recall how the Washington controlled mass medias so avidly promoted this social media as the promoted Google.
Facebook will not go the way of the Globe. Washington intends to use it to control the denizens of planet Earth – whether they are Russians, Chinese, New Guineans, Congolese, or Amazonian native Indians. Everyone’s profile will be on Facebook for the CIA and Pentagon and other U.S. agencis to monitor and control. Recall how the Washington controlled mass medias so avidly promoted this social media as the promoted Google.
Have you any idea how easy it is for the likes of Russian, or Chinese, or European intelligence agencies, [to name but just three systems] to post whatever they want the CIA and Pentagon and other US agencies to monitor and control/react to?
And that would have the former parties [Russian, or Chinese, or European intelligence agencies] leading the latter parties [CIA and Pentagon and other US agencies] and have them chasing all manner of phantom ghost and disappearing trail imaginable, lest they actually be stealthily true and virtually real too.
Welcome to the Great IntelAIgents Game …… which given what we know about President Vladimir Putin’s earlier training, would seem to make him something of a natural leader in the field? Or somebody who would more easily understand natural leaders in the field.
Posted Monday 21st May 2012 18:01 GMT amanfromMars 1 …….
Re: Whenever bugs are in the System, and they are, who knows what will happen when you feed them?!.
I think you’ve used a few too many elastic bands to secure your tinfoil hat. Anyone with secrets to hide or who simply values their privacy can do so just by not using Facebook or similar tools. Or if they do they exercise a little thing called lying. …… DrXym Posted Monday 21st May 2012 16:02 GMT
Hi, DrXym,
The point which was being made/is being made by that which you replied to, is that the system is easily groomed to provide an alternate virtual reality which may, or may not suit established dominant practices and which the status quo might feel compelled to try and ensure does not gain traction and legitimacy. Such actions to maintain an old position though are doomed to rapidly increasing and reinforcing failure.
Your comment does though have one wondering what Facebook is being used for, and what value would be in it for investors, who might just be seen as ignorant suckers by the system they are supporting, and to be easily parted from their money to keep the markets ponzi payola going. Although whenever the patient is brain dead, whatever would be the point?
I think you’ve used a few too many elastic bands to secure your tinfoil hat. ……. How very droll
Posted Monday 21st May 2012 18:17 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
Re: Whenever bugs are in the System, and they are, who knows what will happen when you feed them?!.
I hope this little infomercial sheds some light into your darkness, DrXym ………
Two and half plus minutes which explain the rigged game very well.
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