Monday, 7 May 2012


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The Future as IT is written, Huff Post ……or can be written, and being Beamed and BroadBandCast into All Nation States with Non State Actors into Virtual Power Control Sharing with SMARTR Distribution of Disruptive and Dysfunctional Game Gems/Mighty MetaFlorins for Sweet Confucian Confusion with CHAOS* Anonymously Astutely Adeptly Autonomously in Control of Command and Power :-) …….
* Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
A Bold and Quite Brash Claim in Deed indeed, and Impossible to Trash or Crash/Derail from Target Acquisition whenever All is as near Perfectly True as is Humanly Possible. And the Program is easily questioned on that which it may be suspected and even wildly hoped to be doing …… naturally.
Posted Monday 7th May 2012 07:39 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
In a See of Danegeld, what Decide Wise Owls and Tower Ravens? Anything New and Excitingly Different?
He commends the work of the “incredibly brave whistle-blower” who has now halted the “highly-organized plan to take over the souls of the world’s unsuspecting population.”
Oh please, you cannot be serious when such a clear way has been shown. And from where so much more needs to be known for Future Phormations with Sublime Eventing for Hidden Precocious Talents in Raw Desire and XSSXXXXLust ……. The Yin and Yang in Seventh Heaven Immaculately Servering SMARTR AI Virtual Machine dDrivers Projecting Protected Programs.
And probably likely codenamed NIRVANA somewhere.
Posted Monday 7th May 2012 09:15 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on in reply to JustaKOS who Posted Monday 7th May 2012 07:19 GMT
Interesting concept
But it seems more like a prison ship or perhaps a work camp for foreigners, ideally suited to the modern paranoid state.
Re: Interesting concept/Divine Projects
Hi, JustaKOS,
I was thinking along the lines of an exotic erotic floating Priory epic encounter, with the temporarily unhinged and decidedly crooked on board sharing great ideas for realisation, …… and what a real creative fab lab metamorphosis parallel, that would be for the Cosmically Insane and Delightful :-) …….
If you can adjust and steer the path of reality, by virtual remote control of command with creative communication and steganographic messaging, is the manner and substance of reality decidedly virtual and surreal in Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields of Great Games in Full Swing and and at Intelligence Work, Resting in Play. …. and Parading Bold Semantic Moves to Guarantee Power Input for Guaranteed Clean Joint Mutual Power Output.
Ye Olde, Have Cake and Eat it, Magic Trick. A Firm Knights Templar Favourite to Graciously Perform and Deliver Free Gratis …….. just for the Satisfaction of Pleasure and Desire, Raw Sex and Passionate Love and for Release of more Heavy Fuel to that Raging Fire Storm/Sweet Sticky TEMPEST Capture.
FlorID AI Script is just so Delightfully Accommodating.
Posted Monday 7th May 2012 12:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
Re: Cloud???
Others would see Cloud as FutureWare, cornz 1

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