Tuesday, 15 May 2012


And now? Now that the Defence books have been cooked?
How to Improve Sublime Supply of Prime Future Time Intelligence.
Methinks that is something government service buys in from outside whenever present treasuries and stock is weak and irresilient/taxed and burdened with woes.
Crikey, that is somewhat approaching Ministry of Truth territory with novel viable constructs providing the bases upon which IT builds with all virtual and digital media interests, a Powerful Current Show which Presents Future ProgramMING Projects for Cyber Commands in Control …… with Anonymous Autonomous Powers …… of Big Picture Events.
Or are you still working with the mechanics of the machine rather than feeding IT new virgin information and SMARTR Input for fresh strong growth and SMARTR Output ………. Prime Novel Source with Tempestuous Intellectual Property Core.
Is that the Spectre that Spooks now chase, or is IT the Sceptre to be grasped for the rush and rushes of lead in a position of certain control?
How smart do you think it is, for whatever reason, to tangle with a organisation responsible for Spooks, and with stakes and hooks in all manner of mass media entertainment …. virtual education?
Pretty Crazy or Real Mad are two states of mind and strange condition which spring immediately to the fore of the bigger picture in Great Games.

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