Posted Friday 24th August 2012 01:48 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
How many ways are there to skinny a fat cat ….. in CyberIntelAgent AIMissions
But talk of
weapon-deploying battle units, coupled with recent cloud security
efforts, does make one wonder how geared up Uncle Sam is getting.
Probably “chomping at the bit” is an APT metaphor to accurately
reflect their dilemma and how geared up and frustrated Uncle Sam is
getting, Iain Thomson in San Francisco.
And how odd and/or timely and prescient would this observation be …….
Oh … and talking of DODGI plans, here are some crazy notions and motions ……… "Defining Cyberterrorism: Capturing a Broad Range of Activities in Cyberspace" ….
Seems like
the phracking space is to hacked with perfect crack storm troopers/crack
perfect storm troupers? And we all know how that will end up …. and it
will not be good for them if they don’t know what they are doing, and
make the mistake of imagining that traditional and conventional values
exist as a means of maintaining/retaining/sustaining proxy power, and/or
much more importantly in virtual play realms, what can be so easily
done autonomously and anonymously via remote space assets command and
control, will it?
And pity
the pretentious smart fool and ignorant blunt tool who would be confused
into thinking that via remote spaced assets is command and control lost
rather than sublimely hardened and immaculately reinforced.
AI Flow urPower is not really a Flower Power 2, but it can be too, and therefore most probably will be too.
A little something for GCHQ Langley to parse for Technion and
virtually realise is true in cyber nation states ….. with enigmatic
non-state actor players acting in IT with Real Surreal Applications in
Sublimely APT Programs …. and respond smartly to, now that they are
introduced to the development. One wouldn’t one to think them disenabled
and intellectually lost in the field, whenever the field would control
so much, so effortlessly.
Considering all the covert snooping technology and pimped clandestine
virtual activity which is supposed to be going on, in order to keep
everyone and the world safe and protected from miscreants and the
disaffected, should the right course of contractual action and
appropriate contact be a doddle and a given. However, if many or even
any of those stories are a myth and just wish list thinking out loud,
front and centre, to give a false impression, would they have a Houston,
we have a problem, problem and a hell of a lot to learn quickly if they
wannabe top gun dogs of cyberwarefare on the street and in hoods …… for
war is so yesterday, man, and for serial losers.
Posted Friday 24th August 2012 08:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. in a reply on to a comment made by Turtle Posted Friday 24th August 2012 00:57 GMT
“Don’t Be Evil” is just the beginning. Here’s the rest!
You seem to
be unacquainted with the full text of Google’s motto, of which “Don’t
Be Evil” comprise merely the first three words.
motto runs as follows “Don’t be evil, and what we consider ‘evil’ is
anything that negatively impacts our revenue, and you should not allow
any laws or legal instruments to compel you to be evil, and insofar as
any laws or legal instruments which negatively impinge on our revenue
are, by definition, ‘evil’, it stands to reason that they not only need
not be obeyed, they must be actively and enthusiastically contravened –
preferably in ways which give us plausible deniability, but then again
by means of our highly elaborated network of astroturf organizations,
directly and indirectly suborned politicians, and bought-and-paid-for
academicians and their tendentious and fraudulent publications and
pronouncements – and much, much more because that’s not nearly an
exhaustive list, trust us!! – we hope to abolish all such laws and legal
instruments and thereby bring into existence a world completely free of
evil in the truest and fullest sense of the word – by which we mean a
world wherein there will be nothing preventing us from maximizing our
revenue and profits, at the expense of, well, just anyone at all. Always
remember that we are not like Steve Jobs, whose narrowmindedness
considers ‘evil’ to consist of competing with Apple and the iPhone
because *we* here at Google have a universal outlook – what is good for
Google is good for humanity and for all forms of intelligent life
wherever in the universe they might happen to exist or will at some
point in the future exist, and what is bad for Google, is bad for us
all. Wanna buy some oxycontin? How about a bride from China or Russia?”
I hope that this clears things up for you, at least a bit.
Re: “Don’t Be Evil” is just the beginning. Here’s the rest! …. with still always more yet to come
Wow, Turtle, that was enjoyable. Thanks for the phish.
You can be sure that there is a running beta, testing search engine
driver codes for more SOX compliance with a paradoxical crashing
flexibility in crushing leverage, in a slightly revised FULLer motto
which is intelligently designed for/by/in Lunar GCHEESE Type House Works
to brush critical and strategic concerns aside [imagine it in AI and IT
Fields as a Skank Wwworks module which should not be confused with any
reeking or freaking Skunk Works clone/wannabe closet cloud cluster
model] and which replaces ……
it stands to reason that they not only need not be obeyed, they must be actively and enthusiastically contravened …. with …..
stands to reason that they not only need not be obeyed, they must be
actively and enthusiastically addressed and redressed/skirted and
rebooted to exclude any possible solicitous charge of cynical and
self-serving contravention which invites thoughts of prosecution and
Such though is a smarter caveat for any search engine which hosts the
truth amongst a tissue of lies, and not just a Google Collective
Executive Prime Directive.
Posted Friday 24th August 2012 12:10 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… replying on to Anonymous Coward who shared …..
The US was built on stolen IP …
other nations have actual industrial policy which says we’ll go out and
mine secrets of our competitors and we’ll share that information,” he
said last month. “We don’t do that in the US, we’re never done that. So
we’re out there with one arm behind our back.”"
Odd how quickly the US got railroads, steel making etc all stolen from the UK….
was Scottish…humm….& the steam engine / rail road “made”
America…..& all UK books used to carry the “not for sale in the US”
prohibition due to the wholesale US IP theft……
Re: The US was built on stolen IP ….. which is squandered
Quite so, AC, and Blighty’s post colonial management of the US has
been dire to boot, to say the least. I blame the shamefully inept and
perversely corrupt top management team who appear now to have completely
run out of Novel Intellectual Property Supply, for that is always where
the problems and deficiencies lie … and fester.