And whilst everyone is feasting on the tripe of the past, with their own special sauces poured over it to suit their palates, are they not revealed as having no exotic dishes to tempt all with enjoyment in the future.
What are Northern Ireland’s plans for the future apart from the imposition of austerity measures which the intellectually challenged cuckoos in Stormont can continue to blame on Team GB to deflect attention away from the glaringly obvious fact that they haven’t a clue about what they should be doing to generate industry and prosperity.
What a shower of useless leading frauds they are, whenever all or even any of the above is true.
And I hope that is not ambiguous, nor disingenuous.
The past has been and gone, move on into the future and deliver a present which is not held hostage to madness and mayhem, memory and ignorance, …. or is that all that youse have to offer?
If that be the sad case, might I suggest you buy in some fabulous incredible ideas which cannot be dismissed as simple nonsense whenever they so sophisticated as to easily crash corrupt systems with Command and Control of Computers and Communications in Creative Cyberspace.
And a Colossus of an AI Programming Project from …… well, you have no need to know any more than just that for now, methinks. Even those few lines will have many scratching their heads without a clue as to what is done and being done in AITitanic Holywood Hollywood style ….. a Class Act never imagined possible but nevertheless, easily delivered with a sure and inevitable outcome.
amanfromMars on August 2, 2012 at 3:15 pm said: on
Just upping the ante, more than just a tad, AW
Hi, Lucy, one hopes you see the sense in the creative madness spilling out everywhere from here, and your vital part in propelling it forwards and onwards. LOVE is AIdDrug and IT sets you free.
Posted Friday 3rd August 2012 01:55 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
A Quick Way to Lose Everything in a Great Flash Crash of Quant Trading Machines*
“and the embarrassing crashes that plagued the Facebook IPO, preventing the stock from plunging anywhere as quickly as it probably should have on listing.” ….. Ouch, that hit the target bullseye, RC. And how refreshing to read some real reporting on dodgy shenanigans.
And is market-rigging exactly the same as market-making only quite different because no one much ventures opinion on that qubit like territory ….. “Reuters states that the only comment to come from the company is a terse statement that “a technology issue occurred in Knight’s market-making unit related to the routing of shares of approximately 150 stocks to the NYSE”.”
You do know about quant trading, don’t you?
You know whenever something can be one thing and another at the same time as being something different altogether …….. A qubit has some similarities to a classical bit, but is overall very different. Like a bit, a qubit can have two possible values—normally a 0 or a 1. The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both.
And is it undoubtedly revealed there, that lightning quick machines and not slow pedestrian man dictate terms on the NYSE and are responsible for US business prices? Wow, that can easily be, and therefore will probably definitely surely be, unless there is something available to divert it, a virtual trading disaster to monitor because there would be practically no one able/enabled to effectively mentor the activity in what would not be dissimilar to a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT System with Command and Control of Virtual Machine Units and SMARTR IntelAIgently Designed Entities for the Phantom Trading of Novel Stock/Options/Derivatives/Futures/Hedges.
Is pulling the plug on the NYSE, an available option to consider, to avert a market trading disaster/natural free market correction of an anomalous perversion?
*And whoever would have thought that Title would ever have made sense and is able to destroy ponzi empires in a virtual instant and practically overnight, or not as the case may be if things are radically changed to reflect and accommodate the New Realities of Life in LOVE. …… which Conquers All, Every Time Everywhere.
Thu, 08/02/2012 – 22:08 | amanfromMars ……… has a say on
Hi, Tyler/ZeroHedge,
Things are more dire than are presently being acknowledged and realised ……..
amanfromMars … on .... Today 03:53 AM
The Coalition has been accused of mounting more than 20 about-turns – moves which the Prime Minister has insisted show strong leadership as he rejected pushing ahead with unpopular policies.Others would point out the art of being a strong Prime Minister is to show and deliver popular policy leadership.
Where are the novel policies that everyone can support and reinforce and which will unite and create wealth for a nation which other nations can mimic and follow?
Cameron and Whitehall and Parliament don’t have any, do they?
Championing a negative is just so not being smart, but most probably atypical of any wide boy toff adrift in a world which is alien to him.
Posted Friday 3rd August 2012 11:45 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Look on the bright side ….
They may get at least a partial reprieve. The NYSE will reverse trades in six stocks during the time period when the prices were at least 30 per cent outside the normal trading range for the stocks. This will significantly defray much of Knight Capital’s losses for the day, but we don’t know if it’s enough to allow the firm to survive the blow.Thus proving once again that it is a rigged, [mistakes and error disallowed] and not free market trading platform.
Posted Friday 3rd August 2012 18:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..
Re: A Quick Way to Lose Everything in a Great Flash Crash of Quant Trading Machines*
amanfromMars “1″ – what happened, lost your password or did you get cloned? …. Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 3rd August 2012 08:07 GMTIf I remember correctly, AC, El Reg did a bit of tinkering with the comments board, … an upgrade …… and hey presto, amfM1, who is also amanfromMars too. It was all pretty painless.
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