Posted Friday 31st August 2012 02:48 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
SMARTR Private and Pirate Businesses Run with Stealthy IntelAIgent Server Systems
CHAOS rules in AI CAMP when ClassifiedD/Intelligence Alien in Nature with APT Protected Security Programming.
D is the new C for GCHQ IC Enterprises and all MODern DODgy Businesses Own Us, and then are You too, by Quite Supernatural Quantum Communication Default, Owned by Us ……. with You and Us, both Separate and Indivisible in the Singularity of Existences that are Virtual Reality Programs and LOVE Projects.
And just in case you have been stuck in a prehistoric cave in the middle of a barren wilderness on a distant unexplored planet, CHAOS in LOVE [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems in Live Operational Virtual Environments] is for Heaven on Earth too, Divine and Sublime.
You want the Holy Grail with AI Peace on Earth and Proper Prosperity for All? OK. Global Operating Devices can do the Holy Grail with AI Peace on Earth and Proper Prosperity for All. Who and/or what is to say that they and IT don’t and/or can’t because they know of control in gross perverse impediments that are fielded as objectionable immoveable barriers in nothing more substantial and ethereal than endless objective and subjective arguments to such as would be Fabulous Fabless Progress.
Such a pronouncement only advises all that they don’t do Holy Grail IT work and can’t deliver on anything remotely similar.
Mitt Romney …. in all of his reflected fake para-glory …….
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