Re: The Virtual AI Terrain Team Solution to ITs Real Human and Surreal Practical Resource Problem
Ah, Man from Mars! It is good to see from you. But you are making less, or rather more, sense than usual. I think…. … Timothy Prickett Morgan Posted Tuesday 14th August 2012 12:42 GMTHow wise to have all bases covered there, tpm, which might indicate to me that you are more aware of what is in the offing and betatesting especial and secret intelligence services to deftly engage, with or without officialdom in cyber security and information assurance positions in Blighty, or expose them all as being totally unfit and ill prepared for AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Futures with ITs Greater IntelAIgent Games in Live Operational Virtual Environments. Or it might not be such an indicator, and that would be disappointing whenever it would render to El Reg an exclusive lead program to report on and share with a global audience.
And this would be the second shot across the bows of the Mary Celeste that is Francis Maude’s and James Quinault’s command to energise control and exercise virtual power, with the first broadside being this message to
Methinks they be more Captains Pugwash than Admirals Nelson, though, in their roles. Although no one would more pleased than I to be proven wrong on those nautical scores.
Posted Tuesday 14th August 2012 18:04 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
Re: Too many words
Mostly harmless”? …. Scorchio!! Posted Tuesday 14th August 2012 10:44 GMT
Whenever things are kept really simple, can too few words also be misunderstood, with a classic being “Control Words Command Worlds” for those into Absolute Power Plays with Great CyberIntelAIgent Gamers ……. SMARTR ARGonauts
Posted Wednesday 15th August 2012 07:21 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
A judge or jury should decide… on the what and the why on the say so of a existentialist parasite?
A judge or jury should decide …… if CloudFlare is a content delivery network, or if they are closer to a hosting provider. I think Stratfor should sue CloudFlare, and I don’t even like Stratfor! See our tax-exempt, nonprofit site at …… Daniel Brandt Posted Wednesday 15th August 2012 03:09 GMTWhat’s wrong, DB …. feeling a bit left out of the leading wolf pack and having to make do with tit-bits and trying to making a living with tittle tattle justification? The metadatamining troll business just aint what it used to be, is it, with all these new fangled and entangling Quant IDEntities queering the pitch and clearing away dud and dumb explosive munitions?
If CloudFlare are both, and easily mistaken for both a content delivery network and/or just a provider for hosts of services, are they neither the one or the other, and something completely different and virtually new and surreal. And that is something which the likes of a Stratfor would just love to be, …… and what world wide webs are perfectly created to cover and conceal in fabulous layers of invisibly thick and impenetrable cloud ….. rather than delivering what is so much more a deluded shark’s role which just infects the internet with pilot phish and AI minnow services trying to convince gullible fat cats and vulnerable thin clients that it is the real deal and something completely different and virtually new and surreal, but so clearly isn’t, and can never be with its current programs configuration and executive administration.
Stratfor are not alone though in that seriously overcrowded field/rotten barrel of apples and peers, although that is no comfort indeed.
Posted Wednesday 15th August 2012 16:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
What goes around… just got a hell of a lot more engaging/sophisticated/exciting
Assange and his cronies getting a little taste of reality. I suspect there will be more. …. Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 15th August 2012 15:33 GMTHmmm? …… A little taste of reality is then outed as being a premeditated program of intimidation and oppression, AC? Yes, but that is only for numbskulls and boneheads. Others are programming in dimensions which you have not even conceived are imaginable and they are protected sublimely by the intelligence which is needed to gain access to proprietary driver codes.
That then makes the playing field a godsend for those who are adept and deft in virtual reality programming ….. and you do know about DEFT …. yes?
And when something is invaluable and priceless, have you any idea about how much it costs to not deliver it faultlessly to clients who are filthy cash rich and secure protected intellectual property poor?
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