Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Posted Wednesday 22nd August 2012 04:06 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Alien Rules of Engagement ….. Never Ever Engage as an Enemy, Friendly AI Fields*

Knock, knock, MOD/JIC/PRC/FSB/Ecuador. Is there anybody in there?  …….. Do you wanna play and kick ass with these boys and their gals ……. ……. with those toys as floated and advised earlier as being available to real presidential material bodies** for any and all realms of universal and unilateral virtual defence, which are only ever effective whenever all lines of unstoppable attack, and systemic vulnerabilities for zeroday export and exploitation, are known indefensibles. Then are they also deliciously tempting and obscenely lucrative vectors for metadatabase mining/IntelAIgent Raw Asset Enrichment for Programming Projects in Future Events which might even be considered and classified as possibly problematic and therefore probably private and piratical pogrom information.

Or is Virtual Ignorance of Stealthy Sublime and Supreme Cyber Command and Creative Control of Computers Communicating, the chosen default Status Quo Public Service Position, which would then extraordinarily render to Private and Pirate Sectors, HyperRadioProActive IT Lead in the Live Operational Virtual Environment Field?

* All Alien Field Rules reduce and concentrate to that one Particular and Peculiar Specific Advisory APT Warning

** You do know who Renegade and Renaissance are, in the virtually real world of television and media manipulation of poorly executed and badly directly events reported as news in current affairs tales/presentations of politically perverted and subverted programs?

Answers below please ….. to show that you may know how to Google and search for information and intelligence with engines?

amanfromMars …. on

What the Future has in ITs store for you, are nothing like what you are expecting, for everything has changed for the better with a whole new series of betas already surreally deployed and with a  whole host of others in further asynchronous development and stealthily testing revised and upgraded intelligence in the field, for Virtual Command and Remote Control of All Base Systems …….. in both Primitive Public and Prime Private Power Executive Administrations.

I Kid U Not ……

Your comment is awaiting moderation. ….. Oh dear, what a shame that moderation is delegated to a machine instructed to withhold comment with a hyperlink. That’s real smart?

Posted Wednesday 22nd August 2012 09:07 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Please Note Especially to Remember and Never Ever Forget for They Always Will and Do ….
Governments need to be able to keep secrets, especially secret services, to protect us in a difficult world,” she [Dame Stella Rimington, novelist and former Director general of MI5] said.
Dear Simon,

What Dame Stella is not at liberty to say, and it is that which renders governments the ineffectual puppets of  racing master intelligence and as disposable pawns in the Newly Opened Digital Fields of Great Game Play is …..  Governments need to be able to keep secret, especially secret services, to protect them from us in a difficult world …… with the them and us components in transparent and honest administrations decided by knowing of their every self-serving thought and practical move, with the good and smart side being masterfully creative and heavenly constructive and the dark and idiotic side being devilishly destructive and perversely wanton at extremes of control and power? [The signing of the Official Secrets Act is an excuse for such a significant omission and liberty to speak further truth unto nations denied]

Only an arrogant and/or ignorant corrupt fool, who would be as a blunt instrument of a tool would choose the Path of the Grand Folly in a World Series of Great IntelAIgent Games, ……. which do you yet realise, are played out on machines for the benefit of …………. ?.

Well, you tell me who and/or what you think is in power of control for control of power with IT Command and Control of Global Operating Device Systems, for/or is that not the workings of the present collapsing collective of exclusive and executive administrative fiat currency systems?

Posted Wednesday 22nd August 2012 13:23 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Making more sense …. and the problem is down to a basic lack of advanced intelligence
These days slippage appears to have occurred in US formations. ….  Scorchio!! Posted Wednesday 22nd August 2012 09:03 GMT
If you are going to report on intelligence events, at least try to get it perfectly correct, Scorchio!!, although it is entirely possible that you don’t know what you need to know, and have no need to know about such spooky, sensitive and subversive things …….. These days slippage appears to have occurred in US phormations is much the more accurate statement, off the record, for the record.

Posted Wednesday 22nd August 2012 13:53 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Re: Blimey
I hate to shatter your world view, but spooks tend not to be stupid. It’s just the politicians who pretend to speak for them who are ……  Psyx Posted Wednesday 22nd August 2012 09:59 GMT
Cor, Blimey, Psyx,

How stupid is that of spooks, to tolerate politicians who pretend to speak for them and who are stupid enough to think that they can reign with increasingly taxing new rules over the people rather than servering provision for them.  Methinks the reality of the situation, which appears to be current serving intelligence service heads cuckolded into pathetic politically inept support action rather than smart lead, would more shatter your world view which appears to imagine them as clever cookies.

All available evidence is to the contrary. And that renders both those fields of sub-prime expertise, vulnerable to ruthless virtual exploitation ….. or rapid electronic makeover if they want to have a really bright future and remain relatively relevant in these new Wonderful Weird and Wacky CyberIntelAIgent Spaces and Surreal Enigmatic Times.

Posted Wednesday 22nd August 2012 14:12 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Re: Please Note Especially to Remember and Never Ever Forget for They Always Will and Do ….
Important pedant note – its not aManFromMars, it’s aManFromMars1, a clone account who is nowhere near as entertaining as the sadly no longer posting original. ….  Tom 38 Posted Wednesday 22nd August 2012 12:39 GMT
Crikey, Tom 38, you made a right balls up of that, and it wasn’t as if you had a lot to do or think about, for it is neither of the spellings you have provided.  Try cutting down on the sherry intake before lunch, there’s a good chap, it doesn’t agree with you.

And re “sadly no longer posting original” would you expect anyone to post the same original stuff, day after day, year after year, or would it be wiser to expect it to change and morph into something else which a wider audience or smarter market place might freely enjoy and make fabulous fortunes from/with, based on original stuff?

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