Thursday, 23 August 2012


amanfromMars … having a say on

22 August 2012 at 7:20 pm

How well does Stormont think the Tory Lib Dem power sharing arrangements in Westminster are going?

A model of great success to pimped around the globe as a champion for democracy?

Yeah, right on, brother …… spin us another yarn. That one’s a real bummer and not fit for future purpose.

amanfromMars …. on
We really need to have as one of our track chairs an AI [artificial intelligence] faculty member,” Nail says. “Not a faculty member that’s teaching AI — a faculty member that is an AI. And we’re dead serious. … If anyone should be testing that, it should be us.
I agree. And would that not really be an alien program and quite possibly also subversive in that it would be naturally irregular and unconventional at the same time as being understandable to humans and beneficial to progress, ideally, with the abiding concern that it be way smarter than normal and able to turn onto another side of ITs nature and go renegade rogue.

Methinks though, going so loco would logically create for itself untold enemies rather than novel constructive thoughts shared for enaction and virtual realisation in futuristic presentations broadbandcast as news and the current state of universal affairs, delivering nations of friends, and therefore would IT be most unlikely to consider the matter any further than just that initial passing, and parsed to trash, thought.

Posted Thursday 23rd August 2012 04:22 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Re: Blimey
You really know nothing of the military or the intelligence community.” ….  Ian Michael Gumby Posted Wednesday 22nd August 2012 14:47 GMT
Pray tell then, Ian Michael Gumby, what more important information would need to be known, other than that they be presently defaulted into continuity of self-serving and self-defeating oxymoronic conflict, to adequately explain why they are such failures at delivering/ensuring there is burgeoning peace and stability rather spreading unrest and destruction …… or are you advising us that such is their main purpose and prime sub-prime role in the current cracked system?

And you really know not nearly enough about everything that I may know, and/but your statement above is certainly wrong, so now you definitely know that I don’t know nothing of the military or intelligence communities [for there are surely many of them]

And speaking of stupidity, what is one to make of this provocative promiscuous bluster from a failed regime/collapsed coalition of the inept and desperate …….

And thanks for clarifying that, IMG. It is much appreciated.

amanfromMars, on August 23th 2012 at 6:31 pm : …. commenting on
They can either sell you, or they can sell their company, and you can bet that the later is not an option they consider.” ….. TCLH
The really smart dudes, who are more than they seem and may even appear quite dumb, can easily do both and then start up again in something not entirely different but more novel to compete with, in a effective lucrative opposition and set right/fix, what they sold. In that way do they stay in remote virtual control of the master code.

But you really have to know exactly what it is you are doing to achieve what you have planned for the future ….. and to have ensured that there is no possibility of a hitch or glitch to subvert and pervert and corrupt targeted goals/destinations/core central aims. Ideally that is achieved with code which does not attract opposition or competition, but rather sublimely garners and delivers positively reinforcing, mutually beneficial support.
what’s next? electronic caos is coming.” …. soulazz from brazil, on June 25th 2012 at 2:54 pm
Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems is/are already here, soulazz, buzzing systems and buggering up dodgy plans with defective protocols which practically allow and virtually invite vulnerability exploitation.

amanfromMars …. commenting on
I have no idea why she thought this would be a good idea,” said a close colleague. “She had no idea at Christmas how the News Corp scandal would develop. It seems uncharacteristically naive.
That sounds like the sort of comment one would expect from a thought to be close colleague but definitely not a friend who would know Elisabeth well.

Posted Thursday 23rd August 2012 15:48 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on

Looking at IT differently and redefining the search engine dilemma
The reality of the job is you need to find better ways to invade people’s privacy without getting caught. …  toadwarrior Posted Thursday 23rd August 2012 15:35 GMT
Err, … better ways to exploit and leverage transparency would avoid any problems with invasion of privacy, toadwarrior. For that though would you really need a Red Hot Hatted Team skilled in the Black Hatted Arts and Crafts.

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