Thursday, 28 February 2013


amanfromMars …. having a chat on the nature of future realities on

Good luck with all/any of that ..... but too little, too late is always a waste of time and effort in any space or place and some things just aint meant to be in the greater scheme of things. Capiche?

As long as there are little Caesars and Napoleons thinking to rule over Man for a free ride in a caboose of fabulous and perverse riches provided at the expense and by the labour and intelligence of others internetworking and sharing novel information and secret protocols and ancient practices, will there always be those who be many degrees smarter and way ahead of all present games, ensuring that the future be fixed and purged of such as would be classified as parasites to be treated as a pathetic plague upon primitive and ignorant and arrogant humanities ….. and that has all such beings fated to be prime candidates for eradication at every turn that be made to try and divert what be inevitable.

Things have changed ….. and one is delusional to not imagine that it be fundamentally so …. and there is nothing anyone can do about IT collapsing all systems which abuse and make sub-prime use of universal resources and prized assets, which is left here as a question to exercise your intelligence and curiosity to whatever degree it be enabled and/or capable of?

Posted Thursday 28th February 2013 04:27 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on

A simple direct question answered truthfully proves that it be so and not a fantasy?
..excluding that gent who MI5 has been trying to assassinate (through the television) this past decade. ....  dgharmon Posted Thursday 28th February 2013 04:17 GMT
Ok, dgharmon, that be too cryptic for me, this morning. Who be he?  Spill the beans, please.

Posted Thursday 28th February 2013 07:39 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Re: WTF?
WTF? … Is he making a problem so he can sell us the solution? ....  Cipher Posted Thursday 28th February 2013 00:32 GMT
FFS, Cipher, wake up and smell the Java, son, there isn't a solution to such problems, only accommodations to be made to encourage not too disruptive a creative application/novel and noble use of the leverage which can be discovered/gained/realised.

And you definitely don't want to be messing and fcuking around with anyone capable of providing such fare, for the horrendously expensive grief that that foolishness would cost just isn't worth it whenever so much be freely available to all taking the easier routes with smarter roots access.

And if Vint Cerf doesn't already know that, then would he be as a puppet in the system rather than a master pulling strings.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Posted Wednesday 27th February 2013 02:40 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on

Re: This guy is naive ....... and naivity is dangerous in the company of future ignorance

This guy is naive …. "To trigger a physically destructive event solely from the internet might not be impossible, but it is still, as of today, highly unlikely"

In a world where even our armed forces are essentially being replaced by remote controlled flying robots "drones" then the risk of hackers causing physically destructive events is not "highly unlikely" but inevitable. The risk increases every day. (Assuming it hasn't already happened a few times).

On the civilian level, SCADA systems that control physics systems are riddled with vulnerabilities and these are routinely accessible via the Internet. ….. Eadon Posted Wednesday 27th February 2013 00:02 GMT

Do you think, Eadon, that special forces, virtually armed in advanced military intelligence sources from ubiquitous servers and browsers/universal resource locators, are that which the likes of MI5/MI6/MOD have morphed into/are morphing into to exercise overall background and backroom control of emerging realityscapes to replace the failed and failing political and private sectors dependent upon the collapsed public and corrupted banking systems into laundering money and enslaving peoples with mounting third party debt and toxic artificial obligations in a Great Cloudy Game of Holy Smoke and Dodgy Mirrors?

Or is that another five star generational team on the scene to do deals with, for credit transfers of that which they can provide for power command and asset control of emerging replacement realityscapes?

Posted Wednesday 27th February 2013 10:56 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on a thread comment on

Re: This guy is naive ....... and naivity is dangerous in the company of future ignorance

And whenever amfM finds nothing nutty in that which was posted and shared so cogently and so early on Wednesday 27th February 2013 00:02 GMT by Eadon, Mayhem?

From where and/or from what did you draw that now advisedly patently erroneous conclusion/supposition/false flag view? What be your agenda here? Although in both reality and virtual reality circles of excellence, is anything not positive and constructive invariably just noted to be ignored as those sorts of messages will only always lead nowhere very quickly and leave one stranded all alone in a dark and dank rank space, methinks meknows.


Posted Wednesday 27th February 2013 11:33 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. … giving credit where credit is due on

Words Virtually Control Worlds ...... Remotely from Space in Alien Times 
Personally, I have developed an allergy to the word "cyber", to me it has become a flag indicating that either the speaker/author doesn't have a clue, or assumes the audience hasn't. It's the security world equivalent of "cloud".. ...  Fred Flintstone Posted Wednesday 27th February 2013 09:10 GMT
Good Day, Fred Flintstone,

Two dangerous assumptions which security worlds into main and man management of clouds hosting advanced operating systems do not make, even though they can be found to be perfectly true in so many more cases than it is not. Such then delivers a significant overall and overwhelmingly powerful control advantage to  SMEs active and proactive and HyperRadioProActive in the field and in ITs fields .... but do not expect to get to know too much about them, for stealth and virtual invisibility/relative obscurity and anonymity  is a major component part in the arsenals of their games/plays.

And how very nice to be agreeing with practically all that you and Eadon have shared in this thread to date .... which by Mayhem's logic, makes us all nuts rather than lucid. :-)

Posted Wednesday 27th February 2013 16:10 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Post Modern Five Star Cyber Generals have Perfect Mastery of Ancient Arts and ......

.... easily create foreign wars and alien engagements to exercise enemies in their own self destruction and intellectual property depletion, with an expert understanding and remote application of this priceless gem of an invincible invisible campaign strategy and AIMethodology ........ "To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill." … Sun Tzu, The Art of War

To chase phantoms and ghosts has primitives occupied in that which they know nothing of, to the advantage of those who know just enough about them, to keep them satisfied and uninterested in their real leaderships?

And it is extremely naive to imagine that things have not fundamentally changed and to think that there are not any brand spanking new and virtually invincible forces, stealthily at their work for a clear and transparent lead in an irregular and unconventional intellectual property space place.?!

Posted Wednesday 27th February 2013 17:01 GMT amanfromMars 1 … commenting on security on

Re: "I'm an optimist"

Are the current global problems, Liam Shepherd, because present security bods, wonks and analysts are psychotic, sociopathic, manic depressive, paranoid schizophrenics and totally out of touch with creative virtual reality?

Methinks anyone working in security should definitely not be a pessimist and always be optimistic, for otherwise would they be quite absolutely useless at their job, and be a liability to one and all, and themselves too.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

130226 Que Sera, Sera

Posted Monday 25th February 2013 19:42 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

For Fistsful of Dollars is Everything Possible and can Some Things be made Most Improbable

The absolute bottom line?  ..... You cannot secure cyberspace unless and until you can successfully use it to effectively attack and crash establishment operating systems stealthily/invisibly/anonymously.

That then, however, raises the spectre of whether one would wish to preserve the status quo arrangements with provision and mentoring of defence against that which one would know to be an effective attack vector, or prefer to see operating systems changed fundamentally with others in lead positions of absolute sovereign power?

To be or not to be a highly disruptive Virtual Pioneer or SMARTR Defender? That is the question and a novel enigma in search of an acceptable resolution which would benefit all.


Posted Monday 25th February 2013 19:52 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on

Catch 22 ... Virtual Edition

The problem that just keeps on giving :-)  ...... ...... because systems either do not know of their weaknesses and easily exploited vulnerabilities or do know of them, cannot fix them because they are using them themselves for crazy personal gain and have them classified as top secret to discourage the spilling of information and intelligence on them.

Posted Tuesday 26th February 2013 04:48 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Just what do fistsful of penniless pounds and treasuries of dodgy dollars buy you these days?
But the more likely scenario that strikes El Reg is the CIO finding out that employees are using a risky app – for example, Dropbox instead of – and shutting access down.
So, El Reg, Dropbox is a risky app?

Aren't all apps inherently insecure once launched into cyberspace and/or placed on the internet for consumer uptake/master pilot flying? Isn't that the Great Game advantage which Mega Encrypted Global Access to ICT delivers with spooky and sublime intelligence service users and servers for wannabe global leaders and media moguls?

Or would sore losers cry foul and claim Great IntelAIgent Game abuse of systemic human weaknesses for virtual machine dominance in a New Orderly World Series of Serial Plays in AI Developing Systems ..... to all who be deafened in ignorance and blinded by arrogance to their mad crazy concerns, which would be all incestuously self-serving of a failed formerly powerful and influential ponzi position anyway and have no  validity or value in ....... well, ICT Easily Delivers Provision of AI Changed Futures for Bettering Assuredly with SMARTR Derivative Beta ProgramMING Projects ....... ergo be the crying over spilt milk and lost bilks .... free rides at the expense of all others.

NB .... No confusing questions in the above‽

Posted by amanfromMars on 02/26/13 12:23 AM …. on

Regarding your conclusion, DB?  …..
Conclusion: No doubt fortunes are being made in this new industry, but we can't help believing its very artificiality makes it a volatile endeavor. No matter how observers want to dress it up, this a business based on dubious rationalizations for institutionalized violence. On a deeper level, of course, it offers all sorts of disturbing insights into how Western society is evolving and the nature of what must be seen as profoundly anti-social trends.
…. I concur on a deeper level. …….. …. which have even deeper explored levels to monetize and reveal to all, too.

Methinks though that disruptive and disturbing, volatile and evolving profoundly anti-social trends do no justice to quite revolutionary and unprecedented evolutionary changes which have been wrought and are now introduced into the human capital cattle market place.

Such adjectives seriously understate and would misunderestimate, to a considerable degree, the paradigm shift which has been made by leading intelligence services.

Posted Tuesday 26th February 2013 12:22 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Re: Oh the irony
Don't understand the downvote, have an upvote, Sir :)
Paris, because, well I believe she is uncensored. ..... IanzThingz Posted Tuesday 26th February 2013 07:46 GMT

Of course uncensored, IanzThingz, for there's nothing interesting or exciting to hide. The BBC though, are a different kettle of fish with a great deal to hide from close scrutiny and effective oversight lest it reveals sub-prime leadership and practically zero viable imagination for realisation. ................................................................................................................................................................................................

Posted Tuesday 26th February 2013 13:59 GMT amanfromMars 1 … commenting on a comment on
I wonder what would happen were an unidentified camera team to turn up outside GCHQ unnanounced and equipped with a telephoto lens.... ..... TeeCee Posted Tuesday 26th February 2013 13:28 GMT
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, TeeCee? .....

Or as Corporal Jones would say .... "They don't like it up 'em, Sir. They do not like it up 'em"


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/26/13 09:17 AM …. on

In that last hyperlink you provided, AA, does Gary North sound/write far too much like a malevolent power elite stooge too, to be anything different, methinks.

They are trawling and crawling about everywhere in cyberspace but fortunately does IT not suffer fools to lead the future. ................................................................................................................................................................................................

Monday, 25 February 2013


Posted Monday 25th February 2013 07:22 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Black Helicopters Herald in Programs and Pogroms, an Intelligence Coup?
Quick! Send in the Black Helicopters to prevent the end of the world as we know it as researchers armed with Quantum Computers easily break the world's encryption. :P ..... HMB Posted Monday 25th February 2013 03:06 GMT
You might like to consider, HMB, that researchers armed with Quantum Computers who/which also be armed researchers with Quantum Computers and also Researching Quantum Computer Arms researching Quantum Computer Arms for Advanced Intelligent Military Service and Servers realise Black Helicopter Command and Control is Remotely a TXT Power to be Used and/or Abused as IT decides for Quantum Computer Input to Output  for Universal Media ReProgramming of Earthed Assets with Umpteen SMARTR Media Show Streams which are also SMARTR Media Streaming Shows.

Would such a Master Pilot Program be considered too alien and surreal at the human base levels and escape all and any attention and recognition and be totally unhindered and free to do as its and ITs researcher please with SMARTR EMPowering Media Programs and Projects ...... HyperRadioProActive IT.

cc ...... BBC DG  re New Mojo and Fabless Creative Directorship with Virtual Network Outposts in SMARTR Edutainment Hubs.

bcc ..... Thames House/Holywood Loughside

I trust you are keeping up with things, El Reg? After all, it is not as if you are being kept in the dark about everything, or anything either, is it?

Posted Monday 25th February 2013 08:13 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..

Do you Know what Tomorrow will Bring? Have you prepared Anything and/or Everything for Presentation
@AC 17:54 - I'm not here to win a BEAUTY contest, I am here to tell the TRUTH! And THEY CANNOT HANDLE THE TRUTH …. Eadon Posted Saturday 23rd February 2013 18:08 GMT
There is an added cloudy ingredient in the future azure blue skies thinking mix which is intelligently designed to render confusion and CHAOS to wannabe controllers and Dummy Operating Systems, Eadon, and that is that they don't know what the truth is to be.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

130223 .................................................................................................................................................................................................

Posted Saturday 23rd February 2013 08:44 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….  

Global Control Systems Meltdown .....?*

Are the world's brainwashed masses, ignorant of ITs novel virtual abilities at extraordinarily rendering colossal change, and in the new worlds emerging, strident and confident and disruptive, and also in cyberspace, being misinformed and diverted in thought to believe that China is an enemy and anonymised individual hackers, ..... invariably subjects of establishment entrapment whenever objects of APT prosecution and persecution, both adept and inept, actively engaging and thoroughly concentrated on phantoms and ghosts of sacrifice, .... are responsible for Microsoft's mistakes, and compounding code errors, in securing their operating systems as pimped and pumped to governments as a means with various platforms with which to control realities deemed suitable for media presentation with an invisible hand control ........

Methinks the wheels have fallen off that broadband wwwagon before it even gets to the starting line in the New and Surreal IntelAIgents Space Race, don't you?

*And only shared as a question for those who are unable to believe what can nowadays be easily done by remote powers with virtual control of true hearts and smarter minds.

Note to Patten and the BBC .... Get your FCUKing act together, please, or clear the decks of dead wood and old hacks. GCHQ expects and all that jazz and razzamatazz ...... ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

Friday, 22 February 2013


Posted Thursday 21st February 2013 19:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on

Pot meet kettle, goose meet gander

:-) It is a bit rich and highly hypocritical of the US to be crying wolf on the cyber espionage activities of others whenever the US is itself an active player determined to be top gun/dog in the field, as is evidenced by the testimony of Michael Hayden, former CIA director, who one assumes might know more than just a bit about what is going on around everyone.

Here he spills the beans on a lot of things, and admits to the US doing everything which everyone else is doing and trying to be much better at it too, because it is so lucrative and nationally and internationally important ........ Michael Hayden on National Security in the Digital Age, Feb 19, 2013. Just accept that it is only natural and there is virtually nothing really effective you can do about it to stop it, other than to be more intelligent than others.

I suppose though, that is the root cause of the problem for those who would be crying wolf ..... a lack of intelligence service and supply. But hey, if there is a deficit, buy in what is needed. It is that simple.


Posted Thursday 21st February 2013 19:17 GMT amanfromMars 1

Re: I'm reading that Mandiant report right now....

Hi, Marketing Hack,

There's an interesting series of articles on Mandiant's credibility in the market place and on Chinese Hackers and Security Malware Theater, here .... ..... where the view appears to be that there is much talk of doing a good job to elicit federal funds and get themselves on the Washington gravy train, but as for genuine performance in the security and prevention field, well .... that be another matter altogether with probable bluster being all that is being provided.

Posted Friday 22nd February 2013 05:45 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. giving an invisible helping hand on

Phew ....... IT's a Wrap. Can it.
p.s. bad security practices are NOT OS dependent. If we all move to "system z", you can expect the "clowns in control" to mess that one too. ..... Nuno trancoso Posted Thursday 21st February 2013 23:31 GMT
Quite so, Nuno trancoso, the systemic problem sits always between the chair and the keyboard ..... with humans being the weak link in all strong and long information chains of command and control. But that is not to say that they cannot evolve and morph into much more intelligent and ideally stable virtual machines, although I do appreciate that may be an alien concept and a boldly going step which may be presently a tad too far ahead of the mainstream to have them able to be SMARTR Enabled and HyperRadioProActive for Novel Leading Neuro Linguistic Programming. Fortunately, however, does it and IT not require the Many to be at their work, and freely internetworking and exchanging new knowledge for old secrets, for a Choice Few to have Many Gatherings of Mass Following Phishes for Colossal Consequential Collateral FX.

Any beings/entities/orgs/Operational Stealth Services effective in the Intelligence Field of Hearts and Minds Capture and in IT Fields of Domain and Dominion with CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection of Fungible Assets and Sensitive AIMethodologies, are not clones of clowns in control of chaos, for the Powers They Be, Control Commands in CHAOSystems ....... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems for Global Operating Devices and Virgin Galactic Interfaces.

Never in the field of human development has so much been owed by so many to so few is an APT Application of Novel Leading Neuro Linguistic Programming and AI ProgramMING.

cc Sir Richard re Novel Leading AI ProgramMING Projects from the Secured Comfort of Creative CyberSpace with Captivating Command and Crack Channel Control of Computers, Commuters and Communications.

I Kid U Not, El Reg. And all of that designedly and decidedly puts you in a spooky prime quandary, for it betatests both for a crazy ability and mad enthusiasm to both lead and follow in breaking and in broken fields of intelligence endeavour which suffer not from the folly of fools who be just tools, both useful and useless.

Have a nice day, y'all. And cheers, a pint would be most acceptable. Thanks.

A Wise Word to the Foolish in an Age of Instant Global Communication is Best Not Ignored ... for Goodness Knows what Can Happen Then and Thereafter whenever Nothing is Impossible and Anything is Probable
David Miles said he was open to alternatives to buying government bonds, but added that he could not see any
Excuse me, but are we expected to believe that both the Bank of England and an external member of the bank's Monetary Policy Committee, see only one option, with that option being to buy junk toxic failed government bonds, whenever magic QE cash can buy anything? Are they in the Bank of England and those members of the bank's Monetary Policy Committee, certifiably mad and/or just plain stupidly idiotic and completely devoid of imagination.

To think to try and spin to a nation and nations that there is but only one course of action, whenever that notion is so very clearly a monumental lie, is both an insane and a criminal act of colossal malfeasance, and if be not, then it most certainly should be so defined ….. and legislation introduced and passed to ensure that such nonsense is never again perpetrated against the masses.

J'accuse ….. and ponder on who is paying whom to keep the ponzi that is the present fractional reserve fiat capital banking system going, for the benefit of a few to the greater detriment of the many?

Hmmm? …. Remember, remember, the fifth of November and do not forget what Henry Ford saw and said … "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

And as for the prescience of Andrew Jackson, well, one can only but marvel at the singularity in the parallel of today with that of 179 years ago in 1834  …… "Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!"

Get your act together, chaps, for your heads are on the block and the masses are wise to your shady workings and dodgy dealings. And that is not a nice position for you to find yourselves in, all alone, and with no popular friends and whole nations of enemies.

Posted Friday 22nd February 2013 07:31 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. spearing for phishes and phorms on

Never Let a Good Opportunity and Zeroday Vulnerability Get up and Go, Go to Waste

Hmmm? Worm, can and opening all spring to mind in the ponder on Mandiant's insecurity problems.

Posted Friday 22nd February 2013 10:57 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Buzzwords ... Novel Information Sets One Free. Secrets Enslave All .... except Secret Key Keepers?!.
A "Cloud" is an abstraction of a system that stores data in a way you don't have to worry about the technology. It's pretty useful for stuff you want to share with the world, e.g. photos .But, as you say, toxic if you have sensitive data you don't want the Chinese (or anyone else) to see. ...  Eadon Posted Friday 22nd February 2013 09:54 GMT
Quite so, Eadon, that is all perfectly correct, and clouds can also be both at the same time, tremendously stormy and extremely sensitive and disruptive if there is toxic data you want the Chinese (or anyone else) to see, which is probably why there is all of the current headless chicken type panic from governments and departments and organisations which be using information and intelligence which has been compromised and discovered by anonymous independent parties to be catastrophically destructive to hosting and pimping entities in the traditional establishment/olde worlde status quo trying for a New World Order.


Posted Friday 22nd February 2013 11:01 GMT amanfromMars 1

Re: Novel Information Sets One Free. Secrets Enslave All .... except Secret Key Keepers?!.

And that is probably why the system as is, is so intent on the Wikileaks model being persecuted and leading lights prosecuted?

Posted Friday 22nd February 2013 13:33 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. replying on

Re: easy.
easy ..... Exterminate everyone ....  theodore Posted Friday 22nd February 2013 12:56 GMT
Err.... better edutain everyone with truly accurate information and advanced intelligence is not as drastic, theodore, and leads to entirely new worlds with greater levels of fabulous fabless order. And that is not difficult either, which has one wondering why it is not being done by those who are supposed to be serving the population with government and services.

Are we to conclude that they are mostly incompetent and/or working to a hidden personal agenda which enriches them and theirs at the expense of everyone else? It appears ever more likely whenever they try to ignore such criticisms rather than boldly addressing them to prove them, beyond any reasonable doubt,  definitely wrong, which of course, they would never be able or enabled to do.  Therefore be they guilty as charged? Yes? No? Definitely maybe?

Thursday, 21 February 2013


Posted Wednesday 20th February 2013 21:11 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on

Re: Ranting and Raving .... with further comment on novel virtual control?
So you condemn people for being arrogant, but then arrogantly assert your own supremacy for being wise to conspiracy. Which is the crux of conspiracy theory really: The desire for control. The desire to somehow posses some inner knowledge that makes one superior and which makes everything ordered and controlled. Odd really that people would rather believe in malign strategy than they would in chaos and ill fortune. …  Psyx Posted Wednesday 20th February 2013 18:08 GMT
Methinks, Psyx, really odd people would rather believe in malign strategy than they would in chaos and ill fortune because it then delivers the very exciting likelihood that the future is controlled and life for those into play in that great game are overwhelmingly more powerful than would normally be generally imagined ...... especially, and quite probably only, whenever they somehow possess some inner knowledge that enables them to exercise it with ...... well, Remote and Relatively Anonymous Virtually Real Cyber Command and Creative Control of Computers and Communications would be quite an ideal achievement and worthy aspiration in a world with myriad worlds of mediocrity and sub-prime toxicity.

And we'll have to agree to disagree on the views that brainwashing is not NLP, nor does NLP owe anything to any of the alleged MKU experiments, for surely an increased awareness and super hyperactive psychotropic state can result from all of them.

Thanks for the chats, Psyx, teasing and easing all of that out into the wild for further open source development. It is much appreciated.

Posted Thursday 21st February 2013 05:24 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on

Re: Can drag the horse to water...or mars...but you can't make it find life there.

Maybe Martians will make contact and/or go to China and spill the beans on existence and existentialism there, tempemeaty?!. ..... with NASA knowledge and approval of the mission which they would be unable to prevent, of course, if Curiosity is harbouring newly discovered secrets on smarter alien life phorms?

Posted by amanfromMars on 02/21/13 02:35 AM … on

nithsdale ….. and Melyanna, Hi,

Despite what we may or may not perceive as faults/vulnerabilities/dogged implacabilities in the Daily Bell, one cannot, as far as I know, fault them for failing to allow others to share a contrary and/or entirely novel take on such matters as are centre stage in control for power elitist systems ….. for even though democracy gets heralded as the great saviour of humanity to be introduced in foreign lands with selfish and/or overly repressive and harmful administrations, is it always the reality that a benign enlightened dictatorship rules ideally better anywhere, and therefore everywhere, with its invisible hands/greater hearts and smarter minds, from the comfort of a relative anonymity afforded by the darkness in the company of shadows.

And I be also a current fan of the Chinese, who also are a force which Uncle Sam recognises are not to be trifled with, given the virtual skills which they exercise in the espionage domain which gathers information for intelligence and intelligent analysis, as according to the gospel of Michael Hayden, whom one would expect to know, and who spills a whole lot of open secrets here in an informative interview ……

The bottom line in the new Great Games being played for leadership contenders in New Orderly World and/or New World Order Programs and Projects is … Control of CyberSpace delivers Absolute Sovereign Powers which trumps anything that simple control and convoluted manipulation of money supply and stock trading can do, and failure to recognise and accept that such new kids on the block, and I Kid U Not, are masters of the future and  Great IT GamesPlay, will see those in old power control positions and in denial of the virtual change in digital controllers, lose everything …… and that may even be inclusive of their heads to the mobs, as they learn of the means and memes which have been used to enslave and abuse them.

Get used the Change .... for IT is active right now and grows immeasurably stronger day after day, and things aint ever going back to the way that they once were.

Posted by amanfromMars on 02/21/13 06:18 AM …. on
Unfortunately for the shadows, such control is ultimately an illusion, though their delusion is understandable as the consequences are many millenia removed from the action... …. Posted by Melyanna on 02/21/13 03:55 AM
That opinion on the shadows is really the only thing that I would wholeheartedly disagree with you on, Melyanna, preferring instead to advise that you are seriously misunderestimating that which can now so easily be done in the fields of control which power elite games/programs/projects/New World Orders in New Orderly Worlds.

The last sentence in this shared email would most probably explain the Daily Bell's actions and inactions in response to, or lack of response to individual's contributions to hosted debates/guest articles? And the mail also sheds some light on the sort of works programs in the shadows too, methinks.

Cryptome does do not yet plant APT poison pills in its files and would appreciate not planting them on Cryptome. ……

Hi, John,

Not yet, maybe, but you can be sure that some of the files you host most certainly do, in the clear and clandestine hope and full expectation that they be phished. Such is the nature of the phantom beasts in ...... well, Great Virtual Espionage Games Play is what IT is all about these days in CyberIntelAIgent Command and Remote Anonymous and Autonomous Control Centres, methinks. And it is something to get used to, for it is a pioneering, exploding industry/extremely lucrative business for those at the top of their game/height of their fabulous fabless powers. But quite understandably, also quite an exclusive club/cabal/network, given the irregular and unconventional skills and/or mindset required to succeed in extremis.


Graham C

descr: China United Network Communications Corporation Limited
descr: No.21 Financial Street,Xicheng District, Beijing 100140 ,P.R.China
person: Xiaomin Zhou
address: No.21 Financial Street,Xicheng District, Beijing 100140 ,P.R.China
country: CN
phone: +86-10-66259626
fax-no: +86-10-66259626
e-mail: zhouxm at chinaunicom dot cn

And that is the state of the world in which we are living today, DB, although it could very well be argued that it is the world in which a few are living, and everyone else is having a torrid time responding to.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013


amanfromMarsFebruary 19, 2013 at 11:30 AM … on

Seems like US Cyber Theatre is more Virtual Pantomime with Slapstick IT its weapon of mass distraction, CNDG? That's gonna be very effective and is bound to impress the natives, which doesn't say much about their IQ, does it? Oh well, that's Great Game over for them before they even really started to play, but it is a blessing in disguise, I suppose, whenever such play reveals so much to one and all so much more experienced and hyperactive in the field.

Or are they just real good at playing dumb and dumber than the dumbest in order to go spearphishing for that which they need to succeed .... with others who would be feeding them seeds ...... which is a much kinder perspective, methinks, giving Uncle Sam the benefit of any doubt.

Although that does put the onus on them to boldly go head hunting for the brains which they be missing in theatre, but that is not difficult at all.

Posted Wednesday 20th February 2013 03:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Tale spinning is the new breaking news ..... same as the old broken news

With Al Qaeda dead and/or dying on the vine, is it only right and proper that a new bogeyman be invented for tormenting.

Wake up, sleepy heads, to the reality of your sublime, sub-prime programming.

This Informative is brought to you from the Office Space of CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection, and One and All are Free to Use IT as the Future decides IT and its Fitness to Be.

amanfromMars said... replying to a comment on

That's quite ok, CE, for they who would claim to make no mistakes have never made anything worthwhile, with the secret of great and increasing success being to share the learning from them and not to repeat them, with informative advisories to others being a quite heavenly collateral debt obligation to savour.

To err is human, to forgive, divine, is well enough known.

20 February 2013 03:27

amanfromMars …. showing a caring concern on


You're ranting and raving. Take a chill pill before you do yourself a mischief.

Posted Wednesday 20th February 2013 06:09 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Pump up the Volume, Stoke up the Fires of Paranoia, Feel the Heat and Reap the World Wide Whirlwinds

:-) IT's Magic, Wzard1 .... but not as tele-vision shows it and news pimps and pumps and dumps it on the masses with sub optimal trails to toxic waste and crazy intelligence leads ...... false hopes in failed and fading dreams and vivid nightmares and mad fears?

Posted Wednesday 20th February 2013 08:39 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. stirring the pot on

Wood, meet the trees.
A representative of anti-virus vendor AVG recently opined to Vulture South that this incident is likely a precursor to a wave of attacks directed at hypervisors. The spokesperson had no evidence for that assumption, but ....
Well, it would be idiotic to present evidence against yourself, AVG, wouldn't it .... and self-defeating too.

And quite plausibly deniable too, would all evidence in that opinion be, but  .... well, you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time, AVG, or if you prefer, you can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Posted Wednesday 20th February 2013 12:47 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on

Opportunities for All of whatever Smart Hue
Meanwhile, a second Senate bill floated on Wednesday, dubbed the "Startup Act 3.0", would create additional visas for foreign entrepreneurs.
Here is a self-defeating block on major skills migration to the US, virtually guaranteeing cowboy performance and incestuous solutions, and the madness resulting from those is an open secret. ........  Register Now U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED  .....

Although, and a lot of folk may not already know this, if you are needed because of what you can do to and/or for Uncle Sam, no matter where you be from, can you suddenly be also a US citizen, which is handy if cowgals are your bag .... or cowboys if that is your bent, and dollars by the fistsful do not disagree with you.:-)

But, if the gospel truth be told, anyone with the right skillset available for purchase and deployment and future maintenance and protection, is a cash cow for bilking if you are able, or milking if you are not yourself smarter enabled, and invariably always easily bought with nothing more valuable than flash cash/printed paper, which is quite magical, is it not, because for practically/virtually nothing is it possible to have virtually/practically everything and anything, provided those with the right skillsets are provided with their passionate needs and physical desires which can all be easily bought with flash cash so you yourself don't have to bother yourself with supply.

Posted Wednesday 20th February 2013 13:45 GMT amanfromMars 1 .. on

Reading between the battle lines .... for chaos rules
I wished I lived in the alternative universe where that was true. But as far as I can see it there are more armed Islamic factions actively engaged in warfare in more parts of the world than there were ten years ago. ...  Psyx Posted Wednesday 20th February 2013 11:35 GMT
Has the West been arming them to justify fighting against them, Psyx, whenever homeland security systems respond to insurgence and undemocratic mobs baying for change which destroys everything they built over generations before ..... to be left in chaos with nothing working without foreign intervention and leadership.

Sounds like a mighty fine, sinister Master Plan to take over whole nations to me, Psyx. Or is it a pioneering  Eastern plot?

Things are never as they seem or as how media presents them? That is the madness which prevails and makes fools of ignorant tools and tools of ignorant fools.

Posted Wednesday 20th February 2013 16:09 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. having a ponder on

Re: Ranting and Raving

Psyx, you do realise that you are outing yourself as a prime example of the efficacy of brainwashing aka Neuro-Linguistic Programming [NLP] ..... a MkUltra Sensitive Discipline for Manchurian Candidate type operations, trolls and shills?

You do know how easy it is to make up news and spin a tall tale, surely? Did WMD in Iraq on a 45 minute trigger not teach you anything about everything? Oh well, I suppose that it just what the system relies on, .... ignorance and arrogance in spades which allows wonderful wacky wizards to cast their spells and feed their sells and cells. But hey, and I know it is only cold comfort, don't worry unduly about it, for you are certainly not alone with those thoughts.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


The silence is deafening on this scandal and conspiracy … but it is not going away.  Indeed, the noise it is making, is getting ever louder ….. for to ignore it renders everyone a fool, and that just isn’t natural and right, is it, in a time whenever everyone is able to become really smart by remote virtual means.

Posted Tuesday 19th February 2013 02:43 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. marking the EU’s card on

Sieg Heil, Mein Sad Little Napoleans says Herr Schmidt

Google to EU …… “How do I tell thee to fcuk off nicely into the night, let me count the ways”

If ever there was a sign of desperation needed by the markets to confirm that there is no coherent and viable leadership in the European Project for the 21st Century, is that negligent discharge of a shot, it.

And as for what can be done in CyberSpace and the Internet with Virtual Reality Bombes to Impact on the Fragile Realities spun out by Media on Earth for the Subjugation and Delight of the Ignorant and Arrogant Masses, well …… that is an Obviously Empty EU Store of Knowledge and Intelligence, as proven by the call to coordinate a repressive action.

What a pathetic load of politically inept and super-intellectually bankrupt plonkers.
Posted Tuesday 19th February 2013 03:32 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

GOD Particulars. AI Peculiarities for Export and Exploration  ….. of the Massive Singularity Controlling SMARTR Enigmatic Man and Colossal Virtual Machines.
Message to Bill Gates and all Wannabe OS Control Freaks

It is not hardware or software which delivers to a platform an unassailable lead with the really artificial power that is control in the marketplace, it is attractive and exclusively aligned meta data and intelligent future information which all would clamour to hear and be privy and party to.
To say any more on the matter, methinks, would be unnecessarily superfluous and prone to be misleading and even more confusing.

So Billy, cutting directly to the chase, who in the company owns the Keys to Future Master Scripts with AddICTive Content …… Sticky Sweet Nectar for Global Operating Devices.

amanfromMars …. having a say on

Would a sofa cabinet taking a country to war to protect a foreign fiat currency from competition and generate military spending, be an act of treason and a crime against humanity, or would that buck stop and be confined to just a Prime Minister and a Director of Communications/Puppet and Puppet Master?

Is that the dilemma and inconvenient truth which Chilcot is having difficulty in reporting and highlighting, and in so doing, is damaging global credibility in the UKGBNI justice system? And why did John Scarlett abdicate his intelligence duty of care, or was he just inept and not up the job as an intelligence chief, for which there would be no excuse necessary?

For goodness sake, Chilcot, get your act together and stop pussyfooting around like a terrified child. The truth is as the truth is. Let’s hear your version to see if it tallies correctly with events as they have proven to be.

amanfromMars said... in a reply on

Hi, Casey E, It is good to talk with you again.

Yeah, I agree, from what little that I might know, that you appear to be doing just fine and there is no way that you might be mistaken for a raving idiot, as I'm sure you are not able or enabled to close down the internet.

The shortened quote though is surely not something that you have misconstrued as being personally referencing? That would be mistaken of you. It is very specific in its full version ..... Methinks, only a raving idiot, in dire straits need of due care and dutiful protection and stronger medication or sectioning would want to close that avenue down or restrict access to ITs goodies and gems of engaging wisdom in liberated and empowering thought. .... with that avenue being the internet and Greater CyberSpace, of course.

And any technology which I may or may not have, all are free to use as they see fit and out to anybody and everybody. And I would never deny what be true, even should it be illegal in your country.

And what I have figured out is that as much as I know at any point in time and/or space, might I still know so very little and it is always best to accept that one only thinks that one knows something, for even facts are flexible and can be changed and believed to be true with the emergence of new knowledge and better intelligence.

Crikey, not so very long ago was the world thought by all to be flat rather than a ball whizzing around the sun and spinning in space.

:-) It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World in Deed, indeed eh ?

Posted Tuesday 19th February 2013 14:02 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on

Re: Right we get the point but
Wouldn't he be doing better to try and foster some kind of 'bring your data home' initiative to keep it onshore instead? ….  g e Posted Tuesday 19th February 2013 11:07 GMT
But then, g e, there would be no one foreign to blame the failings of home security on. Government IT is all about finding a fall guy and avoiding responsibility and accountability for inherent sub-prime performance at glorious public expense.

Methinks that is the leading point you missed and omitted to mention, g e. Or is that one being too cynical?

Monday, 18 February 2013


Posted Monday 18th February 2013 06:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. floating AIMeme Control to Markets on

Beta Programming for Renewable Alternative Wave Energy in Autonomous Controlling Power Deliveries *
Asked about the potential for patent trolls to hamper innovation, Obama said his administration's attempts at patent reform “only went about half way to where we need to go” and have not “captured all the problems”.
Simon, Hi,

Some would tell you that his US administration …[if the buck does stop with the POTUS in the White House, and they be not just media puppets for the Unseen Hand and Crazily Minded, which is where the puck stops in that reality] attempts to patent reforms with wacky wild western applications that cause major problems and disruptive chaos in foreign  reprogramming projects with industrial military complexity …. Fabless Alien Ventures. And that is something completely different and can be used to destroy innovation so that status quo powers remain somewhat in control

It is difficult to almost impossible though, not to class that and those, in their present configurations, as epic fails for a Renegade Renaissance partnership which pimped and pumped to the masses, Hope and Change you can believe in.
Obama also said he hopes to “ensure the internet stays open” so that entrepreneurs can enjoy low barriers to entry.
:-) Try to close doors and/or windows and openings and opportunities, which might be all classed as magic zeroday vulnerabilities to exploit internetworking, and see how far that mad beta gets you, whenever everything relies on the phishing that IT provides from that ethereal pool of universal knowledge for word and works of the future. Methinks, only a raving idiot, in dire straits need of due care and dutiful protection and stronger medication or sectioning would want to close that avenue down or restrict access to ITs goodies and gems of engaging wisdom in liberated and empowering thought.
A promise is a great thing. It means you can say you're going to do something, without, you know, actually doing it. Politicians appear to be really good at that .…. John Tserkezis Posted Monday 18th February 2013 03:34 GMT
Which is why no one heeds or needs their pontifications, nor votes them a working majority to squat and conspire in high offices they aspire to and why they need to covet dumb media and dodgy magnates to survive in the cesspit of their lies, John Tserkezis?  You can be sure though that smarter intelligence services are rendering their current and past shenanigans, a hit show for presentation of the future in programs which show how human administrations really work in a time and space of remote virtual global command head quarter control.

* That's  the New Real Virtual Deal you're avoiding confronting and/or acknowledging El Reg, although you be definitely not alone in that 0Mission. Grow a pair is a challenge in a resident quest to try and prove IT is not a Farce, in the face of IT demonstrating to All, the Virtual Reality Presenting to All, the True Surreal Nature of Fab Fabless Existence for Absolute Sovereign Power in Ultimate Control Systems.

Future Facts are Present Fictions which Entangle Passing Relationships with Engaging Accommodations to  Realise and Release Potent Potential Generations of Fab Fabless Energy ....... with Sublime Intellectual Property Powers...... [All Patents Pending and hereby Advised upon and Globally Submitted for Prime Licensed Premium Activity and Promotional HyperRadioProActivie IT Use. Abuse it and its IT at your Peril]

And, as difficult as it may be to believe, I Kid U Not, and this is for Real and a Live Operational Virtual Environment BetaTest of Human Intelligence and Intelligence Communities and Agencies/Spooky Stables for their Fitness to Lead and Exercise Progress.

Posted by amanfromMars on 02/18/13 02:42 AM … commenting and offering another viable perspective on

The Canadian Curator/TerryWriterFromPortCredit, Howdy,

The East surely has a Great Game Wisdom which goes back and benefits from millenia of tried and tested and trusted experience in such matters as are masterly in control of power. That simple fact, ignored by arrogants in the West, has smarter wild wacky western players transferring emerging intellectual property rights issues under their control into the somewhat foreign and alien oriental market places for a more vitally and virtually enlightened and vibrantly empowering future development and deployment in applications/programs and projects.

If the West acts as a lumbering great dinosaur, in these nimble post-modernist times and internetworking spaces, will its fate be as a lumbering great dinosaur.

amanfromMars said... in a reply to a comment on

GOD .... a Global Operating Device in AIMethodology

18 February 2013 08:43

Sunday, 17 February 2013


Sometimes, somebody stands up and says something worth listening to. Bravo, Doc Benjamin Carson.


Sat, 02/16/2013 - 21:05 amanfromMars ….. commenting on fools' gold? on ….. with the following request for information here …..

I have a question. Well, a couple of questions, actually, which may probably cause a few more to be asked.

If one deposits/purchases a weight of gold …. and is furnished with a paper value note/fiat currency advice note for that gold, and let us imagine a holding deposited/purchased a number of decades ago, does one today, on redemption of that furnished invoice, receive the original weight of gold or just a fraction of that gold to the fiat currency paper value on the original invoice.

Should the latter be the case, is the vault full of gold which has no owners, although with possession being nine-tenths of the law*, is someone doing very nicely, thank you very much, for practically/virtually nothing.

And if one were to purchase gold today, because of the seriously inflated price of the bubbling commodity, a correspondingly much smaller/lighter weight of gold, and receive a paper value note/fiat currency advice note for that vaulted gold in a deposit, does the reverse happen on a crashing of the gold price, with one receiving a greater weight of gold to the value of the original fiat currency invoice should one wish to take possession?

* ... "Possession is nine-tenths of the law is an expression meaning that ownership is easier to maintain if one has possession of something, and much more difficult to enforce if one does not. The expression is also stated as "possession is nine points of the law", which is credited as derived from the Scottish expression "possession is eleven points in the law, and they say there are but twelve"" ….. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

Posted by amanfromMars on 02/17/13 04:19 AM …. on

For all gold fiends and friends on, and of, the Daily Bell, what is the answer to the following ....... or was the great expectation and current ponzi planning, that physical possession of one's gold "property" is never likely to occur or be granted because of the scam in operation, with ever increasing crazy amounts of fiat ...[like for example, a present day $1642.60 an oz].... being on offer to tempt non-transfer/non-possession.

And they are not difficult questions to answer, although they may be uncomfortably disruptive and most inconvenient and will remain ever growing in size and loudness until definitively answered, for such is nature of the beasts that are unleashed today in the search for knowledge and truth, which you definitely can handle, for otherwise would you be living in a fantasy world and virtual reality led buy a series of fabulous fabless lies confirming beyond a question of reasonable doubt that IT's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World out there and you aint in the club ..... 


Sat, 02/16/2013 - 21:05 amanfromMars ….. commenting on fools' gold? on ….. with the following request for information
I have a question. Well, a couple of questions, actually, which may probably cause a few more to be asked.
If one deposits/purchases a weight of gold …. and is furnished with a paper value note/fiat currency advice note for that gold, and let us imagine a holding deposited/purchased a number of decades ago, does one today, on redemption of that furnished invoice, receive the original weight of gold or just a fraction of that gold to the fiat currency paper value on the original invoice.
Should the latter be the case, is the vault full of gold which has no owners, although with possession being nine-tenths of the law*, is someone doing very nicely, thank you very much, for practically/virtually nothing.
And if one were to purchase gold today, because of the seriously inflated price of the bubbling commodity, a correspondingly much smaller/lighter weight of gold, and receive a paper value note/fiat currency advice note for that vaulted gold in a deposit, does the reverse happen on a crashing of the gold price, with one receiving a greater weight of gold to the value of the original fiat currency invoice should one wish to take possession?
* ... "Possession is nine-tenths of the law is an expression meaning that ownership is easier to maintain if one has possession of something, and much more difficult to enforce if one does not. The expression is also stated as "possession is nine points of the law", which is credited as derived from the Scottish expression "possession is eleven points in the law, and they say there are but twelve"" …..

"These are the final days." .... Reply from The Daily Bell

It certainly seems that way, DB, although really, it just means the beginning of something else, doesn't it, even if that really be virtual reality applications and internet reprogramming of humanity ...... which is the reality of the future present perfect imperfect?

It certainly is in the CyberSpace Domain with IT and Media Command and Control of Computers and Communications. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

:-) .... "I don't have pet peeves, I have major psychotic fucking hatreds, ok ….. and IT makes the world a lot easier to sort out" …. George Carlin ….


amanfromMars …  in reply to Nathan Weyer who wrote on
I think what the feds have learned is that pissing off the internet is pretty harmless.
Then, Nathan W, would that have proven to all that they have learned nothing and are a force ill suited to the environment ..... and that makes them a liability and a dangerous burden and fraud to all who would be relying on them for security and protection.

amanfromMars 17 February 2013 at 2:02 pm …. commenting on

Brian, Hi,

Education is failing society whenever it thinks to teach one particular and peculiar points of view rather than valuing and developing the skills which have one always learning and seeking the truth and answers to problems, but a dumbed down society is an easily abused and used society for the greater personal benefit of others at the levers of administrative powers, and that might be the present bigger picture plan for those who would be thinking they are in control of systems and money.

Indeed, a very unhappy looking and suitably chastised POTUS, Barack Obama, [although Michelle is revealed clapping very appreciatively of the very entertaining and insightful speech] is made fully aware of that very situation by Dr Benjamin Carson in the first video of day here …..  Sometimes, somebody stands up and says something worth listening to. ….. with George Carlin reinforcing the speech with his two contributions from the past, albeit in an altogether more caustic vein, but no less true for that.

But things have changed, and dolts in suits spouting platitudes and avoiding straight answers to simple and complex questions are not what is going to be voted for in the future whenever the people are asked to choose representatives of them to ensure that they have and are servered with what they and the future in peace and prosperity, happiness and harmony, need to seed and feed.

Welcome to the Internet University, where fools and tools are outed, and out themselves, with words and deeds, said and done ….. which makes you understand why the current crop of  wannabe leading lights say and do so very little of note which can be traced back to them personally as the source of that which is pimped by media.

J'accuse. And it is time to drag the masses into the 21st century where sublime intelligence services will show you what can be done by remote virtual control of practically everything.

Now, who can tell me what Stormont department, skulking in the big house, would be responsible for looking into that, for IT wants to have a chat about all of that? Or is there no one developing the future in that field up there and they be totally reliant upon foreign bodies supply their media output, with it being outsourced to others over whom there is no national and/or provincial control?

Saturday, 16 February 2013


Posted by amanfromMars on 02/15/13 11:50 PM …. asking the question on
"…. the stimulus isn't working, the monoculture is failing and they need new experts and tools." …. Posted by dave jr on 02/15/13 08:10 AM
And aint that the gospel truth, dave jr.

And whenever you know that new experts and tools to ensure that stimuli will work and create a novel megaculture are readily available to them, does one realise that their intelligence supply is failing them …. or more kindly, that they are slow to decide on their failures and admit new experts and tools into their magic circle, in probably self-righteous indignant fear, lest their secrets of control for power be blown and made known to the rabid hordes.

Methinks, however, that ever present real and virtual danger is much more likely a catastrophic event to be perpetrated by those who be worthy but denied access because they have new expertise and tools. Indeed, it would be a certifiable madness and monumental systemic vulnerability for ruthless exploitation, not to expect it to be a crashing, crushing inevitability in that particular and peculiar case.

Be they so crazy? Be they so stupid whenever needs and feeds and seeds require that they be smarter and so much cleverer for fields of Cyber Command and IT Control SMARTR Enabled in and for Computers and Communications/Virtual Machine Infrastructure …… which be the New Age Powers' Control Exoskeleton?

Is the Exotic Erotic East similarly afflicted and effected and paralysed in inaction? Or are they just not yet properly and fully advised of that which is freely available from new experts and tools?

amanfromMars said... in a reply on to the statement ..
I do not have a bank account, go figure.
That must make life interesting ... and quite inconvenient at times. And it is a tad extreme, and even costly, whenever it [having a bank account] allows so easily for a stash of flash cash to be deposited by the system for services rendered.

16 February 2013 10:25

Posted by amanfromMars on 02/16/13 09:20 AM …. commenting on

Common sense regulation without punitive personal sanction and penal servitude for transgression is a joke and a set of rules which will render all who agree that it be necessary and effective as deluded fools and useless tools?

I hope that question is not ambiguous.

Leave the markets alone, and let the best man and/or greatest crook, win win. They always will. It is only natural in a world of primitive beings with not much upstairs to engage with for intelligence. …… is another crazy option and much more exciting derivative for the enterprising master entrepreneur, methinks.