Posted by amanfromMars on 02/06/13 11:10 PM … on
Are all government bonds/gilts/treasury notes/call them what you will, ponzi ious issued by intellectual property bankrupt entities and a certain sure fire indicator to one and all of that fact, and monetary system admins must necessarily support concealment of facts in the pimping of increasingly fantastic and fraudulent fictions so that those popularly perceived/conceived by the ignorant masses to be in charge and in powerful control of things/government, are not discovered to be actual and factual control of nothing or anything?
And such fraudulent entities are in that collapsing reality of their own making, and quite rightly so in this enlightening new age of instantly shared global communications with alternate valid views being expressed and proven to be impossible to deny are more true, now running scared and in fear of their lives as the scam continues to unfold and highlight their systemic deficiencies and intellectual deficit, to be ruthlessly exploited to destroy them and their power systems should they not engage with others in a different form of system which will save them?
And can you imagine whenever one is in powerful control of nothing, does CHAOS take over? And is IT a saviour whenever in its guise of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems?
The premise shared here/there, is that it can easily be so .... but obviously will be provided by others who would be Master Pilot Controllers of CHAOSystems.
And I wonder if your Google of "Master Pilot Controllers" returns the same pages of info as are presented to me?
DB, You are not wrong in advising/sharing/propagandising/educating and entertaining us all with the fact that the Internet Reformation has changed and is changing everything with knowledge and live active and reactive/proactive and HyperRadioProActive feedback teaching any and all of that which is, and still yet to be realised by virtual production in mainstream media presentations for New Orderly World Futures. The trick to be able to influence and driver future reality plays is to accept that the future will be nothing like the past, and that which one might at first dismiss as being crazy and a bit of a rant, is actually quite simply clever and a novel noble work of quiet genius genus/positive studied consideration which has been tempered and tested to survive and be failsafe by virtue of experience and self-experiment/comprehensive and continually searching and vigilant virulent beta testing for faults and weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and of the same for reinforcing of defences against attack through those vectors and hosting sectors whenever faults are found.
Posted by amanfromMars on 02/07/13 02:57 AM …. on
And ...., Doc Tibor????
Excuse me, but as much as I enjoyed and would wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments in that short article, it does have one wondering if there are a number of paragraphs missing which point out to Daily Bell ringers and the world and his dogs of war where the present system of interconnected and internetworking systems is consistently wrong and even evil in that which it is currently daily doing to keep itself in a position of charge and power which is geared to try and deny control to others?
Am I alone in that thought?
Nevertheless, thanks for the info with an other worldly view considerably more reasonable and constructive than so many others.
Posted Thursday 7th February 2013 09:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
When you have so much to hide as the China Communist Party, it makes sense they're worried about the press. ... Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 6th February 2013 19:26 GMTGood Morning, AC,
Whenever so much is being hidden from the China Communist Party, it makes sense to be worried about the press and shared intelligent observations if one is into the peddling and protection of sensitive inequitable secrets and dodgy security systems which promise more than they are able to deliver in these times of increasing transparency and para-anonymous disenchanted whistleblowing.
Things have changed in the wide wacky world and it is a fab folly not to realise and accept that everything is going to be different and better, for anything else proposed which is destructive so that things can remain much as the same will be opposed and defeated, with those who would be proposing it, personally targeted for special extreme prejudice attention. Is that not the current Wild West American Way in furtherance of Demonocracy?
Posted Thursday 7th February 2013 11:35 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Lemme know if you agree ... or are stuck in a mindset with a past present indicative subjective
There are no ifs, buts or maybes to introduce doubt whenever one realises slow-burning intelligent stars and intelligence tsars host civilizations far more advanced than your own view of the universe and its makeup. And they are always making contact.
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