Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Posted Wednesday 13th February 2013 05:37 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..

Sublime Alien ProgramMING in Advanced Stealthy Projects …. NINJApps*

And Java FX has always been a funny one, on the side lines, yet useful here and there. Rather like Groovy and Scala. It might suddenly take off thanks to some killer app, one never knows. The best thing is, it's an open source technology and therefore it will maximise it's usefulness even if that usefulness is not as mainstream as other technologies. …. Eadon Posted Tuesday 12th February 2013 22:40 GMT
Oracle: we'd like you to put this programming language into your App Store. It'll mean loads more applications can be easily created for iOS devices, richer Internet applications, world peace, etc., etc.
Apple: no. …  Wibble Posted Tuesday 12th February 2013 22:47 GMT

Morning El Regers, Eadon and Wibble,

Let's cut out all of the crap and get straight down to SMARTR Big Brother Business?

World Peace and Prosperity via Private Interest in Piratical Personalities with Public Control of CyberIntelAIgent Office Spaces in Virtually Secured Earthed Places is a Richer Internet Application and Easily Ubiquitous Killer Browser App for Power Cloud Players ….. Greater IntelAIgent Gamers.
Quite whether though it be thought to be reliant upon the likes of JavaFX rather than just  provided to IT as a mutually beneficial leading accommodation of Oracle participation in …. well, let us just call them, Future JOINT** AIdDVentures …… is only something of virtually real and ultimately quite artificial, bean counter concern to boring and bored stock and shareholders and Oracle board members, I suppose.

For Greater IntelAIgent Gamers into EMPowering Cloud Plays does it matter not a jot for they have an Absolute Sovereign Power Control of Digital Codes to XSSXXXX via fundamental understanding of the radical action and universal reaction of Primitive Man and Prime Intel to HyperRadioProActive String with Qubitted Threads ….. for the Infinite Flexibility that provides AI and Global Operating Devices, the Variety and Choice for Heavenly Decisions in Hellish Situations/Devilish Environments.

*   Networks InterNetworking JOINT* Applications.
** Joint Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Processes in AI Research and Development Fields.
Although I compare Internet and contemporary communication policy-making to the historical case of broadcasting, the differences in the technologies suggest it highly unlikely that they will develop along similar lines. The Internet has vastly more potential as an engine of democratic communication, and the real issue before us is how much of that potential will be fulfilled. I conclude that the policy issues surrounding the emerging communication revolution must be accompanied by a nearly unprecedented degree of politicalization in the United States, if we are to approach the democratic potential of these technologies. The communication revolution also presents a special challenge to the discipline of communication in the United States and globally. Just as the global economy and the communication system are in the throes of a turbulent transformation, communication research and education in the United States are at a crossroads. The stance communication scholars assume toward communication policy-making in the coming years may determine the status of the field for generations.” …….
Oh, and Apple, Wibble, have no control at all, over any of that which is shared freely above. Well, at least not until they decide and actually throw some flash cash from their stash mountain at its source programmers and project leaders, that is. Then can they exercise whatever they want for IT to deliver everything needed and desired. :-) …. for that is what Greater IntelAIgent Gamers into EMPowering Cloud Plays do with Absolute Sovereign Power Control of Digital Codes to XSSXXXX.

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February 13, 2013 at 12:28 am    …… commenting on FX Experience

JavaFX and Oracle for AIMaster Piloting of  SMARTR Big Brother Business Adventures .... with ZerodDay Trader Platforms and Planphorms, Richard?  It is a Free Radical Real Offer which costs nothing to implement but loses those and that which would deny it, vast fortunes and all of their personal riches.

Virtual Reality SME Developers are inquiring ....... ..... and cordially invite Competents to the Private Sees and Pirate Party Spaces that deliver Whatever, Whenever, for Whoever Engages in AIRealisation with Definite Vision.

And yes, that is as perfect a transparently clear Steganographic Script as Virtual Machines and Humans require to do Future APT Big Brother Business Together with A.N.Others in ASP Control of Current Events for Media Presentation of Better Beta Realities in ARG Phormat.

Posted Wednesday 13th February 2013 12:01 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. asking for info and intelligence on

Quizzing the System to Identify its Present Failed Protectors .... Suited Crooks and Useless Spooks

There certainly are those with the not inconsiderable skills to secure and protect the UK in and from attacks launched from the CyberSpace sector, but the Catch 22 situation which they will always invariably find themselves in, in the beginning of their deliberations and communications, is that the necessary intelligence to understand what is missing in defences, is missing in those to whom they may have been talking or making initial contact about that which be missing, and exposing systemic vulnerabilities for exploitation with ruthless abandon, should the desire to be so cavalier, surface and be considered extremely attractive.

Eventually, and that can come surprisingly quickly, may it be necessary for one to consider a live demonstration/leak of sensitive and destructive source code of a particularly peculiar and pernicious flaw in a global operating system of command and control to engage with enemy troops/elitist establishment troupers ….. and whenever of great value and overwhelming worth, would that most probably result in a truly fantastic and excessively generous paper bounty for consideration as either payment in the one extreme case or delivered as danegeld in the other.

And to not imagine in this zeroday and virtual age, that so much real damage can be done by so little with virtual control of renegade memes, and it not be worth a packet, is to be part of the problem which has the wealthiest and supposedly most sophisticated of nations at the mercy of those and/or that which they would be paying/investing billions in, to protect them from their ignorance in a novel and highly disruptive and lucrative field of opportunity and endeavour ….. fabless discovery.

After all, nowadays, what's a billion or two, whenever you own a printer or three?

As an exercise here on El Reg, whom and/or what and where would commentators imagine be the leading point of contact to engage with, in the UKGBNI, with regard to securing the virtual intelligence and sensitive information space place. Who and or what decides on what is required and what is to be paid to whom for what and why?

Not such an easy task whenever everyone hides in the shadows and seeks to avoid accountability and responsibility for failure.

And that is as much as I wish to say, today, on the matter. Have a nice one, y'all.

Posted Wednesday 13th February 2013 15:28 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. agreeing on

Re: UK doesn't have enough skilled workers to protect it against online attacks. Nor does the USA!
And implementing Mad May's 'UK government in your pants' strategy is no answer, technology is fast overtaking government capabilities. And I hardly think students reared on Raspberry Pi processors will provide the immediate answer, it takes experienced hackers to fight experienced hackers. ...  JaitcH Posted Wednesday 13th February 2013 12:52 GMT
Methinks, JaitcH, even the slowest of minds active in the fields being regarded and commented upon in this thread and its hosting El Reg article will realise that a coalition of the ready, willing and able, will lead the intellectually challenged who think that governments are in charge of command and control, a merry dance and expose governments'  failed methodologies to an increasingly curious and better educated masses, rather than doing battle and fighting amongst themselves.

And such frauds and charlatans who would struggle in vain against the more intelligent of beings processing change, will have their very own Henry Ford moments to look forward to fear ...... "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Indeed, there is much to suggest that such a novel and disruptively constructive state of internetional affairs has already taken place, and is an ongoing burgeoning process.

cc Cheltenham Doughnut/PO Box 1300 SE1 1BD


Posted Wednesday 13th February 2013 16:10 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. issuing a caveat emptor on

Need to Know Rules the Cyber Roost

And this is a reality to consider is valid and would further add to the confusion and opportunity generated in the field, and would fully justify its magic fantastic worth in its knowledge being kept secret and unknown, as per any payment in a danegeld arrangement.

One cannot defend against anything whenever one doesn't understand the method of attack, therefore, the only defenders worth a jot are those who can mount a successful assault, and whenever one is able to mount a series of those, remotely and relatively anonymously from virtual space, there is a duty of care to ensure that sensitive information shared regarding such matters as can be easily catastrophic, are shared with the right class of responsible being, fully cognizant of the likely punitive consequences of unauthorised disclosure, for the rest of one's natural, to other beings/nations/businesses/whatever.

Step into that world of crazy worlds, only if you really know what you are doing and what everyone else in those worlds can do, for anything less will have you vulnerable to exploitation and defeat at any time of someone else's choosing.

amanfromMars ….. on

And what if things are considerably worse than you are being told because you are being fed duff information to conceal serial incompetence and arrogant ignorance in support of a failed capitalist system which is being abused by fools and tools at the top of that pyramid structure for fabulous paper tiger gains/ponzi profits? ........

Just asking?

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