Good luck with all/any of that ..... but too little, too late is always a waste of time and effort in any space or place and some things just aint meant to be in the greater scheme of things. Capiche?
As long as there are little Caesars and Napoleons thinking to rule over Man for a free ride in a caboose of fabulous and perverse riches provided at the expense and by the labour and intelligence of others internetworking and sharing novel information and secret protocols and ancient practices, will there always be those who be many degrees smarter and way ahead of all present games, ensuring that the future be fixed and purged of such as would be classified as parasites to be treated as a pathetic plague upon primitive and ignorant and arrogant humanities ….. and that has all such beings fated to be prime candidates for eradication at every turn that be made to try and divert what be inevitable.
Things have changed ….. and one is delusional to not imagine that it be fundamentally so …. and there is nothing anyone can do about IT collapsing all systems which abuse and make sub-prime use of universal resources and prized assets, which is left here as a question to exercise your intelligence and curiosity to whatever degree it be enabled and/or capable of?
Posted Thursday 28th February 2013 04:27 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
A simple direct question answered truthfully proves that it be so and not a fantasy?
..excluding that gent who MI5 has been trying to assassinate (through the television) this past decade. .... dgharmon Posted Thursday 28th February 2013 04:17 GMTOk, dgharmon, that be too cryptic for me, this morning. Who be he? Spill the beans, please.
Posted Thursday 28th February 2013 07:39 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Re: WTF?
WTF? … Is he making a problem so he can sell us the solution? .... Cipher Posted Thursday 28th February 2013 00:32 GMTFFS, Cipher, wake up and smell the Java, son, there isn't a solution to such problems, only accommodations to be made to encourage not too disruptive a creative application/novel and noble use of the leverage which can be discovered/gained/realised.
And you definitely don't want to be messing and fcuking around with anyone capable of providing such fare, for the horrendously expensive grief that that foolishness would cost just isn't worth it whenever so much be freely available to all taking the easier routes with smarter roots access.
And if Vint Cerf doesn't already know that, then would he be as a puppet in the system rather than a master pulling strings.
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