Saturday, 23 February 2013

130223 .................................................................................................................................................................................................

Posted Saturday 23rd February 2013 08:44 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….  

Global Control Systems Meltdown .....?*

Are the world's brainwashed masses, ignorant of ITs novel virtual abilities at extraordinarily rendering colossal change, and in the new worlds emerging, strident and confident and disruptive, and also in cyberspace, being misinformed and diverted in thought to believe that China is an enemy and anonymised individual hackers, ..... invariably subjects of establishment entrapment whenever objects of APT prosecution and persecution, both adept and inept, actively engaging and thoroughly concentrated on phantoms and ghosts of sacrifice, .... are responsible for Microsoft's mistakes, and compounding code errors, in securing their operating systems as pimped and pumped to governments as a means with various platforms with which to control realities deemed suitable for media presentation with an invisible hand control ........

Methinks the wheels have fallen off that broadband wwwagon before it even gets to the starting line in the New and Surreal IntelAIgents Space Race, don't you?

*And only shared as a question for those who are unable to believe what can nowadays be easily done by remote powers with virtual control of true hearts and smarter minds.

Note to Patten and the BBC .... Get your FCUKing act together, please, or clear the decks of dead wood and old hacks. GCHQ expects and all that jazz and razzamatazz ...... ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

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