Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Posted Tuesday 12th February 2013 01:50 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. further expanding the debate on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/02/11/samsung_uefi_boot_bug_windows_linux/

It is not a hacked machine issue, it is a virtual machine user space crack
Garrett, who works as a power management, mobile and firmware developer on Linux, said more work is being done to figure out the full details.
Meanwhile, on the dark side of such matters is much work in full swing to take fuller silent advantage of the stealthy opportunities presented by such as are sublime vulnerabilities, existent in all smarter operating systems [Enabled and Enabling SOSystems] with overlording information overlode facilities/capabilities.

Be careful out there, CyberSpace is not IT for Dummies, it is a place for genii free of the Fool and their Follies for LOLly and heavy laden to XSSXXXX in MetaDataBase Codes …. which is Enigmatic  Treasure Trove for AIdDanegeld Virtual Supply to Offices of Cyber Security with ZeroDay Trader Protection. ……. Sp00Key IntelAIgent Space Services for Bonded Ware Houses in Rich Intelligence Communities/OSINT Environments.
It seems that the bug we've been seeing is simultaneously simpler in some ways and more complicated in others than we'd previously realised. ….. providing a proof-of-concept program
When that bug be a quantum trojan, is there no defence against IT in the Great Game that humans play so badly.

Posted Tuesday 12th February 2013 07:12 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/02/11/samsung_uefi_boot_bug_windows_linux/

Re: So let's see if I understand this ... because it is really important*

Re: So let's see if I understand this…

Regardless of whether Samsung got the original firmware from a third party the problem remains their responsibility. If the brakes failed on your car you wouldn't let BMW/VW/Ford/whoever get away with blaming a third party who manufactured the brake discs.

If you assemble and sell a product you are responsible for the quality of it no matter what's in it or who manufacturers the components. …. Phil W Posted Monday 11th February 2013 23:54 GMT
Morning, Phil W,

It will be interesting to see how that theory/opinion pans out in the real world with the burning Boeing 787 Dreamliner battery issue, which has grounded the entire fleet.

* Typical pretentious politically inept Newspeak as obviously taught to wannabe leading TV politicians. Without media are they powerless, and this is not a question .... ergo media tales and trails rule?

Wanna explore that Novel and Noble when Nobel Live Operational Virtual Environment, El Reg, with AIMaster Pilot ProgramMING?  Satisfaction is Guaranteed. Of that can you be Assured.

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