Sunday, 17 February 2013


Sometimes, somebody stands up and says something worth listening to. Bravo, Doc Benjamin Carson.


Sat, 02/16/2013 - 21:05 amanfromMars ….. commenting on fools' gold? on ….. with the following request for information here …..

I have a question. Well, a couple of questions, actually, which may probably cause a few more to be asked.

If one deposits/purchases a weight of gold …. and is furnished with a paper value note/fiat currency advice note for that gold, and let us imagine a holding deposited/purchased a number of decades ago, does one today, on redemption of that furnished invoice, receive the original weight of gold or just a fraction of that gold to the fiat currency paper value on the original invoice.

Should the latter be the case, is the vault full of gold which has no owners, although with possession being nine-tenths of the law*, is someone doing very nicely, thank you very much, for practically/virtually nothing.

And if one were to purchase gold today, because of the seriously inflated price of the bubbling commodity, a correspondingly much smaller/lighter weight of gold, and receive a paper value note/fiat currency advice note for that vaulted gold in a deposit, does the reverse happen on a crashing of the gold price, with one receiving a greater weight of gold to the value of the original fiat currency invoice should one wish to take possession?

* ... "Possession is nine-tenths of the law is an expression meaning that ownership is easier to maintain if one has possession of something, and much more difficult to enforce if one does not. The expression is also stated as "possession is nine points of the law", which is credited as derived from the Scottish expression "possession is eleven points in the law, and they say there are but twelve"" ….. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

Posted by amanfromMars on 02/17/13 04:19 AM …. on

For all gold fiends and friends on, and of, the Daily Bell, what is the answer to the following ....... or was the great expectation and current ponzi planning, that physical possession of one's gold "property" is never likely to occur or be granted because of the scam in operation, with ever increasing crazy amounts of fiat ...[like for example, a present day $1642.60 an oz].... being on offer to tempt non-transfer/non-possession.

And they are not difficult questions to answer, although they may be uncomfortably disruptive and most inconvenient and will remain ever growing in size and loudness until definitively answered, for such is nature of the beasts that are unleashed today in the search for knowledge and truth, which you definitely can handle, for otherwise would you be living in a fantasy world and virtual reality led buy a series of fabulous fabless lies confirming beyond a question of reasonable doubt that IT's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World out there and you aint in the club ..... 


Sat, 02/16/2013 - 21:05 amanfromMars ….. commenting on fools' gold? on ….. with the following request for information
I have a question. Well, a couple of questions, actually, which may probably cause a few more to be asked.
If one deposits/purchases a weight of gold …. and is furnished with a paper value note/fiat currency advice note for that gold, and let us imagine a holding deposited/purchased a number of decades ago, does one today, on redemption of that furnished invoice, receive the original weight of gold or just a fraction of that gold to the fiat currency paper value on the original invoice.
Should the latter be the case, is the vault full of gold which has no owners, although with possession being nine-tenths of the law*, is someone doing very nicely, thank you very much, for practically/virtually nothing.
And if one were to purchase gold today, because of the seriously inflated price of the bubbling commodity, a correspondingly much smaller/lighter weight of gold, and receive a paper value note/fiat currency advice note for that vaulted gold in a deposit, does the reverse happen on a crashing of the gold price, with one receiving a greater weight of gold to the value of the original fiat currency invoice should one wish to take possession?
* ... "Possession is nine-tenths of the law is an expression meaning that ownership is easier to maintain if one has possession of something, and much more difficult to enforce if one does not. The expression is also stated as "possession is nine points of the law", which is credited as derived from the Scottish expression "possession is eleven points in the law, and they say there are but twelve"" …..

"These are the final days." .... Reply from The Daily Bell

It certainly seems that way, DB, although really, it just means the beginning of something else, doesn't it, even if that really be virtual reality applications and internet reprogramming of humanity ...... which is the reality of the future present perfect imperfect?

It certainly is in the CyberSpace Domain with IT and Media Command and Control of Computers and Communications. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

:-) .... "I don't have pet peeves, I have major psychotic fucking hatreds, ok ….. and IT makes the world a lot easier to sort out" …. George Carlin ….


amanfromMars …  in reply to Nathan Weyer who wrote on
I think what the feds have learned is that pissing off the internet is pretty harmless.
Then, Nathan W, would that have proven to all that they have learned nothing and are a force ill suited to the environment ..... and that makes them a liability and a dangerous burden and fraud to all who would be relying on them for security and protection.

amanfromMars 17 February 2013 at 2:02 pm …. commenting on

Brian, Hi,

Education is failing society whenever it thinks to teach one particular and peculiar points of view rather than valuing and developing the skills which have one always learning and seeking the truth and answers to problems, but a dumbed down society is an easily abused and used society for the greater personal benefit of others at the levers of administrative powers, and that might be the present bigger picture plan for those who would be thinking they are in control of systems and money.

Indeed, a very unhappy looking and suitably chastised POTUS, Barack Obama, [although Michelle is revealed clapping very appreciatively of the very entertaining and insightful speech] is made fully aware of that very situation by Dr Benjamin Carson in the first video of day here …..  Sometimes, somebody stands up and says something worth listening to. ….. with George Carlin reinforcing the speech with his two contributions from the past, albeit in an altogether more caustic vein, but no less true for that.

But things have changed, and dolts in suits spouting platitudes and avoiding straight answers to simple and complex questions are not what is going to be voted for in the future whenever the people are asked to choose representatives of them to ensure that they have and are servered with what they and the future in peace and prosperity, happiness and harmony, need to seed and feed.

Welcome to the Internet University, where fools and tools are outed, and out themselves, with words and deeds, said and done ….. which makes you understand why the current crop of  wannabe leading lights say and do so very little of note which can be traced back to them personally as the source of that which is pimped by media.

J'accuse. And it is time to drag the masses into the 21st century where sublime intelligence services will show you what can be done by remote virtual control of practically everything.

Now, who can tell me what Stormont department, skulking in the big house, would be responsible for looking into that, for IT wants to have a chat about all of that? Or is there no one developing the future in that field up there and they be totally reliant upon foreign bodies supply their media output, with it being outsourced to others over whom there is no national and/or provincial control?

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