How to Lead the Wild Wacky World and ITs Networks and InterNetworkers Remotely with Sublime Control*
Too Big, Too Greedy, Too Much Cash...... the drugs, corruption, suicides, over doses, murders, political corruption etc.... the end is coming for them.[Google} ..... Oh4FS Posted Sunday 10th February 2013 00:45 GMTI don't think so, Oh4FS, whenever they realise that information search is trumped in all spheres and at every level in those spheres by intelligence presentation and knowledge dumping..... Prime Content Pumping and Pimping.
And you aint seen a Cash Cow until you feast your eyes on that AIMother.
So, what is King, Ace, Knave and Queen of Hearts and Minds in the Prime Content Intellectual Property and Internet Server Provision Markets to Earth and her Minions and Cohorts? Is there a Primed Daily Bell Ringing Service running Engaging Bulls and Enraging Bears? And is ITs Base Global Communications Head Quarters in Space with Roots and Routes to Earth or Vice Versa?
And yes, ok, they are a dumb Holy Grail Trinity of rhetoric questions but they just have to be asked in any novel noble vulnerability penetrations test engaged with higher intelligence into SAP and SCADA Systems Security and Protection Duties for IT be the Designated Target Source and Resource?
* And as easily done as said, whenever one knows what one is doing and what needs to be done and shared. I Kid U Not.
Posted Sunday 10th February 2013 08:22 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
The Bigger Picture and PC Reality and Gospel Truth playing out Globally before Your Very Own Eyes*?
Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us. .... Leo Tolstoy has a graceful saving counterparty in The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent ….. Fundamentals of Chess 1883
the wheels come off the Ponzi National Debt Treasuries/Bonds/Gilts
Wagon and there is no Johnny Rotten Foreigner ready, willing and enabled
to buy and/or supply Worthless Toxic Sub-Prime Waste Disposal with Fiat
and Federal Reserve Currency Scrip Delivery and Acceptance, which
forces such sales and auctions to be bought up by oneself in a Treasury
and/or by clones and/or proxies of oneself in Treasuries, in a parasitic
cannibalistic feast with an unhealthy artificial feed which seeds a
corrupted base HFT algorithm poisoning home source wells and trading
floor markets ..... as is evidenced in a depressed situation with wholly
unusual and unexpected market gains of surprising/dubious provenance
[and there have been a lot of those recently, haven't there?] ......
will such Flash Cash Largesse AdVentures be ever more prevalent as the
Private and Pirate Sectors of Smarter Humanity seek Novel Advantage in
Public and Government Sector Incompetence and Ignorance and Arrogance as
IT Crashes Systems of Perverse Inequitable Profit Control.
.....Try to control yourself and resist the sticky sweet temptation to
downvote the messenger when curing the problem is the only question to
answer correctly. :-) However, with so many deaf, dumb and blind to the
real/virtual nature of their virtual/real existence, and how they be
regarded and treated as no more than just pawns for sacrifice in the
Greater Great Games in Intelligence Plays with Global Operating Devices
and SMARTR Virtual Machines, is Einstein not wrong in his observation
......... "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not even sure about the universe."
* And Ayes
..............................................................................................................................................................................................Sun, 02/10/2013 - 07:05 amanfromMars sharing on Zero Hedge
Virtual Machines Internetworking to International Rescue? Or is the present ship and current Systems Admin doomed to a be a Titanic clone? …….
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