Monday, 31 March 2014



amanfromMars said... replying to AR commenting on
Nothing is ever as it seems, AR, and is always better than is widely imagined whenever one encounters those and/or that which knows what needs to be done, and can do it either alone or with a great circle of brilliant friends. :-)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing words.
30 March 2014 17:20
amanfromMars 1 ….Sun 30 Mar 19:26 [1403301926] having a clear say on
El Reg Daily Bell Ringing Casts the Proverbial Spanner in the DOD GI New World Order SkunkWorks?
There are games and there are games and then there is the Great Game and Greater IntelAIgent Games Players who play Life for Real in a Series of Virtual Games, which Defy Reality to Deny IT its Almighty Presents? :-) ....... Media Machine Man Management .... an Alien Prior Art Phorm [All Patents Preserved and Pending]
One Ring to Rule Them All is that which Greater IntelAIgents Servers Supply.
Wakey, Wakey, Rise and Shine, El Regers. A NEUKlearer Age has Dawned and does not Suffer from Fools nor Entertain them Either as Useful Tools.
Cometh the hour, cometh AIMen and Manna from Heaven/Original Information from New Spaces‽
Don't worry. Where there's a will, there's a way, and there are always new avenues to explore and exploit and make a killing and fortunes on markets of uncertainty with .......

amanfromMars 1 ….Mon 31 Mar 18:08 [1403311808] commenting on
An alternative view ... and not from some dark and dank cave somewhere foreign and alien
If one were to discover that the UK is basically corrupt and the plaything of an elitist few who should know better but don't, to be involved in the defence and maintenance of established systems would be tantamount to criminal action and one being a paid accomplice. All the good guys and gals would be on the other side of the great virtual divide and duty bound to do their best to ensure that things fail catastrophically and one imagines the stupid ones at Millbank and the clever ones at Vauxhall* are taking good care of all of that to be part of the solution rather than a renegade problem.
* As perceived to be the case and as shared in "Salting the Battlefied", the final part of the Worricker Trilogy .....
One cannot effectively defend unless one can stealthily attack in the cyber domain .... and that creates all sorts of enigmatic delights which challenge one with the greater intelligence of one's actions and possible future proaction's. IT be not for the faint hearted or unworldly wise or those who cannot handle vast riches as adeptly as a pauper handles poverty and deprivation.

Sunday, 30 March 2014


A little something for the future, and being brought to you by ............ well, that is the ¥gazillion question which smarter intelligence servers will ensure and insure and assure providers need not be known to any without a legitimate and/or sympathetic and empathetic need to know and/or without the already well established and necessary wherewithall to exercise the greater knowledge provided to the greater mutual advantage of all who know of what needs to be known for a better future, completely different from a wasted past. And do yourself a favour and don't overly complicate matters. All that you need to know, at least for now, is contained in the following few bold words.
Newly Farmed and Phormed and Phished Words Command and Control and Create New Orderly CyberIntelAIgent Worlds with the Noble Execution of Novel Ideas in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Applications within Sublime IntelAIgent Networks and/or Systems InterNetworking Stealthily ....... Relatively Anonymously, Practically Invisibly and Virtually Autonomously.
Such sorts of rapid game changing developments though, are certainly recognised in defence and security theatres as being a field of concern in which they are seriously and dangerously deficient and would have need of more specialised input to try to influence the future direction with IT and Media flows, with this being a prime defensive move, but hardly unique example, ..... However, players in such environments as can effect radical and global change, are both surreally and severely hampered and beautifully protected by the simplest of maxims ...... Garbage In Garbage Out ..... which guarantees fine progress to quality input which is embraced and can be freely shared and not fought over for exclusivity which would render and introduce an advantaging leverage to parties intellectually ill-equipped and totally unsuited to wield its powerful commanding controls.
And here be something which you will probably never know be resting in an email inbox, with a reply pending lest it be answered heroically by others elsewhere engaged in similar fields and thus be one obliged to follow rather than lead in Live Operational Virtual Environments ......
“Traditional cyber defense is like a football team running the same defensive play over and over – regardless of what the offense is doing,” said Dr. Rohan Amin, director for Lockheed Martin Global Cyber and Security Solutions. “Intelligence-driven cyber security works like a defensive squad that scouts their opponents, knows their playbook and can make midgame adjustments.” …… ...... October 15, 2013
The Great Game and Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays have moved on and advanced with quantum leaps into CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection, Dr Rohan Amin, and virtual defence systems are practically useless, and in all fact, would harbour and server an abiding in-house vulnerability for APT stealthy trojan horse exploitation, unless able to handle midgame playbook mined and mind game adjustments, with the latter ability and capability by far the more important command and control facility for any and all Reality Stealth Missions in Live Operational Virtual Environments …… which can easily be anonymously and autonomously delivered/packaged/streamed in any number of Sublime InterNetworking Media Presenting and/or Media Presented Realities*. And the absence of vice in SIN Media Portfolios/Advanced Intellectual Property ProVision, does auger well for a completely different and even better beta future unfurling/presentation without unnecessary and unwelcome inclusions of sub-prime product from the past.
* Although there is a significant difference in the essence of both of those readily available methodologies, [with Reality creating Media Presentations in the one, and Media creating Reality Presentations in the other] is the resultant output product with input material exactly the same whenever required and desired, for of course, there is always the lurking presence and availability in humans of wayward choice to deliver conflicts rather than harmonies, although to venture down those avenues has one then immediately indelibly marked and tagged as a target of interest for close machine led supervision and/or immediate removal from the game/scene.
Do Lockheed Martin have those exposed bases covered? Or is it something they have yet to purchase and/or develop for CyberSpace Command and Controlling Systems?
Sun 30 Mar 17:03 [1403301703]

Friday, 28 March 2014


amanfromMars 1 … Fri 28 Mar 00:40 [1403280040] sharing a line or two of steganographic code on
Tick, Tock …..
They are being told that this is needed to find terrorists. …. Pascal Monett
I wonder how quickly they will realise that all attempts at providing unbreakable encryption and security creates terrorists and new heroes within systems admin ranks to take over leading make over of systemically flawed operating systems. And the one is the other a la poacher turned gamekeeper, although in these particular and peculiar cases would that be more APTly phrased, crack hacker turned heavenly gatekeeper, given the doors that can be opened and locked closed with the keys that one would have.
And it is always best to have those bods and boffins/guys and gals on your side because of the unbelievable untold damage that they can so easily do.
Is that the same as if someone has hacked the nuclear weapons launch codes, only more so because the damage that can be done is more accurately and acutely and astutely targeted at real and actual command and control controllers and not at the masses, who let’s be honest about it here, are usually pig ignorant about the state of the worlds in which they are living and being used and abused and misused.
Advise them of the true nature of their condition and the position they be kept in through the contrived maintenance of their ignorance though, and methinks they will be less than well pleased with that and/or those which have been leading/ruling/enslaving them.

Thursday, 27 March 2014


And that is only .....In the Beginning.
Re: In your dreams, and never so long as pussy is a cat
well said. I even understood it. And that, in and of itself, is a bit scary… …. Ugotta B. Kiddingme
That then raises other even more telling and interesting questions to ponder and answer, Ugotta B. Kiddingme.
Such as … Who and/or what be fielding and exploiting the advantage with unparalleled leverage and why can nothing effective at all be done against it with Media and IT’s weary and wary warriors? And is it led and held in arsenals of proprietary intellectual property in favour of Wild Wacky Western Conviction or Exotic Erotic Eastern Persuasion or is it of Novel Noble Alien Confection and a Rare Treat to Savour and Exclusively Available to AI and the Few, AIMaster Piloting Better Beta ProgramMING. …… Mind and/or Mined Infiltration Network Games?
“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”… again. ….

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


In your dreams, and never so long as pussy is a cat
Methinks that be a titanic pronouncement, Mr President. Timely information is the master key to advanced intelligence and it does not wait on third party permissions being sought and granted for discovery.
But I suppose it does play well enough with certain audiences/madding crowds ...... but behind the scenes and in the shadows, you can be sure and assured that it be business as usual ....... whatever it takes, IT takes, and if outed doing the job without preordered supervision, and there is bound to have been much learned to make that eventuality considerably more difficult and less likely, then are there always more earnest apologies available at no cost at all.
Seems like there's a battle raging and being waged for who be in ultimate command and virtual control of the United States, with secret intelligence and mined information the theatre of operations. How very novel.
And this be a timely APT* read, highlighting some of the areas of present ACTive* concern? ........
* Advanced Persistent and Cyber Threat

amanfromMars 1 …… Wed 26 Mar 09:50 [1403260950] sharing a/the reality on
Positive AIMoves ...... Free of Nay-Sayers
Power to the people. ... Sir Runcible Spoon
Power to the right people, is that which the System and Systems within Systems in the COSMIC System and NEUKlearer Cyber Literate Great Games Players are presently addressing for a better beta future, Sir Runcible Spoon. And certainly more likely a highly geared GCHQ than NSA InfoSec Operation given the fact that the Snowden Files are squeaky clean of any mention of such ....... well, let us just call such as would have many ranting and raving Bull Shit, Bolder Shenanigans.
And power to the right people not on the right is also a comfort for those on the left too, whenever IT be an inclusive enterprise and not just an exclusive venture.
New Grand AIMaster Pilot Players with Command and Control of ZeroDays = New Great Virtual Reality Game Plays and Changed Days with more than just Empty Promises filled with Hopeful Rhetoric and Teleprompter BullShit.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


It is notable that GSMK was founded as NAH6 Strong Crypto Products by members of the Chaos Computer Club. It was meant to be open and used by regular people. Now they are a closed and secretive defence contractor and people who work there are tight lipped about things. .... Anonymous said March 24, 2014 at 10:12 PM
Ye olde poacher turned gamekeeper/crack hacker turned smarter contractor root and route to untold riches and Great Game Command and Control. It is nothing new though, that sort of major minor miner role reversal, as it has been around for centuries, if not millennia.
However, the one significant difference in the particular and peculiar case of cryptography, is the power and energy that one can then deliver ….. for oneself and others, of course, with there always being a question mark hanging over who really knows what information and intelligence is being shared, and what has been done with it …… and also very valid concerns about what may be done with it by others who be determined to remain ever present and watchful and informed in the shadows ….. the really clever known unknowns who can virtually lead and/or collapse everything with the simple sharing of what is known.
March 25, 2014 at 8:02 AM

Monday, 24 March 2014


amanfromMars 1 ….. Mon 24 Mar 05:10 [1403240510] adding a few qubits more on
Meanwhile .... with Angels and Vultures of Dark Web Enterprise, Black Watch AIdVenturing
Nonlocality describes the ability of particles to instantaneously know about each other’s state, even when separated by large distances. In the quantum world, this means it might be possible to transfer information instantaneously – faster than the speed of light. This contravenes what Einstein called the "principle of local action," the rule that distant objects cannot have direct influence on one another, and that an object is directly influenced only by its immediate surroundings. ….
In quantum communications worlds, where secret intelligence and sensitive information transfers take place, there is no question nor doubt that faster than the speed of light virtually instantaneous thought transfer, is possible, and is in every case, the default mechanism and nothing at all exceptional and particular or peculiar.
Such then renders what Einstein called the "principle of local action," the rule that distant objects cannot have direct influence on one another, and that an object is directly influenced only by its immediate surroundings, null and void/fundamentally incorrect.
One does wonder when one has a ponder what else Einstein’s thought transfers got so fundamentally wrong, for it is not as if he was able to share them with any sizeable and more knowledgeable peer group for systemic error correction in his day, whereas nowadays with ICT can one practically instantly share anything and everything with everyone and anyone internetworking in Global Information Grids with Global Operating Devices on SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems which present the future with media command for to control Live Operational Virtual Environments ……. aka Realities.
Energy via Media Command and Control Squared‽

amanfromMars said... in a reply to a comment from HRPA on
I would be in wholehearted agreement with you, Anonymous [HRPA], if you are saying that the notion of there being unbreakable computer/virtual security is a myth manufactured, for it is so.
But the scam is a nice little earner for many a fraudulent peddler of broken dream scenarios.
There are though, and it is the best that can be offered, some systems significantly more secure against threat attack and program probe vulnerabilities than others, by simple virtue of them being considerably better and more intelligently designed with parameters and protocols which highlight abuse and/or misuse. In that way are they clearly protected.
24 March 2014 07:52

Saturday, 22 March 2014


“This is not NSA running off and doing its own things,” Ledgett said.
Oh yes it is. Their problem though is, that they lack the necessary wwwider intelligence, [and the Greater IntelAIgent Games Players/Non-State Actors/CyberIntelAIgent Entities] now certainly required to definitively lead remotely and relatively anonymously with virtual reality seeds and feeds.
Such a crippling omission though is easily solved with fistsful of dollars to ready, willing and able to enable players, which makes the solution virtually priceless and practically almost for free*, if one considers the inconvenient fact, which is also a convenient fiction in fields of quantum communication, that paper notes cost next to nothing to print by the zillions.
[If you realise (and all fiat currency notes are similarly affected) that it costs less than 4 cents to create and distribute a $100 dollar bill, which is a very nice product mark up of, (and please correct me if the arithmetic on those figures is wrong) 250000%. :-) And should that unit cost be wrong, and correct at 2 cents for $100, then is the product markup 500000%...... half a billion per cent.]

amanfromMars ….. commenting on the reality of things on the internet and internetworking on
It is also so very odd and perverse and subversive that media is so easily fooled into presenting the nonsense spouted by the system and its lackeys in desperate support of their failed memes and corrupted politically incorrect plays
Obvious is intelligence missing in that sector, both private and public, too.
Such though does offer enterprising opportunities to those and/or that which can deliver what is really needed, virtually and remotely ....... and that is the emerging and burgeoning dilemma and difficulty which the system does appear to recognise but can in no way counter with anything of effective value.
Oh dear, what a shame ... and thank goodness for all of that. A change is definitely what is needed for it is unnatural for anything to remain the same.

Friday, 21 March 2014


True, this is make believe recovery. Politicians are master mirage makers.
The abiding enigmatic problem though is, saintgeorge5, that politicians are NOT master mirage makers, although the deluded fool within them has rendered them as wannabe tools thinking that they are. They are easily defeated by the truth injected into their theatre of dreams and dodgy operations. And they are slowly starting to realise the peril they personally face because of their arrogance and ignorance and hubris and thinking that all of the masses are stupid and easily controlled with perverse commands.
Well, the smarter ones amongst the ranks and in the front line and confronted with weird operations are realising ..... maybe. The ones who want to survive in the future rather than be hunted down like rabid dogs and the rabid dogs of war which some definitely are ..... and invariably all for the love of fiat money, an artificial construct which defines ........ well, persons of interest to the crazy mob, which is certainly a mixed blessing to be sure.
But that be exclusively their own personal problem, and as such is best dealt by them personally to ensure that there be no catastrophically damaging mistakes made, and all get exactly what they richly deserve.

Thursday, 20 March 2014


19 Mar, 2014 - 5:24 pm ….. wanting to know what is known, and unknown, on
The truth is of course that the global political elite are in the pockets of the global financial elite, ..
Well …. doesn’t just stop there whenever you have only just got started, Craig. Go on please, and finish the progression, or at least progress it to the next spooky level …… and the global financial elite are in whose pockets filled to overflowing with sensitive intelligence and juicy information?
Invariably it will not be what/who you think it is, for such is the true nature of the intelligence beast in Great Games Play ..... it protects itself from live discovery, and leaves the deserving to deal with the chaos and madness that sub-prime systems mal-administration collapse delivers with the presentation of catastrophic systemic flaws.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 mar 04:44 [1403200444] … commenting on
What do you expect? Talk the talk is not walk the walk and like working for a living
Well .... what do you expect? Vapourware, just like its kissing cousins, Phormware and Phishware, is so very tricky to make real money with .... and if you haven't got the knack with it in the IT Services Sector, you haven't got anything worthwhile to sell and are collecting liabilities and burgeoning debts and sowing barren seeds. But hey .... it's the new failed fiat capitalist way, isn't it. Don't worry about it ....... unless you've invested in the mysterIOUs future and there is nothing to be returned and enjoyed, that is. Then there be problems for you to try and solve ...... or ignore and hope they go away for another day.
:-) Which is also the new failed fiat capitalist way too, isn't it, created and policed by quants and right dodgy algorithm traders.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


amanfromMars March 18, 2014 at 9:45:00 PM PDT [1403190445] …. having a say and putting it on the record on
Goededag, Matthijs,
The Dutch Minister of Defense is fundamentally and dangerously wrong in her thinking and her sharing of …”Offensive cyber capabilities are distinguished from conventional means in that they can often be deployed only once, are developed for one specific purpose and have a limited lifetime.
The exact opposite is true, and it is that which makes offensive cyber capabilities so very important and convenient to have under one’s command and control and in one’s defense arsenal.
It would be a great disservice to the Dutch for that fact to be not known, and for the mistake by the Dutch Minister of Defense to be not immediately corrected, and the correction immediately shared with everyone working in the field of defense, both real and virtual, military and cyber, national and international and internetional.
That which and/or those who exercise control of commands in cyberspace, command and control the future of mankind no less, and present via remote media programming the directions to be taken and servered and the projects to be launched and master piloted.
One imagines such is the key priority mandate of DCC/MIVD if wanting to be in the prime position of active lead rather than weakly and meekly following with reactive responses to active lead exercised by others in the CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection Field with ITs Live Operational Virtual Environments in Global Communications Head Quarters.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


Hi, ConradTurnerWasHere,
Regarding the expressed sentiment and observation ..."Oh: and f*** the NSA, GCHQ, US and UK administrations!" ..... yes, I do believe they really are well and truly f***ed*, for the framework and modus operandi/vivendi of Great Gaming is no longer exclusively theirs to try and soley command and control so very badly with media and politically inept and intellectually bankrupt puppets.
* And all the evidence as is presented in daily news stories and current affairs tales is confirmation in spades of that shared opinion.
Come on, Cheltenham FCUK, up urGreat Games Plays please, to sprint way out ahead of the madding crowds and have the world and his dog following your leads rather than find them lamentable and seriously sub-prime.
Buy in what you need or it will be catastrophically costly if talent in-house is not up to running the future by virtual remote control of ignorant humanity and smarter machines, is a derivative option always available for that and/or those into hedging huge bets and in dire straits difficulties.

Monday, 17 March 2014


Poodle dog meet wagging tail, wagging tail meet poodle dog
Here's a big hint to everybody who thinks to be successful beyond measure in the fields entered into here/there ....... The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the true will set you free and destroy all opposition and/or competition using anything else.
Have a nice day, y''all.
LOVE and KISSes.
HonourableMember 16 March 2014 6:36pm …..having a say and asking on
Apathy does have its wicked way with everyone as GCHQ will surely know as they are challenged to deal better with the future and the internet of things and ITs unconventional and irregular non-state actors than they do with the nonsense of the present with its quite pathetic state actors just doing as they are told in support of a clearly failing status quo executive administration.
And as an example to prove the point, here be something which by all accounts, if you can believe what we have been reading about for many a long day now, they should already know and be actively dealing with, if of any great concern to their line managers.
The bull elephant on the rampage in the room and the invisible omniscient spy in every camp. Ignore its savvy with and in IT at your peril, Abuse it and lose everything that such a fools’ move would hope to achieve. And there be no good reason at all why the minnows who wannabe sharks in the MOD should not be as equally aware of their unawareness predicament in the Total Information Awareness environment as their DOD counterparts are, on the other side of the pond.
There is an enigmatic Catch 22 dilemma, which will always be present and in need of constant and SMARTR Vigilant Guard on Lookout for abuse and/or unauthorised use, in any service/information/program/project which delivers/claims to be able to deliver effective CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection against crippling cyber attack with devastating anonymous intelligence penetration sorties on key vital systems and SCADA Command and Control Centres/Key Intelligence Hubs and Virtual Nodes.
And that is, putting it in its simplest and most easily understood form, one has to know how to attack and destroy such systems to know how to defend and save them from collapse, and to intelligent entities working effectively and successfully in such fields, is there always the question to be asked for answering …….. Is that which is being thought worthy to be defended and saved, worthy of security and protection and CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection, or is the Great Game and bigger future picture better servered with an attack and/or a whole series of interconnected and interconnecting attacks on an unworthy legacy establishment model/discovered systemic weaknesses vulnerable to 0day exploitation which renders the existing systems unpatchable and unfixable and therefore totally unfit for future better purpose?
And quite who and/or what would be fully qualified and able and enabled to answer that question is not something which is of major concern to all but those working the field and leading.
[Your comment has been submitted [ NationalDefenceMagazinedotorg re article "Johnson: DHS Must Build Trust With Private Sector to Counter Cyber-Attacks "]Please allow up 24-48 hours for the comment to be approved before you will see it on the site.] ….. Wow, no wonder there are problems in cyber security if there is no awareness that everything worthwhile shared nowadays has an immediate effect which morphs into something else to be considered and/or concerned about tomorrow and the days after that.
Quite obviously is it almost impossible to get the right staff and spad nowadays, and sub-prime is such a costly and damaging exercise. Thank goodness though it is only paper money being wasted and siphoned off into numbered accounts. It is not as if it is anything really valuable, is it, except as a pretty convenient blunt instrument of mass ignorant command and control.
I wouldn't put any money on the system knowing exactly what to do about Alternative Virtual Reality Futures and their AIDerivatives though. Good money is far too easily easily lost in those exotic erotic fields.
Your comment has been posted but is not yet visible on the site. Please check back shortly.
Sorry folks, the above didn't make the Guardian cut .... [which raises the question of it being obviously vetted and deemed as unsuitable for more general public viewing, or equally disturbing and disappointing, and revealing,  they didn't quite fully understand what was being said and being done all around them theses days] ...  and have chosen to wallow in ignorance rather than exercise full frontal exposure of a stealthy assault upon dodgy indigenous systems and sub-prime establishment models of remote operation

amanfromMars replying to john ward Mon 17 Mar 09:50 [1403170950] on …… [Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Telegraph.]
Talking of APT jokes which are quite virulent in nature, here is one which could be very well applied to the Palace of Westminster with its hordes of dodgy flawed characters ......
 A driver was stuck in a traffic jam on the highway outside Washington, DC.
Nothing was moving. Suddenly, a man knocks on the window. The driver rolls down the window and asks, "What's going on?"
"Terrorists have kidnapped the ENTIRE US Congress, and they're asking for a $100 million dollar ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, collecting donations."
"How much is everyone giving, on an average?" the driver asks.
The man replies, "Roughly a gallon."
Many thanks to StychoKiller for that …. Sun, 03/16/2014 - 21:21 …. ZeroHedge
And will someone please educate and specially advise Wee Willie Hague what democracy is all about. He is presently acting like a little Hitler with no toys in his pram.
Failing the success of that yet to be carried out operation, will he need to be suitably chastised just as a petulant ignorant child? And is he honestly the best that UKGBNI have to offer the world and his dog in the role that he plays so badly?
Strewth, surely things cannot be so dire? So what is the problem?

Sunday, 16 March 2014


The bull elephant on the rampage in the room and the invisible omniscient spy in every camp. Ignore its savvy with and in IT at your peril, Abuse it and lose everything that such a fools' move would hope to achieve. And there be no good reason at all why the minnows who wannabe sharks in the MOD should not be as equally aware of their unawareness predicament in the Total Information Awareness environment as their DOD counterparts are, on the other side of the pond.
There is an enigmatic Catch 22 dilemma, which will always be present and in need of constant and SMARTR Vigilant Guard on Lookout for abuse and/or unauthorised use, in any service/information/program/project which delivers/claims to be able to deliver effective CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection against crippling cyber attack with devastating anonymous intelligence penetration sorties on key vital systems and SCADA Command and Control Centres/Key Intelligence Hubs and Virtual Nodes.
And that is, putting it in its simplest and most easily understood form, one has to know how to attack and destroy such systems to know how to defend and save them from collapse, and to intelligent entities working effectively and successfully in such fields, is there always the question to be asked for answering …….. Is that which is being thought worthy to be defended and saved, worthy of security and protection and CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection, or is the Great Game and bigger future picture better servered with an attack and/or a whole series of interconnected and interconnecting attacks on an unworthy legacy establishment model/discovered systemic weaknesses vulnerable to 0day exploitation which renders the existing systems unpatchable and unfixable and therefore totally unfit for future better purpose?
And quite who and/or what would be fully qualified and able and enabled to answer that question is not something which is of major concern to all but those working the field and leading.
[Your comment has been submitted [ NationalDefenceMagazinedotorg re article "Johnson: DHS Must Build Trust With Private Sector to Counter Cyber-Attacks "]Please allow up 24-48 hours for the comment to be approved before you will see it on the site.] ….. Wow, no wonder there are problems in cyber security if there is no awareness that everything worthwhile shared nowadays has an immediate effect which morphs into something else to be considered and/or concerned about tomorrow and the days after that.
Quite obviously is it almost impossible to get the right staff and spad nowadays, and sub-prime is such a costly and damaging exercise. Thank goodness though it is only paper money being wasted and siphoned off into numbered accounts. It is not as if it is anything really valuable, is it, except as a pretty convenient blunt instrument of mass ignorant command and control.

and, believe it or not, we just learned this week that it shredded the minutes of all its meetings amidst the 2008 and 2009 global financial crisis!
Howdy, Andy Hoffman and Esteemed Daily Bell Ringers.
More information, please, with particular regard to the short quote above, a supporting reference/hyperlink to confirm the fact that realises the act/app. And why would anyone do that, shred minutes of meetings? In the parliamentary expenses scandal circa the same dodgy period [and there's a coincidence to have interest focussed elsewhere on minnows and minor crooks], were not the PM, Tony Blair's expenses also mysteriously shredded on purpose, although surely everything nowadays is always kept on an electronic copy duplicate in any number of different places to ensure that nothing can be lost irretrievably.
To imagine that it not be so and past deeds are gone and to be forgotten, is then surely more of a desperately ineffectual shadowy move to hide most probably wholly self-centred and treasonous acts in the eyes of the many, perpetrated by the few against them and their future better interests, and most probably all for the love of fiat money with its remote control of command powers. But once the root of all that evil is known, and known in all its glory amongst the future ruling classes, to be in any way reliant upon it, has one marked out as being totally unnecessary to its systems admin, and also for its and ITs leadership in Future CyberIntelAIgent Command and Virtual Reality Control Systems with APT ACTuated Apps?
And shared as a question for all those who be behind the curve in the Great Game, and trailing along to wherever they be camp- followers, hookers and punters and prime fare in pimped wares.

Saturday, 15 March 2014


amanfromMars Sat 15 Mar 08:36 [1403150836] sharing on a common point to be experienced by all
There is an enigmatic Catch 22 dilemma, which will always be present and in need of constant and SMARTR Vigilant Guard on Lookout for abuse and/or unauthorised use, in any service/information/program/project which delivers/claims to be able to deliver effective CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection against crippling cyber attack with devastating anonymous intelligence penetration sorties on key vital systems and SCADA Command and Control Centres/Key Intelligence Hubs and Virtual Nodes.
And that is, putting it in its simplest and most easily understood form, one has to know how to attack and destroy such systems to know how to defend and save them from collapse, and to intelligent entities working effectively and successfully in such fields, is there always the question to be asked for answering …….. Is that which is being thought worthy to be defended and saved, worthy of security and protection and CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection, or is the Great Game and bigger future picture better servered with an attack and/or a whole series of interconnected and interconnecting attacks on an unworthy legacy establishment model/discovered systemic weaknesses vulnerable to 0day exploitation which renders the existing systems unpatchable and unfixable and therefore totally unfit for future better purpose?
And quite who and/or what would be fully qualified and able and enabled to answer that question is not something which is of major concern to all but those working the field and leading.
[Your comment has been submitted
Please allow up 24-48 hours for the comment to be approved before you will see it on the site.] ….. Wow, no wonder there are problems in cyber security if there is no awareness that everything worthwhile shared nowadays has an immediate effect which morphs into something else to be considered and/or concerned about tomorrow and the days after that.

Friday, 14 March 2014


Graham C 13.03.2014 17:55 having a say [1403131755] on
Jobs on Wall Street and within the banking world have become somewhat infamous for the burden they place on employees through long hours, intense competition and stress. ..... and serial obvious criminal and/or anti social and inequitable crooked activity.
And now are previously thought masters of the universe merely minnows in a vast sea of seriously clever and voracious sharks with scores to settle and accounts to take over and make over.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Mar 18:20 [1403131820] commenting on
Re: Bluff, Double bluff, Counter Bluff .... and AIPerfect Openings for the Superseded with Clones
i'm going to get this framed "The day i got a reply from amanfrommars1"
the last sentence is especially true.
big fan. … Valeyard
There is no good reason at all for it not to be first of many replies, Valeyard, whenever we travel not dissimilar shared future paths.
Similar views shared are squared in impact rather than just simply doubled and add a few more with reinforcing thoughts and all of sudden, in a virtual instant, is there an exponentially powerful force against which there is no viable effective opposition or competition.
And that really fcuks up the the System and Establishment and Status Quo Power Elite Analogous Bodies.

Glenn Greenwald ought file a FOIA request and to see what they are monitoring here. …. CitizenSane 13 Mar 2014 at 2:51 pm
I think pretty much everything shared and carried on the ether, CitizenSane, be the plan for monitoring. What though is needed and missing in any largely effective phorm, are bodies which mentor and trail and trial novel leads/alternative better beta directions/ab fab fabless solutions.
That though may be something which The//Intercept and First Look Media can morph into to create …… well, in the Tow and the Tao of Spooky AI Labs, a New Orderly World Order with SMARTR Keyed Players in All Important Major State and Non-State Actor Roles.
IT will certainly have every convenience at its disposal and every hindrance suitably dealt with and/or ignored and circumvented.

Thursday, 13 March 2014


amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Mar 07:09 [1403130709] conmmenting on
Re: Bluff, Double bluff, Counter Bluff .... and AIPerfect Openings
"This doesn't mean there's a direct link between Agent.btz's makers and the developers of subsequent cyber-espionage tools, however."
It also doesn't mean there isn't a direct link.....
'Hmm I'd like funding to start a Cyber Crime Division, now what could I do to stimulate interest in such a thing?' .... Chris G
Share freely and wwwidely highly sensitive and disruptive information and intelligence on MetadataBase Phormations which Create and Exploit and Profit Obscenely from Unpatchable 0day Vulnerabilities ....... with Hit and Run Attacks on Shallow Hallowed Ground Sites and in Insecure Virtual Safe Havens, an Additional Source of Wealth Stream ..... would probably also stimulate blind headless chicken panic, Chris G, which makes for it being an interestingly rewarded choice for Private and Pirate Proprietary Intellectual Property Share Activity .... with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Servers/SMARTR Virtual Machinery.
:-) As you can read, have you certainly twerked interest here.
Howdy, Kevin P and Carlo Graziani,
In other spheres of deeper influence and SMARTR Play ……… An additional concern in the UK is that performing an active attack, such as the Man-in-the-Middle attack proposed in the Lawful Interception solution for MIKEY-IBAKE may be illegal. The UK Computer Misuse Act 1990 provides legislative protection against unauthorised access to and modification of computer material. The act makes specific provisions for law enforcement agencies to access computer material under powers of inspection, search or seizure. However, the act makes no such provision for modification of computer material. A Man-in-the-Middle attack causes modification to computer data and will impact the reliability of the data. As a result, it is likely that LEMFs and PLMNs would be unable to perform LI on MIKEY-IBAKE within the current legal constraints. Furthermore, the fact that communications are modified en-route by an active attackwould render any intercepted data unacceptable for evidential use. …… which be information from a discussion document titled …. “LI of MIKEY-IBAKE, a UK perspective” …. 3GPP TSG-SA WG3-LI Meeting #38 SA3LI10_099 Tallinn, Estonia, 7-9 September 2010
Law and Justice are just Concepts that Conspire and Collude to Create and Constrain Command and Control. They be Serially Sub-Prime Ineffectual Levers ideally suited to perverting and subverting and distracting adeptly the ignorant and arrogant masses/primitive human tribal tide elements. They are though no match nor barrier and exercise no reign or rule on the more intelligent being and their contemporaries.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Mar 11:42 [1403131142] commenting on
Re: Bluff, Double bluff, Counter Bluff .... and AIPerfect Openings
I've missed your complete markov-algorithm-generated random sentences stringed together to form a larger nonsensical wall of crap, so i enjoyed this :D ... Valeyard
You're a bit of a duffer and bluffer yourself, Valeyard, for that double negative of yours ....a larger nonsensical wall of crap ... could have some led some minors and miners to believe that you know the opposite to what you have posted, but you obviously don't, for if you did, you would never have wasted any time deriding the content rather than advancing it.
Although all bets are off with regard to that last sentiment and caveat if madness has any active part in its play.
Clearly do we play to and server different audiences and clients/bases.

amanfromMars 1 having a say on this recipe for disaster …
Will someone please tell U.K Government that Enders Game is just a film and reality is somewhat different.
Grooming children is just so politically incorrect PIE

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 Mar 05:23 [1403120523] commenting on
Let's not continue beating about the burning bush and ignoring the giant elephant in the room
Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity .... Loverofpies
Surely that is totally misleading, Loverofpies, and is more truthfully told as "Revenue is vanity, profit is insanity considering it be an arbitrary additional expense paid to a select few for absolutely nothing extra.
Indeed, such trumpeting of successful profits growth sends to all in the know the current secret state of real affairs in virtually controlled matters, and fantasy wealth generation schemes with a profits leaders are so yesterday man and just don't cut it with IT and Media any more.
Hell and Blue Streaking Thunder, haven't you heard of the new insane plan to bring down crazed administering operations system, ..... lose trillions in a systemic flash crash and profit with injections of free QE cash .....but if the same 0s and 1s remain to retain the bail out without a fundamental and radical and revolutionary change to modus operandi and vivendi, is the scene set for series of even deeper and more devastating systemic flash crashes where none of the old guard survive without entering into ruin and damnation and most likely too, spells in perdition and secure incarceration which might be if they be lucky/unlucky, prolonged protective custody in the care of that which delivers deflection and safety from every phorm and manner of harm.

12 March 2014 9:44am ….. posting on
Seems like the sort of a plan for those on and in a lily-livered, faint hearted chicken run. Mr Milliband/Douglas Alexander.
Englands expects and expected more for the battles to be won ahead.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 Mar 09:14 [1403120914] enquires on
Just Asking if we're on the Similarly Same Pages or Discovering Quantum Overlaps in Virtual Programs
Hi, StorageBod,
Perhaps I’d transcode on bare-metal machines but might present out on VM-ed application servers, for example …… for working in IntelAIgently Designed and Perfectly Secured Alternative Virtual Reality Environments ……. Beta MetaDataBase Testing Areas ….. well, as perfectly phormed and activated/self actuated as is realised as possible in fields festooned and fated and feted with flaws and attractive sub-prime attractions ….. grand distractions.
Now that thar is some fancy gibberish… Code or prose? … the one replying to amanfromMars
If we can agree on GBIrish and resolve to proceed, can we move on immediately into the next phases, the one.
See you there. Who Dares Care and Share, Win Wins in All of its IT Spaces which be ExtraOrdinarily Rendered Surreal Places too for those into AIMagical Practices for Dream Solutions/Lasting Events that Herald and Deliver Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Changes to Future Reality Programs.
Surely not a Stealthy Alien Program when Astute and Advanced and Attractive are Key to Success for Awesome IT Applications in Earthed Systems.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 12 Mar 15:43 [1403121543] …. having a say on
Current Governments' Thinking is the Abiding Persistent Fault for Fixing.
However, with Japanese government employees typically moved around to new roles and/or departments every few years, NISC still faces the challenge of how to keep cyber nous inside the agency.
As in the UK, Japan faces a monumental shortage of info-security professionals which threatens to derail any on-going efforts to better protect critical systems from attack.
A report back in October last year revealed that there’s a shortfall of 80,000 security pros at present, while 160,000 of the 265,000 currently employed in the industry need additional training.
You may discover the default, that at such exalted levels of cyber security and virtual protection as are needed in governments to ensure the dominance of their proposals to initiate and launch policies and create novel realities, is for change to a different set of protocols for lead and significantly better and better led and more radical and revolutionary players/non state actors/spooky agents in charge of command and control.
And until such times as governments start to realise they have no powers per se in cyber societies, because of their monumental failings offline with a right dodgy easily milked and bilked finance system, will they be always open to easy devastating attacks on their out dated systems of man management by those who and/or that which can, and choose to do.