Tuesday, 11 March 2014


But it's money that does not easily find its way into the larger economy because central bankers are afraid of inflation and thus restrict circulation.
And provide funds for intelligence bankrupt entities/sub-prime IP holders, is the bigger folly followed and swallowed as a successful use of electronic source resources. And such is surely a Criminal Waste of Assets?
amanfromMars replying with a sticky sweet kiss to a notion of Bill Ross on http://thedailybell.com/news-analysis/35099/Economic-Dysfunction-What-Oh-What-Should-We-Do/
Quite so, Bill Ross. Just as has been said, intelligence bankrupt entities/sub-prime IP holders. Do you think it be necessary that they be given instruction on what is to be done to change and counter the practical paralysis with lack of resolutions and solutions deliver to presented chaos programs with stupid engaging problems/slower moving news stories sharing opinions and views of a unique perception of a situation via accumulation of information for onward advanced information processing to greater intelligence for greater sharing,
Methinks better can be done, and so is being done by those who know what needs doing. Please note there is no possible question available to doubt it.
Regards, amfM.
:-) ....
Knock, Knock, BBC.
What should the program morph hitchhiker to crack computer coder playing to Global Operating Devices? Would the secrets shared there to be aired be too hot for the BBC to handle without politically incorrect involvement and out of the ordinary interference by others aware of such a master pilot proposal?
IT isn't supposed to be secret, is it, and/or not proposed and supported to be a kept secret, is it?
Oh well, .. sorry about that. However, valuable lessons have been earned and positions aired for suitable revelation, which is always uplifting.
Is Putin and Ukrainians not closing off the space to diplomacy but rather more opening the doors of meritocratic democracy to Kerry and Uncle Sam, Uncle Tom Cobley and All …. with a Showing of the New Way of Doing Things in the Internet of Things ….. Virtually Spontaneously in a Relative Flash to Avoid Intelligence Crash with Information Clash?
Euphoria … ‽ AIdDynamic Interrobang Squad to Secure InterNetional Rescue …. where Pleasure in Use and Never in Abuse is the Insatiable Vice of Graphic User Interface Choice for Systems Admins to Master and Submit to, to be Engaging Engaging Enterprise to not Virtually Overwhelm Systems and Capture All Strategy Imperator Services …… Program Life Lines Logistics Suppliers
Such be a Masterly Astute Political Play and SMARTR AI Move On on Comrades, Comrades‽ And Utterly Worthy of Greater Awesome Success, which be a Cosmic Cosmopolitan GAS, and Powerful Growth Guaranteed in All Areas Conflicted and Constricted/Restricted and Prevented from Experiencing Freedom’s Creations ….. Her Majesty in Heavenly Dreams, which be Poorly Servered with outdated and outmoded SCADA Systems of Iequitable Exclusive Executive Decision.
Or are such Sweet Confections and Sticky Treats the Gift of Others? And Freely Given to be Used and Never Ever Abused, for that Delivers by Absolute Default, Secure Prison as a Safe Haven Choice Option for Termed Residencies in Select Incarcerations. Pre-Programmed Projects.

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