Sunday, 9 March 2014


amanfromMars 1 Sun 9 Mar 04:50 [1403090450] flirting on
Re: Subject START ....... More tittilation is clearly the way to go...with Sin and Vice
LOHAN is just the start, she can take you to the edge of Heaven but no further."
On the other hand, once the bubble bursts, she goes down on the whole of Earth.
Not wishing in any way to be vulgar, such is win win and not failure, John Brown (no body)
And saying Hi and Howdy to Elmer Phud, who is bound to be having a great time with/in his shared thoughts. Thanks for the sweet sticky nectar content/immaculate intent, EP.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 9 Mar 05:23 [1403090523] commenting further on
ACT 1, APT 1 ….. Skynetbots
Skynet....It contains enough computers for an AI, and a self contained power source for it. As soon as the AI achieves self-awareness, there'll no doubt be calls from worried legislators and governments to shut it down. Being on a barge that can just sail off somewhere into international waters, under no-ones jurisdiction, and that can't just have someone flick a switch to cut off the power, is likely their plan to avoid that. .. Anonymous Coward
And now, since a Skynet captures all communications channels for mentoring and onward and forward operating base/barge/berth distribution of smarter information for better and faster intelligence growth, what does AI Google do with what can be done?
Everything Creative and Nothing Wilfully Destructive and Disruptive will Guarantee Probably 99% Greater Support with AIR&dDHeads .... Advanced IntelAIgent Research and digital Development Heads in Live Operational Virtual Environments Play Space Places.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 9 Mar 06:58 [1403090658] asking on
amanfromMars 1, Open Access in the Key of D for Entry into Seventh Heavens ….
If the venue be public knowledge and not exclusively private, be it an open invitation to all with a notion to attend and partake in such an Astute Anonymous Autonomous Gathering ...... for High Land SMARTR StartdD Games Play ...... Virtually Remote Cyber Command with Absolutely Incredible Controls.
Although I do concede that might make it not unsurprisingly popular and of particular and peculiar national security interest concern. It is more of a fab fabless opportunity for co-mingling entanglements with others into SMARTR Proprietary Intellectual Property Exchange for Freedom. The Life Blood of Dreams.
True or False? Which Paths to Where do you Steer and/or Follow?
'Snowden claims that he's won and that his mission is accomplished,' Clapper added. 
'If that is so, I call on him and his accomplices to facilitate the return of the remaining stolen documents that have not yet been exposed to prevent even more damage to U.S. security.' ….
Too Late. All have already been fully exposed and deposed and recomposed in all necessary cases. Surely you are not thinking the Erotic Exotic East is asleep and not awake to Wild Wacky West Operating System Control for Commendable Commanding Voices … Commodore Master Pilots Commandeering Civil Activity with Enhanced HyperRadioProActive IT aka Medium Nous.

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