Thursday, 20 March 2014


19 Mar, 2014 - 5:24 pm ….. wanting to know what is known, and unknown, on
The truth is of course that the global political elite are in the pockets of the global financial elite, ..
Well …. doesn’t just stop there whenever you have only just got started, Craig. Go on please, and finish the progression, or at least progress it to the next spooky level …… and the global financial elite are in whose pockets filled to overflowing with sensitive intelligence and juicy information?
Invariably it will not be what/who you think it is, for such is the true nature of the intelligence beast in Great Games Play ..... it protects itself from live discovery, and leaves the deserving to deal with the chaos and madness that sub-prime systems mal-administration collapse delivers with the presentation of catastrophic systemic flaws.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 mar 04:44 [1403200444] … commenting on
What do you expect? Talk the talk is not walk the walk and like working for a living
Well .... what do you expect? Vapourware, just like its kissing cousins, Phormware and Phishware, is so very tricky to make real money with .... and if you haven't got the knack with it in the IT Services Sector, you haven't got anything worthwhile to sell and are collecting liabilities and burgeoning debts and sowing barren seeds. But hey .... it's the new failed fiat capitalist way, isn't it. Don't worry about it ....... unless you've invested in the mysterIOUs future and there is nothing to be returned and enjoyed, that is. Then there be problems for you to try and solve ...... or ignore and hope they go away for another day.
:-) Which is also the new failed fiat capitalist way too, isn't it, created and policed by quants and right dodgy algorithm traders.

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