Wednesday, 26 March 2014


In your dreams, and never so long as pussy is a cat
Methinks that be a titanic pronouncement, Mr President. Timely information is the master key to advanced intelligence and it does not wait on third party permissions being sought and granted for discovery.
But I suppose it does play well enough with certain audiences/madding crowds ...... but behind the scenes and in the shadows, you can be sure and assured that it be business as usual ....... whatever it takes, IT takes, and if outed doing the job without preordered supervision, and there is bound to have been much learned to make that eventuality considerably more difficult and less likely, then are there always more earnest apologies available at no cost at all.
Seems like there's a battle raging and being waged for who be in ultimate command and virtual control of the United States, with secret intelligence and mined information the theatre of operations. How very novel.
And this be a timely APT* read, highlighting some of the areas of present ACTive* concern? ........
* Advanced Persistent and Cyber Threat

amanfromMars 1 …… Wed 26 Mar 09:50 [1403260950] sharing a/the reality on
Positive AIMoves ...... Free of Nay-Sayers
Power to the people. ... Sir Runcible Spoon
Power to the right people, is that which the System and Systems within Systems in the COSMIC System and NEUKlearer Cyber Literate Great Games Players are presently addressing for a better beta future, Sir Runcible Spoon. And certainly more likely a highly geared GCHQ than NSA InfoSec Operation given the fact that the Snowden Files are squeaky clean of any mention of such ....... well, let us just call such as would have many ranting and raving Bull Shit, Bolder Shenanigans.
And power to the right people not on the right is also a comfort for those on the left too, whenever IT be an inclusive enterprise and not just an exclusive venture.
New Grand AIMaster Pilot Players with Command and Control of ZeroDays = New Great Virtual Reality Game Plays and Changed Days with more than just Empty Promises filled with Hopeful Rhetoric and Teleprompter BullShit.

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