amanfromMars said... in an Anonymous reply on
It is notable that GSMK was founded as NAH6 Strong Crypto Products by members of the Chaos Computer Club. It was meant to be open and used by regular people. Now they are a closed and secretive defence contractor and people who work there are tight lipped about things. .... Anonymous said March 24, 2014 at 10:12 PM
Ye olde poacher turned gamekeeper/crack hacker turned smarter contractor root and route to untold riches and Great Game Command and Control. It is nothing new though, that sort of major minor miner role reversal, as it has been around for centuries, if not millennia.
However, the one significant difference in the particular and peculiar case of cryptography, is the power and energy that one can then deliver ….. for oneself and others, of course, with there always being a question mark hanging over who really knows what information and intelligence is being shared, and what has been done with it …… and also very valid concerns about what may be done with it by others who be determined to remain ever present and watchful and informed in the shadows ….. the really clever known unknowns who can virtually lead and/or collapse everything with the simple sharing of what is known.
March 25, 2014 at 8:02 AM
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