Monday, 24 March 2014


amanfromMars 1 ….. Mon 24 Mar 05:10 [1403240510] adding a few qubits more on
Meanwhile .... with Angels and Vultures of Dark Web Enterprise, Black Watch AIdVenturing
Nonlocality describes the ability of particles to instantaneously know about each other’s state, even when separated by large distances. In the quantum world, this means it might be possible to transfer information instantaneously – faster than the speed of light. This contravenes what Einstein called the "principle of local action," the rule that distant objects cannot have direct influence on one another, and that an object is directly influenced only by its immediate surroundings. ….
In quantum communications worlds, where secret intelligence and sensitive information transfers take place, there is no question nor doubt that faster than the speed of light virtually instantaneous thought transfer, is possible, and is in every case, the default mechanism and nothing at all exceptional and particular or peculiar.
Such then renders what Einstein called the "principle of local action," the rule that distant objects cannot have direct influence on one another, and that an object is directly influenced only by its immediate surroundings, null and void/fundamentally incorrect.
One does wonder when one has a ponder what else Einstein’s thought transfers got so fundamentally wrong, for it is not as if he was able to share them with any sizeable and more knowledgeable peer group for systemic error correction in his day, whereas nowadays with ICT can one practically instantly share anything and everything with everyone and anyone internetworking in Global Information Grids with Global Operating Devices on SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems which present the future with media command for to control Live Operational Virtual Environments ……. aka Realities.
Energy via Media Command and Control Squared‽

amanfromMars said... in a reply to a comment from HRPA on
I would be in wholehearted agreement with you, Anonymous [HRPA], if you are saying that the notion of there being unbreakable computer/virtual security is a myth manufactured, for it is so.
But the scam is a nice little earner for many a fraudulent peddler of broken dream scenarios.
There are though, and it is the best that can be offered, some systems significantly more secure against threat attack and program probe vulnerabilities than others, by simple virtue of them being considerably better and more intelligently designed with parameters and protocols which highlight abuse and/or misuse. In that way are they clearly protected.
24 March 2014 07:52

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