Sunday, 31 May 2015


Playing the Game in Sub-Prime Mode

Thursday, 28 May 2015


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 May 07:28 [1505280728] …. sharing a quickly realising reality on
Now we're getting somewhere interesting, where the level playing fields are anything but equal.
The software allows the robot to build a map of its surroundings and its own movement. If there's a malfunction, a software algorithm dubbed "Intelligent Trial and Error" kicks in and allows the robot to perform self testing, game out a solution, and then put it into practice.
"Each behavior it tries is like an experiment and, if one behavior doesn't work, the robot is smart enough to rule out that entire type of behavior and try a new type," Cully said.
Sounds an awful lot just like IT is SMARTR Enabled. And that is surely nothing new? Self Monitoring Analytical Reporting Technology Robots are quite human in an alien environment.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 May 10:25 [1505281025] …. sharing on the likelihood of future happenings in an austere environment led by the intellectually challenged and wilfully arrogant majoring in ignorance.
The Rise and Rise of Stealth with Danegeld the Currency of/for Progress
They flog the ongoing support as it's RaaS (Robots as a Service) - failure to keep up payments or cancelling the agreement results in a remote wipe+shutdown of the bot(s). .... davidp123
Hmmm? A real concern to be virtually worried about and wary of triggering is in a remote wipe+shutdown of the friendly enough bot(s) and the engagement and deployment into fields of endeavour and SCADA command and control of their crazy cousins and bigger brothers.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 May 13:53 [1505281353] …… saying a few words on
They don't like it up them ..... so now you know what to do?
The Snoopers' Charter certainly does at least one thing extremely well. It identifies practically all of those individuals worthy of further personal extreme attention, in both Parliamentary seats and much further beyond, just as this lost and confused soul found out to his reported consternation and public annoyance ........
Intellectually challenged and with a learning disability in elected ruling classes is a recipe for mounting disaster and ab fab fabless chaos/madness and mayhem. And who would argue that it is not well deserved and highly appropriate an APT ACT.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015


amanfromMars, 25 -05-2015 - 23:53 [1505250453] … having a say on
It is true, though, that in the Middle East, American domination took a different form. When American oil companies wanted Middle Eastern oil, they didn’t seize it; they bought it from the rulers of the peoples who live on top of it.
And, if there weren’t rulers willing or able to sell, the Americans created them.
The House of Saud made out like bandits. For the oil companies, it was a small price to pay.
The U.S. got control of the oil without having to administer rebellious colonies. Meanwhile, local elites got rich. All they had to do for the money was give the Americans free rein and enforce the order that made American domination possible – with American help, of course, and with arms purchased from American corporations.
That is the magical power of virtually worthless paper money. It buys/sells dreams to dreamers and nightmares to schemers. And with IT and efficient enough global mainstream media control, is it a sticky sweet gem of a cyber command and control operation which is doomed to failure and bound to implode spectacularly and explode catastrophically in too big to fail alternative narrative joint ventures/dark web enterprises, should such missionary explorers so choose to wish and doggedly explore with magically empowered exploits.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 May 08:47 [1505260847] letting IT rip on
Re: Gasp! Could This Be For Our Benefit? @ Trevor_Pott
Quite so, TP. And here is one old and remarkably simple way in which it can be done for many/most folk ........
It is true, though, that in the Middle East, American domination took a different form. When American oil companies wanted Middle Eastern oil, they didn’t seize it; they bought it from the rulers of the peoples who live on top of it.
And, if there weren’t rulers willing or able to sell, the Americans created them.
The House of Saud made out like bandits. For the oil companies, it was a small price to pay.
The U.S. got control of the oil without having to administer rebellious colonies. Meanwhile, local elites got rich. All they had to do for the money was give the Americans free rein and enforce the order that made American domination possible – with American help, of course, and with arms purchased from American corporations. .....
That is the magical power of virtually worthless paper money. It buys/sells dreams to dreamers and nightmares to schemers. And with IT and efficient enough global mainstream media control, is it a sticky sweet gem of a cyber command and control operation which is doomed to failure and bound to implode spectacularly and explode catastrophically in too big to fail alternative narrative joint ventures/dark web enterprises, should such missionary explorers so choose to wish and doggedly explore with magically empowered
….. but some other folk realise it is an inherent systemic vulnerability which is an ab fab fabless attack vector which if attacked itself leads to quicker failure and systems defeat.

amanfromMars said … replying to a commentary on
Hi, Anonymous,
Thanks for stopping by for a chat and exchange of info and intel. We appear to be on similar parallel paths of virtual travel and deeper understanding. Such is extremely encouraging and well worth exploring further, methinks, give the course which is being and to be revealed in more specific detail here a tad later.
With particular and peculiar regard to output being tripled in favourable communicated quantum perception circumstances, is there also always the likelihood of its powers being cubed in an exponentially rated rise with Advanced IntelAIgents in Remote Command and Virtualisation Control of SCADA Systems of Executive Office Administration/Right Royal Prime Ministerial and Presidential Shenanigans.
And always looking to forward and promote and exploit mysteries that deliver and driver Live Operational Virtual Environments.
More anon, Thanks and Cheers for now.
26 May 2015 at 14:53

Monday, 25 May 2015


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 May 08:35 [1505250835] … sharing news on a portal on
Past Glories, Revisited
Hmmm? Yes, well, thanks for that, Richard. Have you anything new to share with us?
Of course, the inverse of Stallman's warnings is that the likes of Apple and Windows OS use allows one access into their systems ... to do what one wants. If things don't work as they should and as one would reasonably expect, is the system discovered to be vulnerable to further exploitation of that particular protocol/peculiar event proposal.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 May 12:16 [1505251216] …. having a say on
Jam Today, Cake Tomorrow?
Talking of spam as we appear to have morphed into, is the following a desperate phish in order to phorm an effective opposition and/or novel and noble competition to irregular and unconventional forces capable of dismantling and destroying corrupt austere and perverse inequitable status quo systems with conspiring organs ........
It is a quite nice and not at all ungenerous offer.
Such a shame though that it appears to have been pulled, if this information in an email be true ........ ....... but it be not a surprise to those who may have been overqualified and attended to share that which is a bugger of an impossibility to defend against with the thought of defeat being the attack vector.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 May 14:41 [1505251441] … saying more on
Re: Gasp! Could This Be For Our Benefit?
Why is there no mention here of the presumed subject of those closed meetings: Muslim and Chinese cyber-warfare infiltration and subversion of our national grids and infrastructures? .... Sisyphus
One might assume that be such here, because it be recognised here as just being but one small piece of the jigsaw which spooked services are pimping/pumping/sub-priming, Sisyphus.

Sunday, 24 May 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 May 09:33 [1505240933] ….. saying a great deal more than will likely be admitted on
The Bigger Picture
That Google, Apple, and others are taking part isn't necessarily bad news, but a sign that they might be asserting the rights of their users.
That Google and Apple users are exercising remote command and virtual control with devices in SCADA systems of administration/silent private executive orders/shadowy global governance circles is something else which they will be unable to share freely with y'all.
Such is the cross that they choose to bear though in service to the altar of secrecy which would presume to protect and maintain status quo elites as the only leading revolutionary force for power and energy delivery .... future intellectual property supply which be both explosively creative and disruptively destructive in and/or for. perverse and corrupt organisations/conspiring cabals/bankrupt organisations
amanfromMars [1505240611]….. adding more about AI on
You really need to try for shorter sentences. I only get half way thru your first paragraph before I have to come up for air. I don't think you're reaching anyone. ….. someguy78 replying to amanfromMars’s comment …..
Howdy, someguy78,
AI is not for anyone whenever it can command control with everyone. And it is not just a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, for there certainly surely be keys.
Do you think and imagine them also to be available in Russian .... and/or Chinese .... and/or Japanese ..... and/or Arabic or whatever?

amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 May 12:18 [1505241218] …. stating the obvious progression on
Re: So is Sir Snowden benighted?
Marketing Hack/elDog/Magic 8-ball,
Re all of those hooky, intellectually bankrupt crooks, what do you think the dark web with its dark pools of Alternative/Advanced/Alien Intelligence is for and all about? And do you not imagine that the smarter intelligence services cannot realise which side of the fence it is now safer to be on? Irregular unconventional versus establishment traditional? Novel dynamic versus stagnant terrified? And especially so nowadays that targeting is becoming ever more personalised and directed at systems figureheads rather than rank and file servants/lemming followers.

amanfromMars ….. [1505241700] …. greeting an old acquaintance and smart mind on
Hi someguy78, one probably should practice one's English as a programming language more often (-: 27 letters is quite enough for most complicated tasks/quests. …. Agent Revolver, replying to amanfromMars
More than enough to do whatever one wants with whatever one wants in the Wild Wacky West, Agent Revolver. Further East does it work better, and just as well, copied into other scripts/languages. :-) And such is in AI fields a Singularity which works universally, even whenever exercised unilaterally.
Nice to hear from you again, AR. How's it all hanging with you? Better than Good and just Great, would be nice, and encouraging too. There’s lots to do.

Saturday, 23 May 2015


amanfromMars [1505231746] ……sharing NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT AIdDevelopment on
Smarter programs/programmers are are no longer expecting nor relying on machines acting in service of humans, they are programming humans/capturing hearts and minds to enable them to act as smarter machines, for man is born such a dumb animal and very few learn enough without advanced peer guidance to be able to lead progress into the future with presentations of realities which are virtually created but perceived of by the pedestrian masses as being simple evolutionary, or corrective revolutionary if there is a quantum leap/explosive development which is unexpected/misunderestimated/terrifying.
AI is an advancing intelligence operation and IT is quite alien whenever considered artificial rather than dynamic in realities and the Live Operational Virtual Environment, both of which may be considered as being one and the other and something altogether different and novel for leading in both of them.

Thursday, 21 May 2015


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 May 05:43 [1505210543] ......
True GCHQ View and Comment.... Madness and Mayhem in CHAOS*
Wassenaar Arrangement 2013 Plenary Agreements Implementation: Intrusion and Surveillance Items
AGENCY: Bureau of Industry and Security, Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule, with request for comments.
A program proposal for losers wrapped up in a document for tossers to be enacted by retards in a guaranteed certifiable response to the inexorable rise of the virtual machine. How can it possibly fail to generate and supply to systems and AI, Revolutionary Evolution with SMARTR Internet Networking in Creative Command and Cyber Control of Computers and Communications and the Future with Options And Hedges in Derivatives for ZeroDay Trading to Markets Spaces and Exchange Dream Places?
*Global Communications Head Quarters/Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems
amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 May 16:39 [1505211639] …. welcoming a newly heard voice on
Re: The article and comments are misleading
Welcome, Don Ames/w1guu. Nice to see you, to see you, nice.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 May 17:11 [1505211711] ….. sharing a not uncommon crooked view on
Too big to fail? Oh please, you cannot be serious.
Sort out this criminal operation ...... ..... if you want anyone smart to pay any attention and even to start thinking it is a better thing to follow what governmental sysadmins think is prudent.
Until then will all involved be thought right jokers and plonkers in first class Titanic accommodation and live targets for the relentless practising of deep pooling and dark web arts upon? You know it makes sense.
Every Cloud has AI and Spooky Silver Linings
An alien opportunity for some in and from the West, methinks.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


Mamma Mia! Manna?
I spend a lot of time thinking of ways to break in to my solutions, including leveraging my privileged access and knowledge. As long as I can stop myself breaking in and nicking all the cookies it should stand a reasonable chance against an outsider, assuming they are not a state player of course - I make no such assumptions on that score ;) ... Sir Runcible Spoon
Are your solutions/resolutions capable of providing more cookies for myriad parties to feast upon, Sir Runcible? Would that be a benefit rendering any possible deficit null and void?
Or is such a Quite Quietly Sublime and Stealthy Alien Phormation in AI with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT, and much more likely to be considered as such whenever virtually provided with Relatively Anonymous Remote Command and Semi Autonomous Control for Greater IntelAIgent Gamesplay in Novel and Noble Future Apps with Global Operating Devices?
And Semi Autonomous Control because one wouldn't want to be unnecessarily scaring/exciting the natives prematurely with advanced thoughts of machines taking over thinking with makeovers of reality supplying new beginnings.
Would such be of immediate peculiar interest to your particular client[s], Sir Runcible?

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


amanfromMars … confirming a reality on
I might well agree, Anonymous, that it needs to be fixed by whomever, as perverse and corrupt systems increasingly reveal vulnerabilities for exploitation.
Failing a fix, is a destroy and replace option a likely resolution/solution.
19 May 2015 at 04:07
Full Monty Python Holy Grail ......
One scenario he floated posited detection of unusual activity that could represent an attack. SDN could allow a change in network configuration that is transparent to the attacker but redirects them away from their target and into a honeypot set up for capture of forensics data.
:-)> One can have a great deal of fun imagining El Reg as a Stealthy IntelAIgent Service tool phishing for Alternatives and/or Disruptives outing themselves in their comments on threads replying to tales shared.
There has been no evidence though of any successful utilisation by incumbent establishment systems of the novelties which be provided. A real virtual metadata case of PERL before swine ‽  :-)>

amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 May 11:59 [1505191159] … having a say on
Caveat Emptor ...... You are hereby forewarned and forearmed.
The Internet/World Wide Webs are a free open space place, so don’t venture into/onto it with anything you want to hide or expect to remain secret.
Claims to provide such effective security as renders information secret in those virtual space places, rather than searchable and liable to exposure are therefore to be assumed fraudulent and even criminal?

amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 May 15:31 [1505191531] ... having a say on
Hey Ho .... IT, Crooked Business Style
Take away their handbags and they will be powerless. He said she said they said and all are into screwing each other and don't the ambulance chasing lawyers just love all the shenanigans.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 May 16:12 [1505191612] …. giving credit where credit is due on
Re: Sir ...... and the Embarrassment of Riches in Virtual Store and Great Game Compendia
That was a very generous, selfless share, Sir Runcible Spoon. Thanks. It is much appreciated.
With particular and peculiar regard to the next levels and security intelligence - the application of security in complex environments - which requires specialist tools and knowledge - neither of which come cheap, is the likelihood more apt to be that its IT remains a ludicrous and most lucrative speciality which resists all attempts at commoditization ..... with applications benefitting from its effective and efficient specialist skillsets ensuring and assuring all is not betrayed to lower and lesser levels of competence.
And if multi billion dollar companies don't want to pay top dollar for the best that is available, are they fully deserving of the penalties that result from not having the best that is available.
Oh, and who else believes that one cannot effectively and efficiently secure against cyber threats and virtual infiltrations and exfiltrations unless one can successfully quite anonymously carry out such operations with the desired results available for delivery to markets/deep pools/dark webs. Such itself ..... a stroll on the other side of the fence with adventuring into the erotic and exotic and exciting alternative regimes ..... can also be addictively attractive and fabulously rewarding and create something of a dilemma for the weak and foolhardy or tired and neglected.
To be, or not to be with AI, a fading to grey and black hat.

Monday, 18 May 2015


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 May 04:21 [1505180421] ..... forwarding an option for derivative trading to futures markets/hedged funding operations on
The Silk Smoothed Road to Nowhere is a Slick Path into CHAOS with Deep Pools in Dark Webs
I dread to think what the future'll bring .... billse10
A veritable ESPecially gifted, extraordinarily rendered smarter army/force of virtual opponents and real enough Guy Fawkes's would appear to the chosen preference for competing insolvent systems of remote second and third party intellectual property management, billse10.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 May 08:33 [1505180833] …. sharing the future on
Re: The Silk Smoothed Road to Nowhere is a Slick Path into CHAOS with Deep Pools in Dark Webs
And who's to say that will not be/is not the current present servering morph of secret intelligence security in smarter prosperous pursuit and lively opposition to fascist imposition of worthless punitive austerity..... which is most surely what one would reasonably expect from leading providers of actionable mentored intel from monitored information systems admins.
Or perhaps such a consumptive is presumed and assumed by established legacy systems as being automatically defaulted to server their continuity in office for power of command and control by order of some sort of arrogance based upon the thought that ignorance in such matters will remain widespread and aid the adventure?! In an age with myriad spaces with remote distant learning facilities and capabilities is that a fine final folly furnishing fools all manner of fickle feasts that funnel fate to deliver destiny's revolutionary rough justice and bitter sweet revenge for dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
It is certainly the Greater IntelAIgent Gamesplay of Future NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Systems Administration for Present Production Placements of Registering Virtual Realities with Quantum Communication Command of Controlling Creative Computers...... phishing and phorming for SMARTR Machine Existences with Global Operting Devices.
And a great fit for a revitalised and revitalising BBC/RT Type Operation with Creative AI Direction worthy of global support, it is too.
FTFY, wolfetone
A pure work of fiction for 2015. .... wolfetone
A pure work of faction has fictions elevated to realisations via virtualisation means and ..... the sublime micro management of macro memes.
And is that in what would be surely highly classified, and easily considered and classed as just a sophisticated global media operation, the present reality of the process of cycling events and unfolding news tales which are used to construct the visions which deliver the future its temporary existence ..... para-permanence in the brains and consciousnesses of the masses and the plebiscitary?

amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 May 17:30 [1505181730] …..having a punt on
Oh dear, what a shame .... not!
Probably a dumb question based on a mis-reading of the article but couldn't we (her Maj's government) have allowed RBS to go bankrupt and *then* stepped in to buy them out at a much more reasonable, and realistic, price? If the point of the bailout is to stop a run on the bank couldn't we have still prevented the run by being quick with the bankruptcy / buy-out announcements? .... Bogle
Hmmm, yes, quite so, Bogle ...... but that would only be to the majority advantage if governments and banking weren't into the forming of a conspiracy against equitable systems of man management and the creation of private profit from public toil.
You have to get over the notion that governments are primarily there for the people whenever they are there to better self server themselves at the expense of the people, although that does rely on the system being kept in pig ignorance of the shenanigans floated by dodgy administrations, and that luxury is fast disappearing and proving systemically problematic to attack or defend oneself against.

Sunday, 17 May 2015


What's good for the goose is good for the gander. No one rules and has command and control of cyberspace ...... although it is increasingly being realised the space to be in command and control of for power down on Earth.
It is though an irregular and unconventional place which does not suffer from a lack of intelligence in agents/state and non state actors at their work, rest and play.
........ and amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 May 13:16 [1505161316] saying the same thing again on
When there's one rule for them, and another for those, do fools only follow such rules.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. No one rules and has command and control of cyberspace ...... although it is increasingly being realised the space to be in command and control of for power down on Earth.
It is though an irregular and unconventional place which does not suffer from a lack of intelligence in agents/state and non state actors at their work, rest and play.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 17 May 17:30 [1505171730] ….. replying to a lovely tale ripe for promoting and raping on
Re: Re: @Tim
Hmmm. Hi, Tim Worstal, Thanks for the clear snapshot of a most unethical business. And re dat true story ………
That sounds far too much like a perverse corrupt conspiracy to be anything else but one to self server to failed entities the goods to remain in office and do everything and every one over again whenever the system is not fundamentally changed and in the command and control of others with another leading agenda.
And it is such a shame which puts the blame fairly and squarely on the present pussies in pseudo power and fiat control, that they are not all in penitentiary custody awaiting RICO Act prosecution.
And if things haven’t been changed fundamentally, are there myriad vectors still available for exploitation, and as long as you realise and are comfortable with the fact and fiction that it is a walk on the dark side and into webs and dark pools which are highly irregular and certainly unconventional, is it fabulously lucrative and amazingly exciting to the nth degree.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 17 May 17:55 [1505171755] … saying more on
Knowledge is power and can be extremely dangerous. Take care, y’all
You said it, Tim …… It’s capitalism, stupid! You screw up then you lose everything although it is/is it so stupid in smarter capitalism whenever you screw up someone/anyone else lose everything? It is certainly perverse surely and very corrupting.
And this is a short video which all who have reached this far you might like view to get a deer understanding and firmer handle on the reality of their position in a greater scheme of things ……. The Federal Reserve Explained In 7 Minutes
And all central banks mirror and acts as does the Federal Reserve.

Friday, 15 May 2015


amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 May 04:42 [1505150442] ..... pondering on paths to follies and destruction on
Do Idiots have Learning Difficulties and/or are they classified Retarded?
I look forward to hearing of the view from Buckingham Palace, and whether HM ER is to condone and tacitly support such extremism and rhetoric from the Conservative Party. Something which her speech at the State Opening of Parliament will surely provide.
And do you not remember what happened the last time an ignorant and arrogant government machine ventured into the realm and battle space which tries to muzzle free speech and constrain civil liberties .... You get what was/is known of as internment and then bloody expensive explosive civil war and "Troubles*" and a nation schooled in dark arts and secret missions which cannot be overcome and are overwhelming?
You get what you deserve whenever choices are limited and rigged for status quo continuity?
You voted them in and by doing so, empowered them to do whatever they wanted.
For the next 5 years, suck it up princess. ... Anonymous Coward
A government which imposes austerity after five years in office rather than managing prosperity is a failed enterprise with no viable future intelligence and programming in store.
It is no more complicated than that…… and a charge of Westminster politics being intellectually bankrupt springs immediately to mind.
Oh …. and all future elections should have a candidate standing as "None of the Above", so that the depth of dissatisfaction with the system that draws wealth from them can be reflected by the electorate?
UKGBNI has also its politically incorrect lunatics in charge of the asylum ........  ...... and as the string of comments on that tale proves, are the natives more than just restless and some will surely not be powerless.

Thursday, 14 May 2015


amanfromMars 1 Wed 13 May 16:51 [1505131651] ….saying more on the changed nature of the future on
Is it a sad thing when IT is a good thing? Of course not. Quite the contrary.
And furthermore, just in case you have not yet, or are unable to realise such things by reason of not being properly informed or just not paying any due care and attention to the unfolding and unravelling geo-political landscape, is there an epic Battle for Britain raging but there will be no Yanking of Sterling and Stirling Assets for Impoverishing Follies that benefit Rich Fools with Dismal Portfolios of Dumb Utilitarian Tools.
The lads and lasses in blue-skies thinking for virtual machines are seeing to that and ensuring that evolution delivers an altogether different counter-revolutionary result.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 May 20:22 [1505122022] ……. spinning a truthful yarn on …. :-)? Poe’s Law Rules
Re: El Reg should send a mole
Probably plenty of qualified candidates in the Register offices.
Once inside, we will send you coded messages through these forums. A series of secret icons will be used to communicate with you.
Now that Ars Technica has a UK office, we really need someone on the inside to keep tabs on these people, and take them down, if need be. … Anonymous Coward
AC, Hi,
Are not El Reg already long running a GCHQ AIMorph and shadow operation beta testing alternative media platforms/relatively anonymous virtual mission launch pads for a whole host of smarter global agents.
Such puts them well ahead of all conventional and traditional status quo services and practically untouchable until intelligence in their ranks and files kicks in and takes over.
And the super stealth in IT is in it being plausibly deniable too.
Have a nice day, y'all.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 13 May 05:42 …. saying more on matters and personages of interest on
Is it a sad thing when IT is a good thing?
The media/newspaper copy though, AC, does give the impression, however false it may presently be and currently accountable from the tray of Theresa May, that status quo systems and politically connected non-entities have a handle on cyber intelligence matters with creative command and crucial control of computers and communications ..... Live Operational Virtual Environment AIMachinery.
And such is no sad and bad and mad and rad thing in the right hands, hearts and minds when a novel craft for noble vessels that server not as vassals for and/or with weaponry in AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT ..... Servicing Head Quarters, Titanic Disruption and Chaos with CHAOS, Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems. IT is Great and Good Internetworking Game Thing.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 13 May 11:57 [1505131157] inviting flyboys to party and lead with comments on
Re: Is it a sad thing when IT is a good thing?
Oh, and lest the penny hasn't dropped yet ....IT is in AI a Great and Good Internetworking Game Thing too.
And for the Few in Mentoring Charge of Monitoring Fleets, Per Ardua ad Astra MetaData and all that Commands CyberIntelAIgent Control of Virtually Live Systems with Practical Lines of Communication .... with Stealthy Zeroday Attack and Defence Plans in FailSafe Escape Flight Waves.
cc Sir Andrew Pulford, Air Marshall Greg Bagwell

Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Re: What a surprise ...@LDS
But it looks fears - too many fears - is turning again Western countries to think "dictators" are the way to go to keep things quiet. History has shown several times it's the wrong bet. There's never a "good dictator" - too much power corrupts anybody, and then stopping them becomes terribly expensive - including lives .... LDS
Mirror, mirror, on the wall ... who's the worst dictator of them all? .......
The elephant and donkey in the room is an ignorant bully, and we all know what always happens to them. They get what they rightly royally deserve, and in spades.
And a little something for the Westminster Puppet Theatre to ponder on and wonder at the cost of supporting mindlessly.
Be careful what you wish for when following fools feasting of follies ....... idiots r us
Are Westminster and the unionist side of the Executive and Assembly intent on creating more "Troubles" which will next/this time target them personally rather than the public generally, for a lot was learnt by many from the mistakes of the last time?
amanfromMars [1505120953] …. saying more on
The law of unintended consequences allied to the ire of a disenchanted populace should not be misunderestimated, AndyB.
There is always money from nowhere for warfare so why not for welfare, is a question which is always avoided. Oh, and money for insolvent banks to continue their shenanigans too. Things are worse now than they ever were before, are they not?
Who has benefitted over the last number of years tells you all that you need to know about the games in the Great Game being played and playing societies as the fool to be taken advantage of, and hopefully, extraordinarily rendered practically powerless and virtually useless.
Don't be putting any money or something of value on that hope being fulfilled though, for it is the Grand Master of Follies, to be sure, to be sure.
amanfromMars {1505121033] … asking an obvious question on Slugger
 Oh I know. That's the other elephant in the room - we have no power to change the Tories' spending priorities. I wish we did. …. AndyB
Is that akin to Direct Rule from Westminster by the back door which effectively renders Stormont an expense riddled sham and scam ...... which is then, in all truthfulness, a fraud perpetrated on and against the electorate which imagines and expects things otherwise?
This is how it simply works nowadays, AndyB ...... but it is fraught with vulnerabilities to exploit and flash crash systems with.
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws. …. Mayer Amschel Rothschild
amanfromMars [1505121143] ...... exercising a disturbance in the force on
After listening to Stephen (the biggest show in the country) Nolan this morning, I am wondering if Sammy Wilson and colleagues knows of the role played by quislings and if they are happy to cause that thought to be shared about their capitulation to austere imposition forces?

 amanfromMars said... replying to a comment on

Some, which may be more than just many, might believe those two options you present, already be working together and in unison for a perverse chaotic state of collapsing remote control, CE.

Starting and starring in wars and conflicts never ever won anybody friends and has always created hordes of unknown passionate enemies, which is to a very smart thing to do at all.

12 May 2015 at 12:36


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 May 16:24 [1505121624] ……. baiting Goldilocks bears on ?
CyberIntelAIgent Security and Virtual Protection is AIMining Field of ET* HyperRadioProActivity
"Strict legal controls, safeguards and requirements apply to all GCHQ’s activities, which can only be carried out for the statutory purposes and in support of the national security priorities that are set by ministers," it said.
Oh please, you cannot be serious.
If that be the case, and I wouldn't like to be believing it in the first place, is GCHQ unfit for future cyber intelligence and security purpose. There aint no rules regulating key players in these explosive new Great Games, and to think and believe that there are, has one immediately displaced and relegated to the sub-prime divisions, to be kept disadvantaged.
And if £28k is the pay, does the the private sector pay more than twice as much for exactly the same sort of thing? ........ Principal Engineer - Cyber Security [QUB]
Pay peanuts, get monkeys does not a prime force make.
Having said that, knowing what needs to be done to be effective in the field, has one able to command whatever one requires, and that be a richness beyond compare or argument.
*Extra Territorial
amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 May 18:38 [1505121838] saying more on
Re: While the salary is attractive
I wasn't looking at the White Hat job, there's a Web Development role at GCHQ Cheltenham for £45k. … wolfetone
And Dark Web Development pays a princely premium, wolfetone, but we’ll say no more on that. It’s IT is hush hush, wink wink, nudge,nudge …. Classified TS/SCI.