amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 May 07:57 [15050407557] ….. exploring a novel opportunity on
Re: У Лукоморья
Funny, but...... Russia wants to build its own Windows, says it's got to be Open Sauce full of sovereignity. …… Tail Up …….
I'd be most pleased and more than just a tad interested in providing the armoured glass for such as would be both a noble ennobling and Nobel worthy enterprise, Tail Up. The Western punted pictures presented by their SCADA administration systems are suffering debilitating pains with terminal prognoses from broken cracked panes and obviously bankrupt subprime intellectual property supply.
amanfromMars Mon, 05/04/2015 - 08:11 [1505041311] …….. stating the bleeding obvious on
Do bankers and their media and political enablers not realise that such action will target them and their co-interdependents all personally likely for liquidation/witch hunting/lynching? That be not a smart move, methinks, in a world full of internetworking psychopaths and terrorists.
It is a madness, pure and simple, which no sane administration would tolerate in support of a postmodern fascism and virtual despotism.
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