Saturday, 2 May 2015


At some point I will be offering a free tech trial for DB and friends ..... Bill Ross
Look forward to engaging in the generous offer and exploiting the opportunities presented with the vulnerabilities exposed to be stripped bare for a bull run killing market/deep and dark pool arena in the command and control of ....... well, if weaponised be they CyberIntelAIgent Warrior Generals and Grand Master Wizards of the Great Game at least, methinks, .... ergo IT is. :-)
:-)Poe's Law Rules:-), as does steganography too in the field with one time keypad protocol use for secure protection.
Nice one, Bill. It should cause quite a titanic stir and guarantee the Powers That Be a whole new system that suffers not from the follies and failings of fools and financing who and which be future useless blunt tools. Bravo.
amanfromMars Sat 2 May 09:03 [1505020903] staying the bleeding edge obvious on
“unlawful use of secret scientific material”
Secret scientific material? Oh please, there is nothing secret or scientific about rigging and front running ponzi markets and laundering services for fiat currencies exchanging and accepting dollar$, is there?
Goldman Sachs, J'accuse?
amanfromMars [1505020923] giving an alternate view and very likely most probable reality on
“As a leaker…You’d have to be fucking insane to trust Assange,” writes the former WikiLeaker, who asked for anonymity because his association with WikiLeaks has never been publicly revealed. He points to WikiLeaks’ past decisions to publish large troves of raw documents, rather than ones carefully filtered by journalists to avoid harming innocent people. “Why would you go for Anarchist Punks Weekly instead of, say, the Guardian or the Washington Post?”
There is a body of mass which would suggests that the filtering by journalists is also to avoiding outing the guilty of taxing crimes against humanity by reason of their vanity and insanity and in a conspiracy to maintain a flawed corrupt and perverse system of fiat capital control …….. remote paper tiger power.

amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 May 12:20 [1505021220] …. spreading the word and muckraking? on
The Emperor/Squid has No Clothes
The following from Wired’s report on the case and verdict ……….
But Aleynikov underestimated the wrath and determination of Goldman Sachs and prosecutors. Shortly after his federal conviction was overturned, the district attorney’s office in Manhattan found state laws under which they could charge him for the “unlawful use of secret scientific material” and the “unlawful duplication of computer related material”.
Today Aleynikov was found guilty under the first charge but acquitted of the second.
“As today’s verdict demonstrates, the misappropriation of proprietary information is a crime,” New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance said in a statement.
……. elicited this valid comment and surely not altogether alien view ……
amanfromMars Sat 2 May 09:03 [1505020903] staying the bleeding edge obvious on
“unlawful use of secret scientific material” 
Secret scientific material? Oh please, there is nothing secret or scientific about rigging and front running ponzi markets and laundering services for fiat currencies exchanging and accepting dollar$, is there?
Goldman Sachs, J'accuse?
And here be a not ancient view worth noting and never forgetting to always remember ......... “If one tells the truth, one is sure, sooner or later, to be found out." .... Oscar Wilde. :-)
Marc to Market, Hi and Howdy,
Whenever you realise that Uncle Sam and the Fed have lost the plot and the virtual reins which universally lead undereducated masses, because of an unravelling and transparent sub-prime ignorant global narrative and arrogance disregard of intelligence, which is no longer enabling and being slavishly followed as if gospel, is the future course of events and actions more than just obscure and likely.
And flogging a dead donkey and white elephant in the room is a surefire recipe for disaster in the face of a colossal catastrophe in support of a disgraceful failed exercise ...... Project for the New American Century

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