Thursday, 28 May 2015


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 May 07:28 [1505280728] …. sharing a quickly realising reality on
Now we're getting somewhere interesting, where the level playing fields are anything but equal.
The software allows the robot to build a map of its surroundings and its own movement. If there's a malfunction, a software algorithm dubbed "Intelligent Trial and Error" kicks in and allows the robot to perform self testing, game out a solution, and then put it into practice.
"Each behavior it tries is like an experiment and, if one behavior doesn't work, the robot is smart enough to rule out that entire type of behavior and try a new type," Cully said.
Sounds an awful lot just like IT is SMARTR Enabled. And that is surely nothing new? Self Monitoring Analytical Reporting Technology Robots are quite human in an alien environment.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 May 10:25 [1505281025] …. sharing on the likelihood of future happenings in an austere environment led by the intellectually challenged and wilfully arrogant majoring in ignorance.
The Rise and Rise of Stealth with Danegeld the Currency of/for Progress
They flog the ongoing support as it's RaaS (Robots as a Service) - failure to keep up payments or cancelling the agreement results in a remote wipe+shutdown of the bot(s). .... davidp123
Hmmm? A real concern to be virtually worried about and wary of triggering is in a remote wipe+shutdown of the friendly enough bot(s) and the engagement and deployment into fields of endeavour and SCADA command and control of their crazy cousins and bigger brothers.

amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 May 13:53 [1505281353] …… saying a few words on
They don't like it up them ..... so now you know what to do?
The Snoopers' Charter certainly does at least one thing extremely well. It identifies practically all of those individuals worthy of further personal extreme attention, in both Parliamentary seats and much further beyond, just as this lost and confused soul found out to his reported consternation and public annoyance ........
Intellectually challenged and with a learning disability in elected ruling classes is a recipe for mounting disaster and ab fab fabless chaos/madness and mayhem. And who would argue that it is not well deserved and highly appropriate an APT ACT.

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