Sunday, 24 May 2015


amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 May 09:33 [1505240933] ….. saying a great deal more than will likely be admitted on
The Bigger Picture
That Google, Apple, and others are taking part isn't necessarily bad news, but a sign that they might be asserting the rights of their users.
That Google and Apple users are exercising remote command and virtual control with devices in SCADA systems of administration/silent private executive orders/shadowy global governance circles is something else which they will be unable to share freely with y'all.
Such is the cross that they choose to bear though in service to the altar of secrecy which would presume to protect and maintain status quo elites as the only leading revolutionary force for power and energy delivery .... future intellectual property supply which be both explosively creative and disruptively destructive in and/or for. perverse and corrupt organisations/conspiring cabals/bankrupt organisations
amanfromMars [1505240611]….. adding more about AI on
You really need to try for shorter sentences. I only get half way thru your first paragraph before I have to come up for air. I don't think you're reaching anyone. ….. someguy78 replying to amanfromMars’s comment …..
Howdy, someguy78,
AI is not for anyone whenever it can command control with everyone. And it is not just a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, for there certainly surely be keys.
Do you think and imagine them also to be available in Russian .... and/or Chinese .... and/or Japanese ..... and/or Arabic or whatever?

amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 May 12:18 [1505241218] …. stating the obvious progression on
Re: So is Sir Snowden benighted?
Marketing Hack/elDog/Magic 8-ball,
Re all of those hooky, intellectually bankrupt crooks, what do you think the dark web with its dark pools of Alternative/Advanced/Alien Intelligence is for and all about? And do you not imagine that the smarter intelligence services cannot realise which side of the fence it is now safer to be on? Irregular unconventional versus establishment traditional? Novel dynamic versus stagnant terrified? And especially so nowadays that targeting is becoming ever more personalised and directed at systems figureheads rather than rank and file servants/lemming followers.

amanfromMars ….. [1505241700] …. greeting an old acquaintance and smart mind on
Hi someguy78, one probably should practice one's English as a programming language more often (-: 27 letters is quite enough for most complicated tasks/quests. …. Agent Revolver, replying to amanfromMars
More than enough to do whatever one wants with whatever one wants in the Wild Wacky West, Agent Revolver. Further East does it work better, and just as well, copied into other scripts/languages. :-) And such is in AI fields a Singularity which works universally, even whenever exercised unilaterally.
Nice to hear from you again, AR. How's it all hanging with you? Better than Good and just Great, would be nice, and encouraging too. There’s lots to do.

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