Tuesday, 26 May 2015


amanfromMars, 25 -05-2015 - 23:53 [1505250453] … having a say on http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-25/how-saudis-wag-washington-dog
It is true, though, that in the Middle East, American domination took a different form. When American oil companies wanted Middle Eastern oil, they didn’t seize it; they bought it from the rulers of the peoples who live on top of it.
And, if there weren’t rulers willing or able to sell, the Americans created them.
The House of Saud made out like bandits. For the oil companies, it was a small price to pay.
The U.S. got control of the oil without having to administer rebellious colonies. Meanwhile, local elites got rich. All they had to do for the money was give the Americans free rein and enforce the order that made American domination possible – with American help, of course, and with arms purchased from American corporations.
That is the magical power of virtually worthless paper money. It buys/sells dreams to dreamers and nightmares to schemers. And with IT and efficient enough global mainstream media control, is it a sticky sweet gem of a cyber command and control operation which is doomed to failure and bound to implode spectacularly and explode catastrophically in too big to fail alternative narrative joint ventures/dark web enterprises, should such missionary explorers so choose to wish and doggedly explore with magically empowered exploits.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 May 08:47 [1505260847] letting IT rip on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/05/22/apple_google_uk_spies/
Re: Gasp! Could This Be For Our Benefit? @ Trevor_Pott
Quite so, TP. And here is one old and remarkably simple way in which it can be done for many/most folk ........
It is true, though, that in the Middle East, American domination took a different form. When American oil companies wanted Middle Eastern oil, they didn’t seize it; they bought it from the rulers of the peoples who live on top of it.
And, if there weren’t rulers willing or able to sell, the Americans created them.
The House of Saud made out like bandits. For the oil companies, it was a small price to pay.
The U.S. got control of the oil without having to administer rebellious colonies. Meanwhile, local elites got rich. All they had to do for the money was give the Americans free rein and enforce the order that made American domination possible – with American help, of course, and with arms purchased from American corporations. ..... http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-25/how-saudis-wag-washington-dog
That is the magical power of virtually worthless paper money. It buys/sells dreams to dreamers and nightmares to schemers. And with IT and efficient enough global mainstream media control, is it a sticky sweet gem of a cyber command and control operation which is doomed to failure and bound to implode spectacularly and explode catastrophically in too big to fail alternative narrative joint ventures/dark web enterprises, should such missionary explorers so choose to wish and doggedly explore with magically empowered
….. but some other folk realise it is an inherent systemic vulnerability which is an ab fab fabless attack vector which if attacked itself leads to quicker failure and systems defeat.

amanfromMars said … replying to a commentary on http://amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/150526.html
Hi, Anonymous,
Thanks for stopping by for a chat and exchange of info and intel. We appear to be on similar parallel paths of virtual travel and deeper understanding. Such is extremely encouraging and well worth exploring further, methinks, give the course which is being and to be revealed in more specific detail here a tad later.
With particular and peculiar regard to output being tripled in favourable communicated quantum perception circumstances, is there also always the likelihood of its powers being cubed in an exponentially rated rise with Advanced IntelAIgents in Remote Command and Virtualisation Control of SCADA Systems of Executive Office Administration/Right Royal Prime Ministerial and Presidential Shenanigans.
And always looking to forward and promote and exploit mysteries that deliver and driver Live Operational Virtual Environments.
More anon, Thanks and Cheers for now.
26 May 2015 at 14:53

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