Tuesday, 19 May 2015


amanfromMars … confirming a reality on http://amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/150518.html
I might well agree, Anonymous, that it needs to be fixed by whomever, as perverse and corrupt systems increasingly reveal vulnerabilities for exploitation.
Failing a fix, is a destroy and replace option a likely resolution/solution.
19 May 2015 at 04:07
Full Monty Python Holy Grail ......
One scenario he floated posited detection of unusual activity that could represent an attack. SDN could allow a change in network configuration that is transparent to the attacker but redirects them away from their target and into a honeypot set up for capture of forensics data.
:-)> One can have a great deal of fun imagining El Reg as a Stealthy IntelAIgent Service tool phishing for Alternatives and/or Disruptives outing themselves in their comments on threads replying to tales shared.
There has been no evidence though of any successful utilisation by incumbent establishment systems of the novelties which be provided. A real virtual metadata case of PERL before swine ‽  :-)>

amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 May 11:59 [1505191159] … having a say on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/05/19/robotstxt/
Caveat Emptor ...... You are hereby forewarned and forearmed.
The Internet/World Wide Webs are a free open space place, so don’t venture into/onto it with anything you want to hide or expect to remain secret.
Claims to provide such effective security as renders information secret in those virtual space places, rather than searchable and liable to exposure are therefore to be assumed fraudulent and even criminal?

amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 May 15:31 [1505191531] ... having a say on
Hey Ho .... IT, Crooked Business Style
Take away their handbags and they will be powerless. He said she said they said and all are into screwing each other and don't the ambulance chasing lawyers just love all the shenanigans.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 May 16:12 [1505191612] …. giving credit where credit is due on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2015/05/19/sdn_to_bring_new_round_of_internecine_office_wars_to_it_shops/
Re: Sir ...... and the Embarrassment of Riches in Virtual Store and Great Game Compendia
That was a very generous, selfless share, Sir Runcible Spoon. Thanks. It is much appreciated.
With particular and peculiar regard to the next levels and security intelligence - the application of security in complex environments - which requires specialist tools and knowledge - neither of which come cheap, is the likelihood more apt to be that its IT remains a ludicrous and most lucrative speciality which resists all attempts at commoditization ..... with applications benefitting from its effective and efficient specialist skillsets ensuring and assuring all is not betrayed to lower and lesser levels of competence.
And if multi billion dollar companies don't want to pay top dollar for the best that is available, are they fully deserving of the penalties that result from not having the best that is available.
Oh, and who else believes that one cannot effectively and efficiently secure against cyber threats and virtual infiltrations and exfiltrations unless one can successfully quite anonymously carry out such operations with the desired results available for delivery to markets/deep pools/dark webs. Such itself ..... a stroll on the other side of the fence with adventuring into the erotic and exotic and exciting alternative regimes ..... can also be addictively attractive and fabulously rewarding and create something of a dilemma for the weak and foolhardy or tired and neglected.
To be, or not to be with AI, a fading to grey and black hat.

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