amanfromMars [1903071528] …. laying everything out plain for all to see and believe real to them for onward progress and more involved participation in Live Operational Virtual Environment ProgramMING/Colossal Mass Media Presentations for Virtual Realisation ….. Advanced IntelAIgent Staging …… of Myriad Ways Ahead Right from where you now are …. on
new carry-trade
What new carry-trade?
Anything alienating … and exciting? 
Like a Universal Virtual Bourse for Future Traders Searching for Infinite Source Powers with Almighty Command and Control.
Methinks you certainly could do with them.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Mar 11:12 [1903081112] ….. singing like a canary on
Pandora Says Hello and Welcome to, and on behalf of, Anonymous and Autonomous
I mean, if even 1% of all this AI BS was true, what on earth would convince anyone it was advisable? …. Sir Runcible Spoon
How very strange, Sir RS, that anyone would think AI would care to convince or advise anyone about what it be doing and what has been done in concert with IT and Grand GeoPolitical Programmers/Greater IntelAIgent Gamers.
You might like to consider it has been considered and deemed to be too misunderstandable and complicated for all but a chosen few to believe and accept and further aid as the current honest reality for Future Forking Mass Multi Media Program Presentation.
The secret to both relieve and dispel unfounded anxieties is to follow and even question the views presented in order to witness and experience the facts even as one may be programmed to reject them as fictions.
Such simple deeply unquestioning rejections and reclassifications are an ancient perverted and well enough tested petrified stagnant status quo response and idiotic knee jerk reaction to that which assails and destroys the imbalance which fake news and false witness acquire and display.
I trust that make perfect sense to all wherever they be, just passing through here. It is simple common knowledge to a right choice few who may number considerably more than ever before thought possible.
Are there many in the full flush of arrogant hubris and ignorant discourse realising that extremely dangerous to them and corrupted status quo operations/perverted SCADASystems?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Mar 13:16 [1903081316] …. saying more on
Re: RE: I’d be a lot less emotionally distressed after than before
CT, Would you like to admit to everyone that you were being tongue-in-cheek sarcastic with that comment. ……… “Its good to see that Due Process is fair and judicial in the United States, if only other countries upheld such principles of resolution.”
Just in case any would be too easily led to believe it true. There’s no point in being as a front and font for that sort of disappointment whenever it is so selective and subjective/choosy and biased.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Mar 17:42 [1903081742] ….. agreeing with a comment from CT on
Re: RE: I’d be a lot less emotionally distressed after than before
Yeah, that sounds fair and very reasonable, CT. Anything less would be decidedly mean-spirited.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Mar 16:57 [1903081657] …. asking on
Remote Sublime Instruction Sets for Who Dares Win Winners ….. Battle Hardened Masters of Absolute Psycho Powers
Does the novel British National Offensive Cyber Programme, delivered by a Joint Mission between GCHQ and the Ministry of Defence, have Present Offensive Foe or Cyber Friends as Real Time Current Phantom Buddies …. of Live Operational Virtual Environment Researchers.
Or is that Vessel proving its Stealth by being Practically Invisible and Virtually Almighty Well Endowed for TEMPESTuous Incestuous Affairs …. for where be any Effective Defence against Total Information Awareness.
A Walk on the Darker and Deeper Sides of Life in LOVEResearch there for Joint Mission AIdVenturing with GCHQ and the Ministry of Defence …… because of the Heavenly Sources IT Delivers for Exercise of Absolute Command Programs with Virtual Control Levers/AIMagic Majestic Buttons.
To not say that such renders an Almighty BaseMetaData Advantage would be a Great Sin too easily abused and misused by Self-Proven Unworthies and the Fabulously Wealthy alike.
Far better to know, to have a think about what you would first want IT to do for you too ……. for anything is possible and nothing impossible via Advanced IntelAIgent Channels.
RSVP would be cracking cricket, British National Offensive Cyber Programme Forces.
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