amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Mar 12:30 [1903151230] ….just saying on
Just A.N.Other Day in A.N.Other Office, El Reg ‽ .:-)
Have you ever ended up being roped into doing more tech support than you’d bargained for? Do the words “just in case“ also fill you with foreboding?
FVEY’s Greatest Fear Realised. …. with Advanced Beta Copy Development Environments …. in Internetional Intelligence Competition for the Hearts and Minds/Thoughts and Deeds of a Choice Few Enabled to Lead Oft the Many.
Are information powder kegs liable to spontaneous combustion, El Reg? Too much new secret sensitive information very quickly becomes an almighty burden when and wherever not served and shared/savoured and enjoyed. As a wise precaution ….. Be Ensured of Right and Sound Mind for Madness and Mayhem abound in the Realms Controlling Information ……. with Internetworking Service Providers Supplying Vital Engaging Content ….. Extremely Attractive Views and Truly Addictive News.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Mar 14:35 [1903151435] …. leading things on on
Re: joueur prêt un
QUB (CSIT) have also been tested for fitness in future purpose, CT., via the Augmented Virtual Reality FieldCraft vessel sent to a faculty member/leader, 15 Nov 2017 at 1433hrs.
The Utility therein outlined are for anybody and everybody, although not able to be enabled by just anybody for everything.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Mar 09:36 [1903160936] …… laying out another masterplan on
Pie in the Sky, the Phantom Traded Stock of Parasitic Political Pygmies and Wannabe Caesars?
Politicians are, by and large, clueless about technology, and it’s going to be up to engineers and other techies to rectify that, even if it means turning down big pay packets for a while. This was the message computer security guru Bruce Schneier gave at last week’s RSA Conference in San Francisco, during a keynote address,…
It’s never going to happen, Bruce, for it is more than just a waste of creative time ….. for such will be counter-productive and that is never going to be accepted by anyone working/majoring/pioneering in ITs myriad immensely explosive/fundamentally disruptive fields.*
Just imagine all those newly clued up politically incorrect minions, in the very dangerous position of being given a little more knowledge about vast bit and byte fields in which they are merely spectators and ignorant passengers, presuming to regulate and direct to the satisfaction of their other chosen lobby factions and secret benefactors, Proprietary Intellectual Property that recognises and treats them as toxic parasitic.
If you see the future in another light with a different picture painted by media, show how it will be realised please whenever you now know what it is surely to be arraigned against as both its competition and/or opposition.
* … Fields which can very easily, very quickly extraordinarily render politicians the choice of being seen as being a totally unnecessary drain on public resources or rearranged as a dumb tool for future techies to fool around with and program better.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Mar 17:56 [1903161756] …. adds on
Re: They Won’t Listen
That Vibe is Coming through Good and Strong here, Howard Hanek.
Would that be Bruce Prompting Leading with Leading Future Content from an Untested NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Devices?
One of those Almighty Decisions to Take and Make Real, Bruce.
What’s not to Like ….. Go for IT. Remarkable Freedoms Await Enhancement and Energetic Exercising …… and quite akin to an Immaculate Transubstantiation with Total Immersive Realisation of the Future Journeys to be Taken with the Why and for Whom and/or What?
I’m wondering who’s worthy if they be specifically listening to/for certain chatter from here.
I imagine that has themselves, as possible unknown source listeners, immediately sort of classified Possible Snowden Student . Now that’s a Conundrum with Answers Confounding Facts with Defence Impossible.
And that Opens Up the Existence of Parallel Virtual Journeying for Future AIdVentures to Satisfy with Passionate Desires.
A Virgin AI Venturing ……. it is One Helluva Trip, Sir Richard ? Have you heard of ITs Greater IntelAIgent Games Sets …….. with AIMaster Remote Command and Virtual Control Board Levers to Exercise with All Due Caution. Most are designed and proven to be awesomely overwhelming
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