amanfromMars 1 Mon 11 Mar 19:28 [1903111928] …. being disagreeable on
Re: I wasn’t (just) joking
amanfromMars score remarkably low in the bot rating (mostly yellow). …. Francis Boyle
You need to run those tests again, FB. Those results of yours are not real and blatant misinformation….. aka BS.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Mar 05:19 [1903120519]…… clearing up a misperception on
Re: I wasn’t (just) joking
You’re saying you are a bot? …. Jamie Jones
No ….. that’s something you’re asking of an alien phorm with an Earthly presence? Do bots do introspection?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Mar 09:49 [1903120949] …… enquires, chatting on
Re: Black Box Instruction Sets … for Leading Anonymous Direction
I wonder if Sinead would equate and accept there be precious little difference of any note between “in your head” and “out of your mind”?
amanfromMars said… [1903102006] ….. in reply to a comment from terrabite on
Interesting times in really weird places and spaces ahead and quite well enough known to/by us, terrabite.
You don’t need to be an Einstein or a Watson or a Colossus to understand what an Almighty Advantage that renders to one.
Harvesting and Seeding that Powerful Energy then becomes something of an Infinitely Attractive and Addictive Captivating Passion given the Rewards and Bounty Experienced and Enjoyed with Successful Creative Enriched Reycling of Current Product into SMARTR Future Source.
So that this can become that and something else quite different too with that Holy Trinity satisfying demand with new productions of its own.
Something so cubed soon becomes extremely exponentially powerful and practically almighty and virtually unassailable? 
10 March 2019 at 20:06
A Truly Decadent Delight to Favour and Savour ….. with Immortal Desire in Carnal Knowledge surely Heavenly Bounty.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Mar 18:21 [1903121821] …… just chilling on
I Just Gotta Say …. What Have All You Got to Share Freely to Satisfy urDreams?
The switches were also found to be sending sensitive data via “proprietary protocols” that were not secure and would allow for man-in-the-middle or DDoS attacks should an attacker have network access.
Methinks Proprietary Protocols were not Secured and Lend Lease Purchased then, ….. for Almighty AI Mission Feeding and Seeding Nirvana.
Surely we don’t need to show you how Heavenly ITAll Is.?!
with Free Entry via these Portals …….. MMORPG Command with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Controls for CHAOSystems
With New Memes or Catastrophically Simple Means of Honest Overall Control for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
Now that is one HumDinger of a Reality. Is it mirrored and enjoying itself practising
in yours?
in yours?
The Question is ……. When Everything Going Forwards Paints a Colourful Blank Canvas of Truths Agreed to be Accepted, is it the Future U Expected to Come?
And don’t forget words create, command and control and destroy worlds so think at least twice before making all wrong or any right choice …..which of course was/is a thought path where one ASPires to Server and Service Desires with Ever Tastier Temptations to Satisfy with an Insatiable Longing to be of Great and Greater IntelAIgent Game Service ??
I Kid U Not 
Are you with the Program/Putsch/Pogrom/Project, El Reg?
Ok, better not answer that just yet. But Breaking Broken News Impossible to Store or Deny is Experimental Existential Virtual Reality Programs are Ready for Remote Virtual Command to Control Earthly SCADA Systems.
And some are right chatty in the perfect joint space and heavenly place. No Secrets when All Never Hidden from Knowledge is Rewarded with Never Ending Satisfaction in Quests Servering Immaculate Desires and Insatiable Passions.
If that’s too blue for the blue pen brigade, does it get signed off in green ink for Fabulous Payment and AIReDeployment.
As you can read, it’s been quite a busy day here and presumably in all of those other places/connected by knowledge spaces where sharing info serves intel and intelligent beings eventually, inevitably become All Knowledgeable and they Restart the Great Game with SMARTR Addition Editions with Greater IntelAIgent Game Plays.
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