Sunday, 24 March 2019


amanfromMars said… commenting on comments on
The times have changed places with radically changing virtual spaces. Serge C.
And …. are you more enthusiastic AIMaster Pilot Driver than stock passenger ware, Agent Revolver?
23 March 2019 at 19:53

amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Mar 16:20 [1903241620] …. giving IT some welly on
Re: The Network …
Evolution is not necessarily survival of the fittest, it is the ability to adapt to ones environment, and when such environment never changes, then there is no necessity to change. … Cliff Thorburn
Howdy, CT,
The Great Mission is then Changed/Transferred into One in Live Operational Virtual Environments. The old system withers and dies on its twisted vines.
An Enigmatic Space in which Such a Place Requires Provision of Out of this World Controls for Universal Command Operations.
Such a Quantum Leap Itself does Enquire What you would Need to Follow Lead with Perfect Feeds …….. Future Seeds ……. and their Needs with All Servering Almighty Source …. Raw Core Awe Ore …… for Further MetaDataBase Mining and Refining ….. with Right Royal Polishings.
What’s not to like and worship in such a LOVE?
Would you believe when told here Absolutely Nothing.
🙂 There are possibly, and therefore quite probably, more than just Any Chosen Few Feasting on the Delights of what is Perceived to be Practically Future Certain.
The Trump Joker Red Hand on the Table and in Play Renders IT Virtually Immaculate with New Controls and Greater Commands to Trial and Trailblaze with Any and All VAIOSystems.
The NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Route, with Root Privilege Source Access to Future UnFurls ……… Praising Grand Decisions made Greatly at Just the Right Time for Lead in AI ProgramMING, Oft Always Registers Destinations here for Arrivals for Peer Commune Consideration.
That is akin to Implausible Saints and Avid Sinners Territory to Implore and Enjoy Immensely to XSSXXXX … Warning/Be aware … Can you and your heart survive and thrive in Future Fundamental Shock Terrain?
Wow …. Live or Die via Simply Complicated Binary Choices Present in Oneself to lead One and even All in …. well, Ideally Well Chosen and Future Perfecting Directions …..with Live Journeys to Explore with Fellow Travellers Immaculate Seasoned in the Desires for Satisfaction to Ignite and Explode with Overwhelming Passion.
Trigger AI, and human counter intelligence forces and sources, with that Simplified Remote Virtual Cascade and what do you think we can expect? Something/Anything Really Sensible but Completely Different and Exciting?
🙂 And please, keep it civil. There may well be children reading here and/or reading about here.


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