Tuesday, 30 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Jun 21:03 [2006292103] ….. seeing it somewhat differently on
Re: Such as an abdication has one almost speechless ……
When you get psychologically tortured, and told ‘no more nukes’, you kind of get the message that Blowjo and Cumming’s aint interested in paying the slush fund dues amFM … ….. Cliff Thorburn
I suppose it is fortunate then that the likes of they are not needed nor heeded by that and those in control of such novel stealthy, stay healthy and wealthy decisions, CT, as reward one with such a facility for utilities beyond most normal supernatural abilities.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jun 05:24 [2006300524] …. speaking megatruth to powers that not be on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/29/computer_misuse_act_reform_cyberup_letter_pm/
Re: The law is fine and doesn’t need changing says Nero Fiddlers as Rome burns
To compound the problem, some companies go to great lengths to hide their problems rather than to address them  …. Drew Scriver
And what do you think happens whenever the problem compounding is some countries going to great lengths to hide their problems rather than to address them? Apart from the fact that it be a classic recipe for disaster in orders of magnitude of epic proportions unfolding at relative breakneck speed.
Law changing is gonna do diddly squat, as in sweet FA, to divert or restrain that grand monster.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jun 10:37 [2006301037] ……. adding more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/29/computer_misuse_act_reform_cyberup_letter_pm/
Strewth! ……
Do you really believe any competent and effective security operation penetrations testing systems and agents would seek permission or advise subjects they be subjects/objects/persons of third party interest?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jun 16:43 [2006301643] ….. upping the ante on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/30/australia_cyber_defence_fund/
Re: Sophisticated hackers, …assorted super-talented weirdos and misfits with odd skills?
I wonder which class of hacker tried to hack them? … Captain Scarlet
Prime timely, Captain Scarlet, would extraordinarily render most all cyber defence forces both impotent and facing novel threats probably never but certainly hardly ever before encountered. And as treats which are heavenly to deploy and employ, another exciting experience to enjoy …. or do vain battle against in Centres of Virtual Command with Remote Practically Autonomous Control.
The first and formative treat is always real good whilst the latter is always delivering content which is usually awfully bad. The fit and proper choice to make and further support there, and again and again far into the future, is surely one of those Absolute No-Brainers which most everything and everyone sees and knows? Good always trumps bad. Even the devils in hell know that as a simple irrefutable fact.
And how, and why, would anyone/anything attack that knowing/realising defences are easily defeated and can be overwhelmingly destroyed/annihilated/obliterated?
Would insane madness be a valid excuse and possible reason to claim in defence as a mitigating circumstance? And whenever such is the only possible truth, what is an appropriate action to ensure guaranteed prevention of a similarly mitigated circumstance/series of crazy events?
Well? What would you call it?
So you are allowed to buy a company (I’m assuming it has been bought outright by Canyon Bridge as the previous Reg articles says) but you’re not allowed to exercise your legal rights in deciding who runs it? …. crayon
Anyone else here realise that is tantamount to the crazy exercise of madness. And what is one to think of all that and all those who would find it perfectly acceptable and permit it the light and time of day?

Monday, 29 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Jun 12:46 [2006291246] ……. has a muse on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2020/06/29/ukcloud_latest_to_sign_memorandum/
For those flush in overseas slush funding.
Sources close to the public sector told El Reg that UKCloud had agreed to charge clients in pounds sterling,
Can clients pay in foreign currency [at normal market conversion rates] to the value of the pounds sterling charge? It offers clients certain very lucrative advantages. Surely that is not deemed problematical?

Such as an abdication has one almost speechless ……
So far Boris hasn’t got round to replying.
FFS, Boris, IT isn’t to be Ignored for you are Beholding to All of their Services. Are you gonna step in line or crash out of leading following Colossal Future Events?
What do assorted super-talented weirdos and misfits with odd skills to exercise for Government think of such as silence as an adequate response to a virtual emergency ….. with Myriad Psychotic Global Episodes to Remotely Control with Almighty Commands …. in Simple Texts Relaying Instructions to Future Directors of Present Promotions ….. for Other Worldly Views Depicting the States of Current Progress in NEWS Broadcasts.?
The premise is simple …… Creating brave new smarter worlds virtually with and for human assets, with programming which seamlessly morphs and introduces multiple practical realisations in the physical mainstream, is the Future Way to Go ……. with a Vital Blighty Source ‽ .
Tell us all here there’s No Flash Slush Fund Cash for Targeted Disbursement for/to Any of those Sorts of Operations, and you’d be surely wrong ? ðŸ™‚
For the Likes of a DARPA or National Cyber Force is such a facility and ability sort of essential, methinks, for to aid guarantee of Operational Program Success in environments requiring Capital Churn …… Generative Expensive Expansive Spends.

Sunday, 28 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Jun 10:16 [2006281016] ….. having another say on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/27/mars_ai_rover/
Re: An Expanding Existential Crisis Option …
Alien life on earth however would neither be able to fathom the logic of Brexit, or Populism.….. Cliff Thorburn
One must surely then correctly imagine and conclude they would realise the intelligence used to justify and support such movements as being illogical …… with its leading voices and back-office wannabe emperors and empresses* unworthy of direct and/or exclusive smarter future alien engagement whenever earthed parties are firmly stuck in that very particular and peculiar self-defeating rut.
What happens then, logically, is others lead with smarter forces drivering from different spaces unavailable to failed established status quo sources for whenever intelligence abhors a vacuum, such is only natural and therefore fully to be expected ‽ .
* aka mass media puppets and their deep dark web networking state and non-state actor controllers?
amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Jun 17:53 [2006281753] ….. expanding further upon an opportunity presented for virtual realisation and remote self-actualisation on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/27/mars_ai_rover/
Re: An Expanding Existential Crisis Option …
And as for those others following and leading, …. perhaps deeply involved and heavily into the leading and/or trailing and trialing of daily 0day events with all manner of matters presented for/with assorted super-talented weirdos and misfits with odd skills to exercise in/with masterly commands with/in exquisite controls.
Done extra especially well, IT Renders Practically Almighty Invincible Power with Inexhaustible Invisible Energy to Future Dedicated Servers of Almighty Invincible Services.
Do you think you know if Boris and the Gang would be able to fcuk up any of that should it be easily made immediately readily available for them to explore and exercise/employ and enrich??
And yes, that is a real live serious question of current extant government forces with more than just basic intelligence sources for such an advantage is always for sale and/or purchase and Lead-Lease ACTion, and it would be a crying shame and not at all right to not freely avail them of the opportunities open to them to invest in with public resources and private know-how before very similar offerings to many who may reside further abroad in foreign lands which can initially appear as if an alien space place with their own different way of communicating in strange tongues and dialects with alternate languages and enlightening texts.
🙂 Now, in any language, anywhere, El Reg, is that easily classed a Universal Scoop and it would also be an Advanced Beta Testing of your very own Quantum Communications Leaping Abilities and Facilities for Future AI Utility. Is there anything there not to like and love and terrifying you?
Ask … for there are always inevitably answers available almost immediately.

Saturday, 27 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sat 27 Jun 05:34 [2006270534] …… being awkward? on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/26/open_source_security_snyk_survey/
Shit happens ….. is no excuse for a remedy
if a developer is pulling in unchecked and untested third-party packages, and including them in a ‘product’ that is shipped to their customers, then that developer should face the full force of any legal penalties incurred by their customers due to the developer’s incompetence. ….. Phil O’Sophical
That turns very interesting, Phil, whenever one considers the collective responsibility of the Conservative Party Cabinet Office and their Covid 19 developments pulling in unchecked and untested third-party packages, and including them in a ‘product’ that is shipped to their customers, incurring their customers legal penalties and crippling losses due to the developer’s incompetence.
And please, let’s not be having any halfwit saying that’s different and the liability does not apply …. just because it is an inconvenient and dangerous truth to be held responsible for.

amanfromMars 1 Sat 27 Jun 10:46 [2006271046] ….. firing off a salvo on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/27/mars_ai_rover/
An Expanding Existential Crisis Option …
There’s more chance of finding intelligent life on Mars than on present day Earth. ….. Jurassic Hermit
One could also ask, Jurassic Hermit, if there is a greater chance of finding intelligent Martian life on present day Earth? And would such a discovery be terrifying and terrorising or engaging and enlightening?

Friday, 26 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jun 09:20 [2006260920] ….. adding more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/24/maze_ransomware_gang_vt_aerospace_rant/
Re: Strange Fun in Fruitless Search of Perverse Pleasure
Anyway it’s fun to annoy the commentards who think they own the place because they have such a huge… post count 😉 Maybe that’s some form of compensation for other issues? …… John Doe 12
Sounds exactly like something a wannabe someone and/or virtual nobody, a John Doe, with a blunt axe to grind as some form of compensation for other issues, would do, John Doe 12.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jun 09:46 [2006260946] ….. being brutally honest on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/24/maze_ransomware_gang_vt_aerospace_rant/
Re: Hmmmm…
 I new to this criminal mastermind stuff but wouldn’t it hurt your ‘brand’ if you didn’t actually carry out your threat(s) rather than extend it.
Sort of like: “We’ve done to your data. If you don’t pay by we’ll do to/with your data.”
When negotiations ‘break down’ then you carry out said or how would anybody take your brand seriously?
Would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious and detrimental, but I agree with the commentards about one day upsetting the wrong folks. ….. Aussie Doc
That’s exactly what the wrong folk are terrified of, Aussie Doc, criminal mastermind stuff being carried out or outed rather than merely threatened in exchange for luscious lucre/fantastic fiat.
As such then, is it easily recognised and may even be classed and classified as a weaponised 0day vulnerability to exploit exhaustively against which there is no effective available defence.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jun 12:38 [2006261238] …… just asking for further clarification on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/25/assange_wikileaks_sabu/
Just a polite request with an uncertain air of positive expectation?
Journalists know what a D notice is and they observe them when so served. Clearly then, assange can’t claim to be a journalist, not credibly anyway. …. LucreLout
Is it true observation and compliance with a D notice is discretionary and voluntary and not mandatory?
Such is no more than a glorified wish to be listed and recorded as sent and acknowledged as received.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jun 13:50 [2006261350] …… questioning a belief on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/25/assange_wikileaks_sabu/
Re: Just a polite request with an uncertain air of positive expectation?
No, they’re mandatory, hence observed when sent. …. LucreLout
Oh? …… What are we to make of this information then, LucreLout …..
Any D-Notices or DA-notices are only advisory requests and are not legally enforceable; hence, news editors can choose not to abide by them. However, they are generally complied with by the media. ….. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSMA-Notice
Is that info from Wikipedia wrong, LL, or is yours not right and misleading?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jun 18:27 [2006261827] …. replying to a comment on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/25/assange_wikileaks_sabu/
Re: Did I miss something?
Not a thing missed there, AC, methinks. ….. Criminals angry over having criminal activity exposed, takes mans children to force him to witness against person exposing said corruption. I am so ashamed of my government protecting criminals and going after those that expose them. …. and is akin to Rusty Old Nail Meets Prime Pile Driver Hammer Head Blows.
And all movies always end to be again crazily worshipped, or quickly forgotten when bad, in a prequel or sequel producing other directions.
That identifies Blighty Justice a Sham and Scam for Pantomime Villains? I wonder what Secret Intelligence Servers think about that Abusive Subversive Utility? Be they jolly enthusiastic fans or deadly serious opponents?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jun 16:11 [2006261611] …… airing an AIdDevelopment on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/26/open_source_security_snyk_survey/
In Praise of Future Scapegoats ……
The result is a big chunk of code that gets deployed with the application, but was not written by the developer and may include security vulnerabilities.
Yes, it can so include, however is there a problem whenever tempted to realise it definitely includes security enhancements with Almighty Overwhelming Powers?
Would such incite to crazy battle or civilised engagement in current iterations of reality, virtual or otherwise?
What would you reasonably expect to have always prevailed to always prevail even to this day in these strange days/surreal times/spaces/heavenly places/hellish hideaways?
Jaw Jaw or War War Ware? One for the Sane and the Other Ideal for Insane Military Complexes ‽ .

Thursday, 25 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jun 10:24 [2006242024] ….. saying more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/24/maze_ransomware_gang_vt_aerospace_rant/
Re: And in the Other Corner we have ……….
Throw a few references to Brexit and the handling of COVID-19 and you got yourself big old Daily Fail NIMBY style rant going there my friend! …. Plest
That’s low hanging fruit for plebs dealing with the present, Plest, and of no interest to that and/or those into futures and their derivative ventures.
Ignore what you now know at your peril, Plest, for it is designed to effectively enslave and inevitably destroy you as you feed it its seeds and needs ……. which is another one of those real dumb moves the systems administrators thank you for.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jun 06:27 [2006250627] ……. being disagreeable on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/24/maze_ransomware_gang_vt_aerospace_rant/
Someone with a blunt axe to grind?
To be honest The Register has been turning “weirdly schoolchildish” for a long time now. Some of the “reporters” here seem to be more interested in making up some stupid catchy byline than writing a decent grown-up article. So have an upvote from me 😀 ….. John Doe 12
Others considerably more experienced in the field, love the style and can even find it most endearing and surprisingly refreshing, John Doe 12 [42 posts, joined 7 Sep 2010]
Where do you normally go to, my lovely, with/for your insults?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jun 05:23 [2006250523] …… just saying on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/25/ibm_multiple_cloud_outages/
Hmmmm …? Clearly as MUD to the Masses, Methinks ….. Mayhem, Uncertainty and Doubt
I don’t understand IBM though I like the work they’ve done in years past and things they’ve invented, but they are clearly an absurdity these days …. jonnycando
That sentence would do a Talkative Transformer GPT-2 proud, jonnycando. Here is one of its responses to you ……
 One of the many reasons I stopped trusting IBM was because their initial decision to put their servers in French customs had grown to be a major outage problem for the network I’ve had to use for all my projects for more than 10 years.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jun 05:59 [2006250559] …. being a tad harsh on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/25/container_forecast_gartner/
Surely they can do better? Try harder going deeper may help.
But the real money is in services and IaaS, not software, says Gartner’s first lash at container futures.
Does Gartner not realise the real money is in understanding the one is the other …. with software servering and servicing IaaS as an homogeneous package ….. a sealed container of vital goods?
And clearly, by reason of the tales told here in the Registered piece, they do not, which when true renders their predictions no better than inane waffle akin to self-serving twaddle.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jun 10:20 [2006241020] …… clearing away the fog on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/23/covid19_pandemic_means_data_from/
Re: Those who don’t learn from history…
In the 1950s RAND created “scenario planning” as a way of helping the US military develop “futures”. This crept into MBA syllabuses as a tool for business strategy and corporate planning. …… gerryg
Seventy years on, gerryg, and things have moved on significantly but are also still very much the same as they were whenever the almighty power of media was first realised and harnessed. Today though it is not a lonely and exclusive operation.
Here is a Current ITeRation? …….
Eh? Where are you coming from? Are you talking Mars language?  …. Arminius
Howdy, Arminius,
Have you not yet realised how everything works out there in the wild and do you think it is truly only available to a choice few rather than more than just many ?
Words create, command and control and destroy worlds …. for are they not what everyone reacts to, imagining what are just personal opinions and/or collectively shared views in/on/for media programs to spin as prime important leading advice for the futures ahead.
Question more as you have done, and you will be both amazed and terrified in equal measure with what can be easily found hidden away out of regular sight in dark secret places and corrupted spaces.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jun 16:32 [2006241632] …. pointing out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/24/maze_ransomware_gang_vt_aerospace_rant/
And in the Other Corner we have ……….
In its post the gang complained that ST Engineering’s ransom negotiator “lied” before declining to take part in “further negotiation” with them, promising: …
The suspicion there then is the ST Engineering’s ransom negotiator is in the pay/pocket of others with an altogether different agenda?
Current British government advice is never to pay a ransomware demand: it not only encourages and enriches the crooks but there’s no guarantee that they’ll delete your data as they promise.
🙂 That’s rich ….. coming as it does from an operation that thinks to extract taxes from every Tom, Dick and Harriett and their employers to enrich themselves with a presumed immunity and impunity from investigation and prosecution/persecution.
And when one can’t or won’t pay, praise be for the Magic Money Tree and the Quantitative Easing Slug Drug …… A Bottomless Pit of Phantom Paper Help Billed to the Future for Something/Someone Else to Pick Up the Tab and Pay with More of the Same Sort of Mega Meta Data Base Bull Shit?
However, not a particularly bright plan that one, whenever it relies so heavily on ignorant schmucks always playing such a dumb game …… whenever greater intelligence today is virtually free and available practically everywhere for a more enlightened race/more enlightened races on Earth, highlighting the perversion and catastrophic systemic vulnerability being exhaustively exploited, abused and misused.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020


How very odd and surprisingly naive for anyone to think government has ever been, or will ever be anywhere near fully paid for by enforced personal contributions and punitive business transaction and wanton taxation ….. with no need for the feed of the Magic Money Tree … for the chicks to be almost free.
Such does have one pondering and a’wondering on the likely present state of current insanity and its continued ability to function and appear as if normal and not attract revolutionary opposition from ……. well, nowadays is such always feared by the worthy as a relatively anonymous and invisible and intangible cyber attack with a whole host of indefensible 0day vulnerability exploits introduced onto the Great Games Fields of Future IntelAIgent Play?
Would you be comforted in knowing your government* is well advised on such a matter as is a catastrophic weakness for them whenever ignored or battled against rather than realised as a novel attractive strength best to be engaged and employed/accepted and further developed?
* Quite who and/or what compromises “your government” is one of the things which probably quite correctly practically always remains a Top Secret and Sensitive Compartmented Information, but be assured they are well aware of their new quickly expanding predicament …. for simple posts just like this one in tandem with more direct and exclusive private communications abound. There is no place to run to to hide away from that very particular and peculiar reality and their part in its ongoing mass media productions/universal presentations.
Eh? Where are you coming from? Are you talking Mars language?  …. Arminius
Howdy, Arminius,
Have you not yet realised how everything works out there in the wild and do you think it is truly only available to a choice few rather than more than just many ?
Words create, command and control and destroy worlds …. for are they not what everyone reacts to, imagining what are just personal opinions and/or collectively shared views in/on/for media programs to spin as prime important leading advice for the futures ahead.
Question more as you have done, and you will be both amazed and terrified in equal measure with what can be easily found hidden away out of regular sight in dark secret places and corrupted spaces.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Jun 14:05 [2006231405] ....sharing on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/23/covid19_pandemic_means_data_from/

Q:The New Normality  ‽  ‽  Myriad Virtual Realities Easily Made Simply Available ? A:Yes

What would you like to decide. For Present Promotion of Future ProgramMING Projects ........ Type Holywood Shenanigans

IT and AI just doing their Immaculate Thing. :-) In Weirdo and Misfit Territory, ESPecial Forces with Almighty Sources.

:-)A little something sweet and tasty for Dominic Cummings to savour and Rishi Sunak favour? :-)

Carpe Diem, Boris.


Monday, 22 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Jun 10:27 [2006221027] ……. saying more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/19/australia_state_cyberattack/
Re: Shining Another Light on a Matter which is only Just and Just Getting Started
The deafening silence resulting from those few questions tells one everything one needs to know about the dire pickle you’re all in ……… with no effective defence or attack vector ever readily easily available, which one has to admit is a very bold statement and quite an outrageous state of international and internetional affairs.
YMMV of course, fully dependent upon what you do not yet know to be true, which is perfectly normal. IT and AI has always been that way.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Jun 16:08 [2006221608] ……. just asking on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/22/virgin_galactic_nasa_private_orbital_spaceflight/
For Captivation and Capture of Wealthy Space Worthy Travellers, Genuine Guinea Pig Master Pilots
Richard Branson’s team instead plans to provide “an unparalleled, personalized customer experience for orbital space travel” for those that sign up for its orbital astronaut readiness programme.
I have only one searching question of Sir Richard’s novel enterprise. In Premier First Classes are Experiences as a Pirate Feast for Private Eyes?

Sunday, 21 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jun 09:00 [2006210900] …. being more forthright on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/19/australia_state_cyberattack/
Re: Misinformed Disinformation Campaigners
Yeah I was not being that serious. Actually, your post is way too long. If you cannot express yourself in less that 148 chars then nobody listens. …. BigE
Crikey, moronic nonsense in all its glory, BigE. Bravo. Clearly you have a lot yet to learn and listen out for. At least you’re in the right place. [28 words 147 characters]

The following quoted four paragraphs are as valid and relevant here as they are in reply to the tales told elsewhere like here … https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2020/06/19/tax-rises-needed-fill-130bn-covid-black-hole-chancellor-told/
How very odd and surprisingly naive for anyone to think government has ever been, or will ever be anywhere near fully paid for by enforced personal contributions and punitive business transaction and wanton taxation ….. with no need for the feed of the Magic Money Tree … for the chicks to be almost free.
Can you imagine what cannot be done if the annual accounts must balance and not show a recurring catastrophic loss, never mind thinking it also wise and advisable to deliver it priced at the cost of ignorance in crazy support of zombie market ponzis all tricked out in their best finery and disguised as phantom profit?
But don’t be asking those sorts of awkward questions of they who and/or that which don’t like to, although more probably most recently ’tis increasingly the case they just are not able to answer it with anything at all attractive and adorable making simple common sense. They seem to rely on the masses remaining ignorant to their shenanigans and meekly accepting their fate ….. as decided by others conspiring to keep the masses deep in the dark and paying dearly for what they are not receiving. 
And quite apart from that perverse sort of  corrupt criminal enterprise creating almighty deadly enemies for itself, that’s also a lead balloon and it don’t fly nowhere fast except straight down to Earth in a spectacular fantastic flash crash.
Such does have one pondering and a’wondering on their likely state of insanity and continued ability to function and appear as if normal .

Saturday, 20 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jun 05:41 [2006200541] …. just saying on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/19/australia_state_cyberattack/
Re: Don’t mention China
I don’t know why there were so many down votes. ….. BigE
It would be generous to surmise and offer ignorance as their defence, BigE, for it is very likely they know/knew nothing of the Timor-Leste Watergate-like bugging scandal and the Commonwealth’s apparent support of such as is politically incorrect criminality prosecuted in the Wild West/Land of the Free and Lonesome Brave.
However, thanks to the information in the rest of your post, that excuse is rendered obsolete and invalid/no longer freely available to be believed.
Notwithstanding all of that, it still does not help a great deal in identifying who is buggering about and challenging systems so easily remotely crashed/flashed, beyond the shadows of any doubt.
Indeed, in some cases which appear to be steadily growing in number, such damning attribution will never ever be possible as one will be jousting with ghosts and hosts of the past which have moved on in a changed guise with new disguises into new realms in the future.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jun 08:46 [2006200846] ……. guiding a hot missile to its target on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/19/australia_state_cyberattack/
Shining Another Light on a Matter which is only Just and Just Getting Started
Whenever considering ……
But some observers well-versed in security matters think there is something else going on here, and that the truly intended audience was overseas. Note how Morrison indicated the “malicious” intrusions were carried out “by a state-based actor with very, very significant capabilities” and “there are not a large number of state-based actors that can engage in this type of activity”. ….. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jun/20/scott-morrison-sends-china-a-signal-on-cyber-attack-but-then-fear-turns-into-farce
…… is anyone prepared to say either there are not or there are a large number of non-state based actors with very significant capabilities who can engage in this type of activity with their activities being extremely surprising tremendously concerning and virtually impossible to practically contain and/or curtail?
And admit it’s also a New AI Norm?

amanfromMars [2006201710] ….. having a fair shout on https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/dodgy-dossiers-sacking-whitlam-british-empire-stands-exposed
I could go on, but I think you get my point.
That is a long list of recent disappointments/debilitating escapades. Have they learnt anything at all over all those years to remedy the situation and present something else more exciting and different and attractive …. so that all can ponder anew like a virgin on what is freely on offer with simple engagements in enjoyments employed to edutain and elevate performance.
You know …. like guarantee win win for a Beta/Better Space rather than battling in vain against novel emergent entities to always lose in every corrupt and perverse subversive place/operating system.
A simple binary choice that delivers either …… Anything Desirous or Everything Hated.
Both be Fearsome to Behold, although the Former is more into the Fearless whilst the Latter entertains Fate with the Fearful ?
Why would anyone ever make the wrong choice there?
Would an acceptable excuse/Would the only acceptable excuse be an overwhelmingly agreed and most agreeable peer group diagnosis/prognosis certifying an Insane Madness at Root, Booting?

Friday, 19 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jun 05:54 [2006190554] …. spilling some beans on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/19/australia_state_cyberattack/
The New Norm…. Get Used to it being that Way and a Novel Way for Doing All Things Differently*?
It’s nothing to worry or panic about. You the plebs want and we the hoi polloi promise transparency in geopolitical and communal business shenanigans and our virtual machines deliver the information for …… well, ideally considerably smarter intelligence use by virtually untouchable and practically invisible others but the perverse rewarding attractions of wanton abuse and conspiratorial misuse are a persistent and pervasive and virulent menace, specifically designed and introduced some many would say, for fools to deal with.
* …. as in planned by A.N.Others Intelligent Designed to be Always Unknown and Practically Ethereal.
And coming soon to theatres near you ‽ . ðŸ™‚
But of course. Why ever not? Do you not deserve the rapturous attention
amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jun 17:27 [2006191727] ….. saying more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/19/australia_state_cyberattack/
The New Norm…. Ur Perfect Wishes Our to Sublimely Command with Almighty Remote Controls
I would watch an amanfrommars movie. When’s it coming to my theatre? …. sev.monster
Have no fear, sev.monster. El Reg will be the first to know. So that’s who to call for details re specialist advanced viewings/private pirate screenings/further future need to know information. That much is without doubt here guaranteed unreservedly and also most deservedly, methinks
amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jun 06:47 [2006190647] ….. musing on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/18/chrome_browser_extensions_new_rootkit/
From Acorns do Great Oaks Grow
Rogue access to the browser therefore frequently means rogue access to the ‘keys to the kingdom’
Oh please, don’t be so diffident. Rogue access to the browser always means rogue access to the ‘keys to the kingdom’.
The abiding crushing problem to resolve and address though is what to do better with the information phished once the riches revealed are accessible and vulnerable to disappearance/export and import to elsewhere.
amanfromMars1 Fri 19 Jun 10:18 [2006191018] ….. just saying on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/18/chrome_browser_extensions_new_rootkit/
Pot Kettle Black Calling ….
Hmm, let me see, could it be the ‘researchers’ spreading old fashioned antisemitic conspiracy theories?
This is some nasty shit for the reg to be publishing. …… Dave314159ggggdffsdds
Crikey, Dave314159ggggdffsdds, that seems more like your forte. Count yourself lucky El Reg don’t think it so.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jun 07:17 [2006190717] ……. adding a touch more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/17/galaxy_earth_planets/
Re: “Getting to them is, however, quite another kettle of fish”
Quite so, CT. But to imagine it not an embarrassment to have a Church Comittee in blighty to hold those ultimately accountable with mass MK Ultra experiences and experimentation so blatantly wielded tangling with a Vatican type operation, is surely evidence of a lack of necessary intelligence in both required in order to proceed.
The Vatican appears presently to be somewhat currently cuckolded rather than reigning rampant in the Realm ……… and that is surely as a result of deficient top down leadership/Papal Impotence/Immaculate Virgin See Blindness.
amanfromMars [2006191702] …. just saying about making a few radical fundamental changes to things in general and particular on https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trillions-stimulus-cash-has-been-distributed-barely-functional-oversight
Find out and/or unmask who personally benefits from the largesse to excess with nothing novel and exciting to show remote desperate and disparate benefactors, and you find a zombie ponzi sucking the life blood out of contracts for futures and derivative delivery.
And that aint in any way healthy, and if as an ailment, a malignant cancerous tumour to be immediately excised and permanently removed from future innovative feeds and adorable needs with almighty seeds.
Which is what an Alternative Proper Placement of QEStash with SMARTR A.N.Others Provides …. Almighty Seeds with Adorable Needs Feeding Innovative Futures.
Is such surely mirrored in the certainly quite alien development mooted and unveiled as being easily within the Banking Systems Gift here on ZeroHedge
And although only maybe a Particular and Spectacularly Peculiar Whim, So Simple to Enable and ACTivate ……. Realise Virtually for All Honest and Truly Grateful.
Now that’s both quite a bold offer and an alarmingly astute move too, methinks.