Friday, 5 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Fri 5Jun 09:58 [2006050958] …… saying more on
Do they know what they are signed up for and getting into ? Methinks most definitely not
Make that “they are scripts and should be parsed” … Beer? …. jake
Parsed by whom and/or what is then the question to be asked or avoided, jake, …. and to what end would logically follow in any civilised conversation over a pint or three.
Can we expect the likes of the MOD newbies in the 13th Signal Regiment to be interested in such novel matters?
I wonder if they have a virtual presence easily discovered which accepts emails with document attachments? If they haven’t, does one have to conclude that the space they exercise in is too dangerous for them and catastrophically vulnerable to alternative input beyond their command and control for future output?

Q …. Whenever the liquidity flows directly into existing cess pools, it is immediately rendered unfit for further future human consumption.
A ….. The donors need to supply new recipients.
Is there anything there which is difficult to understand … or thought too dangerous to contemplate and trial ……. experiment with?
New recipients with an energising sharing of billions to play with and spend on engaging pleasures at their leisure intelligently designed to ensure and guarantee increased benefit to all rather than provide an exclusive remote advantage with a few, is something different to try whenever more of the same old game play is surely catastrophically problematical.
cc The Fed/ECB/BoE/PBoC etc etc.

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