Tuesday, 16 June 2020


amanfromMars June 16, 2020 at 09:58 …… just asking on https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2020/06/putins-gonna-get-me/comment-page-3/
Does Russia/China/the East have a Hollywood style, Holywood MI5 Type Nerve Centre Operation which can script Great Games Changing Blockbuster Movie Pictures for Surreal Presentation and Practical Remote Virtual Realisation?
If they do, I’m not much impressed by the obvious absence of effective and attractive global media promotions teams.
Such does though present a very lucrative opportunity for anything which and anyone who can easily provide that which is missing.
And not so much a case of …”If you cannot beat them, join them” …. more a case of … “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander ‽ .

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