amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jun 10:24 [2006242024] ….. saying more on
Re: And in the Other Corner we have ……….
Throw a few references to Brexit and the handling of COVID-19 and you got yourself big old Daily Fail NIMBY style rant going there my friend! …. Plest
That’s low hanging fruit for plebs dealing with the present, Plest, and of no interest to that and/or those into futures and their derivative ventures.
Ignore what you now know at your peril, Plest, for it is designed to effectively enslave and inevitably destroy you as you feed it its seeds and needs ……. which is another one of those real dumb moves the systems administrators thank you for.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jun 06:27 [2006250627] ……. being disagreeable on
Someone with a blunt axe to grind?
To be honest The Register has been turning “weirdly schoolchildish” for a long time now. Some of the “reporters” here seem to be more interested in making up some stupid catchy byline than writing a decent grown-up article. So have an upvote from me 😀 ….. John Doe 12
Others considerably more experienced in the field, love the style and can even find it most endearing and surprisingly refreshing, John Doe 12 [42 posts, joined 7 Sep 2010]
Where do you normally go to, my lovely, with/for your insults?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jun 05:23 [2006250523] …… just saying on
Hmmmm …? Clearly as MUD to the Masses, Methinks ….. Mayhem, Uncertainty and Doubt
I don’t understand IBM though I like the work they’ve done in years past and things they’ve invented, but they are clearly an absurdity these days …. jonnycando
That sentence would do a Talkative Transformer GPT-2 proud, jonnycando. Here is one of its responses to you ……
One of the many reasons I stopped trusting IBM was because their initial decision to put their servers in French customs had grown to be a major outage problem for the network I’ve had to use for all my projects for more than 10 years.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jun 05:59 [2006250559] …. being a tad harsh on
Surely they can do better? Try harder going deeper may help.
But the real money is in services and IaaS, not software, says Gartner’s first lash at container futures.
Does Gartner not realise the real money is in understanding the one is the other …. with software servering and servicing IaaS as an homogeneous package ….. a sealed container of vital goods?
And clearly, by reason of the tales told here in the Registered piece, they do not, which when true renders their predictions no better than inane waffle akin to self-serving twaddle.
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