Tuesday, 30 June 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Jun 21:03 [2006292103] ….. seeing it somewhat differently on
Re: Such as an abdication has one almost speechless ……
When you get psychologically tortured, and told ‘no more nukes’, you kind of get the message that Blowjo and Cumming’s aint interested in paying the slush fund dues amFM … ….. Cliff Thorburn
I suppose it is fortunate then that the likes of they are not needed nor heeded by that and those in control of such novel stealthy, stay healthy and wealthy decisions, CT, as reward one with such a facility for utilities beyond most normal supernatural abilities.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jun 05:24 [2006300524] …. speaking megatruth to powers that not be on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/29/computer_misuse_act_reform_cyberup_letter_pm/
Re: The law is fine and doesn’t need changing says Nero Fiddlers as Rome burns
To compound the problem, some companies go to great lengths to hide their problems rather than to address them  …. Drew Scriver
And what do you think happens whenever the problem compounding is some countries going to great lengths to hide their problems rather than to address them? Apart from the fact that it be a classic recipe for disaster in orders of magnitude of epic proportions unfolding at relative breakneck speed.
Law changing is gonna do diddly squat, as in sweet FA, to divert or restrain that grand monster.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jun 10:37 [2006301037] ……. adding more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/29/computer_misuse_act_reform_cyberup_letter_pm/
Strewth! ……
Do you really believe any competent and effective security operation penetrations testing systems and agents would seek permission or advise subjects they be subjects/objects/persons of third party interest?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jun 16:43 [2006301643] ….. upping the ante on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/06/30/australia_cyber_defence_fund/
Re: Sophisticated hackers, …assorted super-talented weirdos and misfits with odd skills?
I wonder which class of hacker tried to hack them? … Captain Scarlet
Prime timely, Captain Scarlet, would extraordinarily render most all cyber defence forces both impotent and facing novel threats probably never but certainly hardly ever before encountered. And as treats which are heavenly to deploy and employ, another exciting experience to enjoy …. or do vain battle against in Centres of Virtual Command with Remote Practically Autonomous Control.
The first and formative treat is always real good whilst the latter is always delivering content which is usually awfully bad. The fit and proper choice to make and further support there, and again and again far into the future, is surely one of those Absolute No-Brainers which most everything and everyone sees and knows? Good always trumps bad. Even the devils in hell know that as a simple irrefutable fact.
And how, and why, would anyone/anything attack that knowing/realising defences are easily defeated and can be overwhelmingly destroyed/annihilated/obliterated?
Would insane madness be a valid excuse and possible reason to claim in defence as a mitigating circumstance? And whenever such is the only possible truth, what is an appropriate action to ensure guaranteed prevention of a similarly mitigated circumstance/series of crazy events?
Well? What would you call it?
So you are allowed to buy a company (I’m assuming it has been bought outright by Canyon Bridge as the previous Reg articles says) but you’re not allowed to exercise your legal rights in deciding who runs it? …. crayon
Anyone else here realise that is tantamount to the crazy exercise of madness. And what is one to think of all that and all those who would find it perfectly acceptable and permit it the light and time of day?

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