amanfromMars [2006091800] ….. testing out some honesty on
If no fool can’t make a successful truck with $30 billion to initially play with, they honestly then surely aint really trying nor would they be worthy of further active market support.
For one wouldn’t anyone thinking and putting two and two together and returning with … For Heavens Sake, No … Not another one whenever there are more than enough Zombie Outfits padding out and depressing the markets with ardent promises to be increasingly profitable and not too profligate with other investors monies/nest eggs …… and it is become a parasitic burden too great to bear and tolerate and now would destroy the flimsy foundational nature of your current existence with its disappearance/rapid passing/collapse/crash.
What a Crass Pickle Y’All Are In, eh? Who would lay claim to that as the Master Plan which was followed … and religiously believed in?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Jun 08:27 [2006100827] …… chatting on
crikey, the vip entry passes seem to be deleted in this ip range ….. Anonymous Coward
Spooky Shenanigans doing the Blind Panic thing, AC, and themselves no favours too in the process, which is a shame for it is immediately counter-productive and extremely revealing.
The one thing it doesn’t do is moderate the situation whenever critical mass reached inflames and energises novel forces and alternative relatively anonymous advanced sources.
It’s like taking a knife to a gunfight ……. which is not, and never ever can be, a real smart move.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Jun 15:01 [2006101501] …….. ensuring secure concrete foundations on
JEDI vs SSITHso cloud vs on premLight vs dark …. EnviableOne
Exceptionally good vs pretty awful …. is another reality currently proving its worth and value, EnviableOne
And GCHQ Bods vs NSA Bots is Yet Another One on the Greater IntelAIgent Games Fields of Almighty Play.
Where Good Plays Evil with Wrong and Right Teams Doing Battle for Invisible Proxies/Untouchable Beings.
Any question marks left there would be misleading, thus their conspicuous absence.
Misleading would be to suggest a 13th Signal Regiment Sortie in an ACTive Progressive Exercise here.
Although that gives rise to a Kelly’s Heroes vs The Dirty Dozen pairing which may be surprisingly accurate 
amanfromMars said… speculating on a particular and peculiar matter highlighted in a comment on
What does that tell you, AgRe? NOFORN ….. No FOReign Nationals? Such a purging suggests openly shared information for greater intelligent use is both extremely valuable and mightily dangerous.
10 June 2020 at 10:16
amanfromMars [2006101514] ….. being dire on
Crikey. That’s just like Ulster was 50 odd years ago. You don’t really want to go there again for it offers nothing but prolonged and unnecessary pain.
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